Childhood is liking Derrick

>Childhood is liking Derrick
>Adulthood is realizing that Shane is the funnier guy

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Are mega64 still funny?

I still enjoy their podcasts.

crack addict gavin

video games

>posts Shawn instead

Shawn is definitely funnier in the scripted videos. He's actually the most talented as a comedic actor. He's just not great at improv and has no confidence in his jokes.

Derrick has his moments in podcasts but I'm almost embarrassed for him in the official videos.

Rocco is the most well rounded comedically and is pretty consistently funny. Still think Garrett is the funniest and most likable, though. Especially because he doesn't seem to have to try and is funny whether he likes it or not.

Derrick and Rocco can carry a podcast on their own. Too bad Derrick seems to be always in a hurry nowadays, even more than Shawn.


frank howley is where it's at now bros

I don't think of Garrett so much as funny as just that guy who is chill. Like a drinking buddy. I do agree Rocco is the consistently funny one. I've heard that he is kind of mean though.

dude's voice is grading as fuck but you can tell he's definitely the most into vidya of the troupe

@the computer series and neighborhood game club is the best.
rocco's figure update is great too

They're still alive? Do they still try to sell the same several videos in a new package on dvd/bluray instead of actually making new stuff?

>Childhood is liking Derrick
>Adulthood is realizing Mega64 and most 'gaming comedy' is cringey shit.

Does anybody else find it odd how many relatively large content creators are internet soldiers?

MDE and vaatividya are two immediately that spring to mind, but I know I've seen more in the old archive channel comments


What are you on about? Mega64 really aren't political and when they mention politics they usually just make up dumb scenarios. They also like to talk about cucks.

how do you even find these faggots funny? only their public autism vids are entertaining, everything else is extremely tryhard

post kino boys

Being insulted 24/24 because you are fat makes you into a mean son of a bitch.

Listen to the early podcasts. Derrick is a cunt who constantly walks of set and plays the victim and Shawn and Garrett are the funniest. No one self censored, jokes flowed like water from Niagra falls. I still love em, but those first 100 podcasts were something special.

>hey uhh just real quick...

like, you know what I mean?



>all those views

how the fuck

>ywn get as much pussy as Rocco Botte

Childhood is when you think life is great and enjoyable, something to look foward to
Adulthood is when you realize it's garbage

>the entirety of their game section for the first 2 months since March have been circle jerking Breath of the Wild and they are well aware of that

Also it bugs me that their comment section is always assuming anytime they make a video it means they have a company

They always make a video on things on that happen, regardless of relationships

Them making "The Wii U Classic" doesn't suddenly mean they hate Nintendo and won't be supported

This mentality is fucking retarded

>shawn is forced to wear a hat every podcast now

shit is depressing

last podcast was fucking great because derrick was back and they didn't stick to the usual schedule of "did you watch any movies? did you play any new games? alright sponsors" that they seem to have outlined for the majority of episodes nowdays. this is also why pretty much all the aftershows overshadow the main podcasts: the boyz are more genuine and they seem to talk about stuff that everyone can discuss instead of only one or two topics that might interest all four

i really like when derrick and garrett talk about horror movies, tho. i'd be so down for a horror podcast with them plus frank and jay from rlm

>The ThanksGiving Podcast 2016 when it ended on everybody shit talking and mocking Rocco only for him to go ape shit and mock every single one of them, with the grand finale being slamming his Fucking foot on the pumpkin Pie

>that ending
this guy's humor is ahead of its time

As someone who's met Rocco and hung out with him, he's not mean at all

>It's a podcast where they don't feel like going to the studio so they just fuck around and record it for an hour

That's the best kind of podcast, nigger

Let's be honest though, some of the fans may just be unbearable with all the memes and references that they may try to bring up.

I don't don't blame him.

Funniest moment in a podcast in a long time. Shawn's not consistently funny but when he pulls through it's gold.

Reminder that Mega64 achieved their lifetime goal of making a TV broadcast

Mega64 TV more or less is that goal

>It's a "Everybody pressuring Shawn to say something only to gang up on his answer anyway" episode

Stop bullying him, he's a father of 2

>I just wanna say

they've worked with important people in the gaming industry. that's pretty much it. although i hope they could still achieve their 1m subscribers on youtube they promised last new year

doesn't he have three with one step child?

>They've been around almost forever
>Always gets invited to places like GDC
>Worked with multiple companies multiple times
>Youtube channel barely hits a million but survives on payment from working with said companies and Patreon

They are the Platinum Games of Content Creators

Version 4.1 coming out soon, the trailer just dropped recently.

