I honestly like seeing Wii U game ported to the Switch just so it becomes even less relevant

I honestly like seeing Wii U game ported to the Switch just so it becomes even less relevant.

>all the best games remain unported

get back to me when tropical freeze gets remembered

Tropical Freeze, Mario Maker, and Mario 3D World are all it has left.

and xcx, bayo 2, w101

I'll give you W101 but isn't Bayo2 on PC now?

no, only bayo 1. And why aren't you "giving me" xcx?

You can buy a Wii U for 50% less than the Switch and pirate as many Wii U, Wii, GameCube, and other virtual console games as you can hold on a USB or SD card.

Cool, a free Wii U console in the garbage, Merry Christmas!

You could buy a PC too and download as many of every game that isn't Switch/XBone/PS4

mario maker was ported to 3ds

That game is a joke and need not be regarded

Who buys prebuilds anymore dumbass

>xcx is going to be effected by the miiverse shutdown in november
>won't be able to file free blade reports
>some achievements are tied to it.

you could but cemu is pretty shit, only woolly world, dktf, and sm3dw/cpt. toad emulate flawlessly (and even then you really need motion/touch controls for 2 of those). BotW is playable but there's a lot of glitches.

The fact that Microsoft advertised the Xbox One X as have specs that are on par with a $1000 PC despite the fact that you build one for almost half that price is a pretty clear indicator that people still buy prebuilt computers.


>Look into WiiU section

>Less than 10 games

>Star Fox and Zelda HD edition

The fuck is there to buy?

I'm looking for some bloody games to play and I can't find any.

*despite the fact that you can build a PC with similar power for almost half that price

>mfw the ps4 is the only non-meme console since the ps2 (3ds if handhelds count)

isn't ther recycling fee on those cans?

this. wii u's are at rock bottom prices on ebay and pawn shops. get your hands on one and you pretty much got every worthwhile Switch game for free.

Wii Us are still useful as the definitive Wii machines. I guess that's worth something.

I love my Switch but I've really gotta hand it to Sony for pumping out a well made traditional home console with good and varied exclusives, unlike Microsoft's Netflixbox

But then Wiis are the definitive Gamecube machines

The Wii U is where I lost all faith in Nintendo. Getting good games in the end wasn't fucking worth it when I bought the damn thing early in it's life and it collected dust for months at a time.

The Switch being such a fucking blowout and running headfirst through the door like the goddamn juggernaut is such a breath of fresh air after those three/four years of agony with the Wii U.

>With the Wii U I would buy garbage and multiplats like Ninja Gaiden and Sonic Racing just to have an excuse to dust the fucking thing off
>With my Switch literally every single game I've bought for it so far is something I absolutely would have bought anyway

The Wii is uselss. Get a GameCube and a Wii U and you can do everything you could do on the Wii

I feel the same way, I was so fucking done with Nintendo up until March.

>tfw Pikmin 3 port never

Only arguably. The Gamecube had the gameboy player and other cool stuff the Wii never had. But otherwise yeah.

Worst Pikmin.

So the Gamecube is the definitive Game Boy

Star Fox Zero is garbage.

No because it isn't portable. What's the Wii that the Wii U isn't?

When every other game is a 10 and you release a 9.9 it's technically the worst but still a great game

You can hack the Wii U to play Gamecube games too.

>The Wii U is where I lost all faith in Nintendo.
Kill yourself
That should be the wii

Hyrule Warriors since it got a downgraded port on the 3DS with new shit
Also, where the fuck is Smash?

The ONLY reason I still hold onto it is because of Mario Maker, fuck i love that game. There are no apparent plans for a switch version right?

I usually say this every couple months in Nintendo threads to the point where I get accused of it being a copypasta, which I guess would be true. I'll even post the damn pic with it.

>Oldfag, been playing Nintendo since the NES
>The Christmas where my sisters and I got the SNES was the best Christmas of all time
>N64 was overrated garbage only liked by hipsters that got completely fucking raped by the PS1, N64 only had a handful of good games
>Gamecube was basically the SNES 2.0 to me because it had some cool as hell third party games
>The Wii was where things began to fall apart and if I didn't mod the fucking thing into an emulator box it probably would have been the only console I ever boxed up and put away
>Wii U was complete fucking garbage and how fucking goddamn dare you make me pay a fucking dollar for all the VC games I already bought

People can scream HURRRR BUSINESS MAJOR all they want about Uncle Kimmy but the fucking direction that he has pushed them in with the Switch is exactly where Nintendo needs to be.

Copy how Sony handles PS1 classics for fucks sake and everything will be peachy keen for me.

>Bloodborne machine
>Not a meme
Face it, the entire industry has become one giant meme.

Well, there was a time (2003-2004) when Nintendo advertised you could play every single Zelda game on the GameCube.
natively - Wind Waker
via the "Collector's Edition" disc - OoT, MM, the two NES games
via the Game Boy Player - LA, Oracle, and the GBA port of ALttP

Never mind that the ALttP port was sort of trash and the MM port tended to crash at inconvenient times, but it was a nice thought.

>n64 was bad
Kill yourself
>the switch is good
Yeah really off yourself fag

Would that make the GameCube the definitive N64 machine?

Majoras Mask did worse than randomly crashing on Gamecube (already bad enough with the games type of save system), it had major slowdowns and the audio would sometimes crackle.

>Mario 64
>Zelda OOT / MM


Fucking retard. I owned some cool shit like Buck Bumble and Space Station Silicon Valley that I read about in my old Boy's Life magazines, but every good game on the N64 there was ten good games on the PS1.

With the Gamecube there is no Wii remote use every time you want to use the console. Pair that with the fact the Gameboy Player can play any gameboy game ever region free, and it has its perks

>hates N64 because the PS1 outclassed it
alright that makes sen-
>likes GCN

No, but an enhanced port of Mario Kart 64 would have been kino
>would add characters and tracks without adding the "dual racers" gimmick that would ruin the game
>superior graphics with less lag
>battle mode is still fun ("last chance" bomb, better courses...neither of which DD had)

Easily better than 1

I literally want the Wii U's ports ported to the Switch

For once I agree with someone. I love my Wii U despite owning other devices, but the months of drought were unbearable

I honestly like seeing people trash the Wii U so the prices go down further and I could snatch them up, hack them, and resell them to dumb zelda normies for a markup.

The worst possible game to crash too due to the saving system. I have memories of losing not just my progress since my last save, but days of effort gone

As a Wii U owner, the more Wii U games get ported, the less reason I have to buy a Switch.

Bayo sucks. The combat is boring as hell and the levels have way too much flare. Not to mention her character ruined Smash bros with her overpowered bullshit.

t. smashbabby

Wii U is the last thing I'll ever buy from Nintendo