Star Wars Vidya

Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy, Sup Forums?

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jk2 is superior in every way, from the single player to multiplayer. a pleb will enjoy jka more though



But if for story/single-player: Outcast
But if for multiplayer/online play: Academy

Shit taste.

>online play
is this still a thing? i do miss me some human sized yoda pvp

acadmey is a broken game mp wise full of autistic neets dont play it


Dark Forces 2

outcast has better singleplayer and the multiplayer / lightsaber might still be better but academy with mods is pretty damn good too. id say both are essential. story is great love fucking kyle

Hey don't be like that. They both have their place.


Outcast for story.

Jedi Academy for that one mod that revamps it completely

I prefer Academy, I really liked the Galaxy-trotting adventure it was. Classic Raven. I miss you, Raven...

>But if for multiplayer/online play: Academy
wrong. jka mp is noob shit

people still play academy because of that one mod. I agree though outcast had the deeper lightsaber fighting

get a load of this chump. youre probably an autistic neet

Jedi Academy with mods>Outcast>Jedi Academy

tfw ywn play outcast in multiplayer duels again

Jedi Academy

Do people still play Jedi Academy? And I don't mean with that movie battles mod - just plain old vanilla JA?

Movie Battles 2.

Yes, I own it on steam and there's always enough servers online to play with a few autists.

these guys will completely rape the shit out of you

why not you can play the game with bots or get a bro to play. I was playing the gamecube version like last week

They're completly different games in what they set out to do and both do it well

They're absolutely comparable games, what the fuck are you talking about?

dark forces bitch


there's only 1 alive server. before you wipe the sweat off your brow in relief, here are some facts about it

-it's a clan server
-it's a family friendly clan server
-infested with admins on power trips
-it's JA+ so not vanilla JA technically

mb2 was dogshit last i played for pretty much the same reason, though to be fair that was a couple years ago

the only vanilla JA experience left is in the form of hanging around lame servers waiting for some of the most mentally ill/autistic/toxic video game players ever to ask if anyone wants to "1v1 base"

and since this is wild west era multiplayer they can grab your ip if you connect to a server they have admin on (they will)

>you will never have your own Jim Jones-esque Christian server

I'm not going to say Academy is best, but you're a faggot if you don't appreciate it's singleplayer. Writing was objectively worse though.

I wonder if anyone remembers this.

Neither. Play PUBG like all your friends.

I wish contrarian faggots like you would die. PUBG is a popular game, we get that you don't like it. We're talking about JK series here so fuck off with your shitposting. Just take the (You) and fuck off.

I prefer academy, outcast is cool and all but I like how quickly you get your lightsaber in academy, the biggest downside is how short it is and the level design isn't as great as the outcast level design.

2 - coherent linear story
3 - nonlinear 15 minute levels

2- focused on balancing all weapons, sabers one among many
3 - lightsaberfocused


there's several different game modes in each game's multiplayer -- lightsaber focused and weapons-focused ones in each. your MP shit is retarded

Both are overrated trash. Force Unleashed.

Hell yeah! I watched it on Google Video back in the day lmao

MP lightsabers are very weak in both games compared to guns. Melee range is crippling.

dude i'm jewish and i came here to post this

this is hilarious, i had forgotten about it

"im not the one you should be fucking apologising to"

No wait fuck, I didn't see that one. JA Re-Edited, the original, is what I saw.


Shekels are deposited into our accounts just for wanting to shill, user. You'll get yours.

Literally did nothing wrong.

>that outcast campaign

I miss fps games being like this.

>playing Outcast on my laptop
>suddenly laptop shuts down
>forgot to plug it in
>plug it in, light on ext PSU glows so that one definitely works
>charging light on laptop comes on so plug is fine too
>wait a few minutes
>try to turn it back on
>laptop is kill
>no money for new computer for another couple of months


And also the game disk is now stuck in the tray. FUCK

G_Saberrealistic and spawning NPCs like Stormtroopers was a fun way to always crash out of JKO.

"g_saberrealisticcombat 1", actually.

Yeah I know ningen.

Jedi Academy's Capture the flag.
Anyone actually played it?
It's one of the best competitive games ever

too bad the ctf playerbase is like 10 people these days

Fuck I wish I still had my Jedi Academy disc...

Found Outcast though, gonna reinstall that shit today. Do I need any mods?

Jedi Knight

There are still more people playing JKO or JKA after 12+ years then Battlefront EA at its peak.

>Helpusobi 1

>g_saberrealisticcombat 2


>NPC spawn Luke (x20)

>NPC spawn reborn_fencer (x20)



And in the rare cases it didn't crash, you got to see a glorious clusterfuck

hardly. and for CTF, this is all there is.


How the hell did JKO and Academy have such fun and in-depth gameplay despite being so old?

>you can use Force push to redirect missiles at enemies
>fully complicated and detailed lightsaber melee hit boxes and strike zones on the body of another player or NPC
Even RoTS had a pretty detailed melee system with its lightsaber duels. Late 90s to late 2000s was Lucas Arts final golden age of gaming.

>Shadows of the Empire
>Rogue Squadron
>Episode 1: Podracer
>Battle for Naboo (aka not-Rogue Squadron 2)
>Podracer: Revenge
>Episode 1: Starfighter
>X-Wing: Alliance
>Jedi Stafighter
>Dark Forces III: Jedi Outcast
>Jedi Academy
>Bounty Hunter
>Rogue Leader (aka-Rogue Squadron 3)
>Rebel Strike (aka-Rogue Squadron 4)
>Battlefront 1
>Republic Commandos
>Battlefront 2
>RotS game
>Empire at War + Forces of Corruption

outcast for singleplayer
academy for multiplayer

fuck the people saying outcast's multiplayer was better, outcast didn't have dual sabers nor staff saber, so it's shit by default

I love destroying dual saber users.


Force unleashed had potential but then they made lightsabers glorified stun batons

What were they thinking? I remember playing it and doing some long god of war tier combos on stormtroopers

I love shooting saber newbs in the face

As incomplete as TFU II was, the melee combat was vastly improved over the first game.
Your shit won't work on me, cowtits.

Jedi Academy was my first real memorable online experience. Some guys I ended up playing with frequently invited me into their clan, and they taught me to get so much better. They were also pretty RP heavy which was pretty fun, especially because you had to beat the masters in duels to increase in rank in their clan. Played the game hundreds of hours with these guys, and now I can’t even remember the clan name, let alone the players’ names.

outcast + g_saberrealisticcombat + bloodmod

>literally just now got the pun "help us obi" set to 1 giviving "help us obi wan"

in my defense, english isn't my first language

Holy shit

Dark Forces 2