Have you ever tried to kill yourself over a videogame?

Have you ever tried to kill yourself over a videogame?

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Still this day, that scene trigger me. "Muh duel honor" my ass Kaiba.

I'm not brave enough to do something like that.

Yes, it was minecraft


I don't blame him. His brother's life was on the line.

How the heck did they get away with that in America?

I'm not autistic enough to get this fucking emotional over a video game

your move

Yugi should have finished that whiny faggot off right then and there. Fucking bitch-ass Kaiba.

As if I would fall for that you scrub

I will probably kill myself this thursday if RDR2 fails o deliver

This was back when America was good. Everyone was straight. Silver sold more than Gold because Ho-Oh looks like such a fucking faggot. You know, back when life was simpler.

*Dark bribes*

heh, nice try kid

I don't give a fucking shit.

Waaaake uuuuuuup

>when Sup Forums randomly shows up to a party they weren't invited to

He is right though.


Nah, Ho-Oh had a much cooler design than Lugia. Rather have a pissed off fire breathing turkey god than a giant seal with funny hand wings.

>Lugia cooler than Ho-Oh
Yeah I guess if you like flying kangaroos and furry vore Lugia would be right up your alley.


The user you responded to is right also. Nobody wants to read retarded Sup Forums shit as much as nobody wants to read retarded tumblr faggot shit.

>a white blob with wings being cooler than a phoenix looking bird
Go play gen 3 if you want faggy looking pokemon designs related to Lugia

>no argument
>all caps indicating yelling
Getting this excited over pokemon designs? Are you possibly on a specific type of spectrum there sweety?

Kaiba wasn't going to kill himself, he was only bluffing to scare the pussy version of Yugi. It worked in the end as Kaiba won.

>Yes, the virtual reality forces will push me off this wall if you attack, Yugi
I don't know who's dumber: the guy that thought of it or the guy who believed him

I'm not an idiot. If I tried to kill myself I would succeed.

Good thing there was none of that until you randomly brought it up.

It was the one time they couldn't bullshit out a shadow realm excuse, they needed Kaiba in the finals but had no way to get him there without just following the Jap plotline

I'm more sweaty than sweet

What if it didn't work though? You think Kaiba would have jumped off due to principle or just awkwardly jump down to safety and walk away silently.?

he would have done what he did with pegasus's security goons. kaiba jumps off and looked like he died, but he was safely hanging onto a ledge put of sight and then he starts planning another way to get into the castle without the star chips.

He probably would have jumped, this is the same guy who almost nuked the whole cast (including Mokuba and himself) because Joey used Monster Reborn on his Blue Eyes once

See What the fuck do faggots and "straight america" have to do with a character attempting suicide on a childrens show about a card game?

and neither did pharaoh but that cuck yugi had to throw the match.

He was making a joke. Don't be so delicate. You're jumping at shadows that aren't there.

>Everyone was straight

>implying you've ever been invited to one

wait I don't remember that episode what the fuck

>This was back when America was good.

4KIDS was never good dumbass.

Talking shit about Ho-oh being a faggot? Nah nigga, them fighting words.

When I was like 6 or 8 I got stuck at that boss fight in Kingdom Hearts against Ansem-Riku and had to watch the cutscene over and over again. It actually made me feel guilty and I think I at some point stuck a needle into a socket, which almost killed me I guess that counts.

It was in the Battle City finals, after Kaiba lost to Yugi, Joey challenged him and managed to not get completely shitstompped this time
Kaiba got super butthurt and Mokuba had to beg him to not blow up the island until they all leave

He was going to nuke the island because Yugi beat him. He just got super butthurt when he was dueling Joey and even Joey tells him to calm down, he was going to blow up the island anyway.

>implying you've ever been invited to a party before

>wanting guns
Shut up you right wing trash.

so was kaiba a high functioning autist

What an awful message to send in a kid's show.

