What's the dumbest post you've ever seen on Sup Forums?

What's the dumbest post you've ever seen on Sup Forums?

Pic related is what someone said in relation to FF6.

Are you retarded?

>Japanese games are shit

a post this petty is a strong contender

Dumbest post in recent memory, I'm still amazed.

>CRPGs have good writing

Anything along the lines of "I refuse to hack my 3ds because Nintendo gave me my childhood"


Every post GladiumTonitrua/Cody ever made

How witty! You should check out /r/Sup Forums bro!

Butthurt op detected.

this post

every thread that defending anti-piracy on video games

imagine being so assblasted that you make a whole seperate thread calling attention to your butthurt

This. But every thread supporting piracy.

>Figaro castle
>getting the airship
>Kefka's tower
I fail to see the problem with that statement.

butthurt anti-piracyfag detected

This but every thread not supporting piracy

Exactly what I was thinking. The statement isn't wrong at all. Unless OP means that the collapsing house is a 'dungeon'.

I saw a guy who got so mad about an argument he made a whole thread showing off the argument he was in, to get others to agree with him


Yeah I remember that DMC thread too

Fun is a buzzword.