YT money is drying up so they made a good decision with their merch and patreon

>They are the Platinum Games of Content Creators
looks like a fair comparison
they always work on a tight budget but they make the most out of it

>Childhood is liking Derrick
>Adulthood is realizing that Shawn is the funnier guy
>Patricianhood is realizing rocco's personal vids up until like 2014 were fucking consistantly god tier
>Ascension is realizing Kevin's probably the best after all

I don't think so. They still have their studio and it's not like leasing is cheap in San Diego.

oh and kevin too obviously

>They are the Platinum Games of Content Creators
why does this seem so fitting? they've been making pretty high quality yet under appreciated content for years, and yet despite breaking 100k views they still somehow manage to get deals with sony/nintendo

>hey guys, this is going to be a video...

I'm sure being kind of the "leader" of the group you have to get mean sometimes to get things done too.

>childhood is liking rocco
>adulthood is realizing derrick is wittier
>particianhood is realizing garrett's personal channel 2010 - 2011 vids are the comfiest shit in existence

i meant their videos are low budget but great quality. i have no idea about their finance shit mayne i can only assume their production is like as it is

What does Sup Forums think of The Official Podcast?


Nail in the coffin for that channel.

official podcast of what

this is probably my favorite rocco video

why is rocco so good at making melodies he geniunely has some kind of musical talent

>Derrick starts talking about how great the new Bill Nye shit on Netflix was

DROPPED so fucking fast, been watching for like 6 years as well, jesus.

love that jacklinks video encoder watermark kek

too edgy for me desu senpai
that particular vid is just a parody though

analog bytch could be an original though

>letting dumb politics affect your enjoyment of things

I agree it was pretty bad hearing him sing it's praise but didn't he address it the next episode because of backlash?

its pretty bad

why are comments so much funnier on roccos vids? or am I just autistic?

wait so is he a taxi driver who actually produced a music video? this is high art

>tfw spent the second half of high school exclusively listening to podcast highlights and playing video games

on the one hand I hate myself but on the other shit was so damn comfy

holy fuck derrick i can't believe i heard that

back when annotations still worked he would cover up the sign on his cab with the name of the new company he worked for instead of the one featured in the vid

how are they still going? their views are down so bad recently. the humour in general has taken a hit. the madden rap was their best video in ages but it barely got any views.

i assume their podcasts are still good friendship simulators.

and their patreon? i think i kind of stopped keeping up with mega64 when the funny factory thing fell apart.

honestly it seems like they've always been making bank off of merch they have a pretty dedicated band of autists who buy that shit up like me

patreon has probably more than made up for youtube revenue (which never really paid well to begin with)

I'm genuinely enjoying @ The Computer. Their Jet Set Radio Future episode brought back so many memories.

Frank is a gem.

that madden rap was a legitimately decent bop
who wrote that?

>letting dumb politics affect your enjoyment of things

This is the first time I've ever let it happen, I'm usually very, very lax about that kind of stuff but that Bill Nye pigshit was irredeemable trash and hearing Derrick sing its praises hit a nerve with me big time.

>didn't he address it the next episode because of backlash?

No idea I didn't see it.

patreon money and merch, plus they still get money from studios to do videos now and again

120k a year off patreon + merch = a shit ton of money

go see neighborhood gameclub feat. frank's own collection and his friend matt. he really pays attention to games


But user I already watched that, the Garrett episode is my fave

derrick is confirmed for browsing or having browsed Sup Forums, right? I could've sworn he referred to a relatively obscure board joke at one point on the podcast

it's decent background noise I guess but it can be annoying sometimes, especially when the turk starts spewing shit on topics he knows literally nothing about

during the christmascast when he was dressed up in a sexy mrs claus outfit he said something like "THEY'RE MAKING LEWD COMMENTS ABOUT ME ON Sup Forums" before walking off to get changed

>that guy from the panel Q&A video who waited in line basically just to say he wants to fuck garrett
it's weird the infatuation a lot of people seem to have with garrett compared to the other boys

i don't think there's anything weird at all

honestly I think garrett is a Sup Forumstard as well, I can;t remember specifics but he started getting into virtue signalling and kind of trailed off before he got too detailed

i'd love to see his collection now. it's much more organized than rocco's. i always love watching his figure update though. it's too comfy.

you don't have to be a Sup Forumstard to know what virtue signalling is...

what year was that?

>that year when shawn got completely pissed off wine

yet to be topped

>really chill dude with an open mind
>Sup Forumstard

He probably goes on there to get a rise of the idiots on there.

my favourite rocco content is basically anything they do at disneyland. food tasting eps like the churro one were very comfy.

i want to say 2014 or 2015? whichever one where derrick is dressed up sexy

>it's a skype caller is in the middle of delivering a papa john's pizza episode

how the fuck do I watch this cast again? vimeo is kill and the mega64 website link is broken as far as I can tell

garrett is legitimately a handsome boy. Very scrappy but boyish

I think it's more like 6.