>implying you have and I haven't

>Seto told that Pegasus reads minds
>Seto: Is he reading my mind?
>Yugi fights Pegasus again
>Yugi: Is Pegasus reading my mind?

>high functioning

every american show should have guns in them. its the american way of life damn it!

*draws 5th piece of exodia*

heh, looks like you played yourself...

>implying you have gone to parties and I haven't

>interested in getting back into yugioh
>mfw seeing the power creep

Have you ever tried to kill someone else because you lost over a game?

>wanting everything censored in order to keep our youth pure and criminal free
That worked out well, huh?

>There will never be a good Yu-Gi-Oh game that follows the story of the anime
Why live?

>Joey one syllable away from ending the series
I'm still mad

Legacy of the Duelist?

What happened?

this is why I play duel links, the power creep isn't god awful like the actual card game and the game shits out card packs at you.

Literally Legacy of the Duelist

I said good Yu-Gi-Oh game, user. Legacy of the Duelist is just a dueling simulator.

what the fuck are you looking for in a yugioh game then? legacy of duelist has the card game, the characters from the show, and the plot.

Joey was kicking Marik's ass all over the place so Marik set him on fire
Joey collapsed to his injuries literally right in the middle of declaring the attack that would win the game
This scared Marik shitless so he went to the bathroom to throw up for a bit

Marik uses his LP to use Ra's field wipe which also mindrape the opponent because shadow game.
Joey can just declare attack on Marik to win after that but he get mindfucked so hard he fainted

In the JP version he just threatened to jump.

An RPG like Sacred Cards or Reshef of the Destruction. Legacy of the Duelist doesn't have a plot, it's just a robot retelling the story to you.

>Everyone was straight

Gay buttsex has been around long before mankind, and it will be here long after we're gone.


personally I couldn't give a shit about a cheesy japanese RPG plot, people play yugioh for the card game not for the weeb filler.

Speak for yourself.

Rare moment when the sidekick hands the main baddie his ass and proves he's every bit as capable as the hero.

Most authors don't have the balls or fuck it up

No, but I do contemplate suicide every day, in part because I can no longer enjoy games or anything else.

>only lost by being Exodia cheesed
>doesn't have Red Eyes for almost the entire arc
>would have beat Marik without Ra shenanigans
>beat Yugi and get Red Eyes back
How can Kaiba even compete?

lol gay

I actually haven't considered how ridiculous that game between Yugi and Mokuba was out of context, I was so tense while reading it

season 0 is best season

Don't forget in the shitty filler arcs as well.
>Beats cheating Big 5 asshole with overpowered Deck master ability.
>Beats the shit out of worst Doma musketeer with overpowered deck.

Wtf Jurassic Park version? What

By not losing to a third-rate duelist.

No but I tried to kill myself with a video game. I tried to hang myself with the Dualshock 2 but it's cord wasn't strong enough to support my weight and I probably tied the loop incorrectly so it just snapped off and I fell.

Truly the alpha male

You want Nightmare Troubadour

I give them credit for finding ways to make a card game seem so compelling.

Well for me, it was LK who did that. Sorta.

They even managed to make it compelling when they added in motorcycles

Real men kill their foes by pointing their finger at them.

>battle random people on the map until you can battle new random people on the map
>can't decline duels with ghouls, if you lose you end up where you last you saved
>point and click overworld
>slow dueling
I will finish it, but this is not a good game.

Real men kill themselves by pointing their finger at them

Yo all the other replies are uptight faggots but I laughed pretty hard at this

You're alright bro

So is the manga just random stupid shit?

While I agree, It's all we got. All the other ones have that deck level horseshit, or light > dark crap

>Everyone was straight.

I love how conservitards don't realize they were just shaming and repressing all these kinds of gays and trans people and it wasn't that they just didn't exist

Does anyone for one second really believe that card games were better on motorcycles?

What, you wanted them to drive around in station cars?

I do!

The motorcycles were stupid as fuck
5D's is still really good though