So Sup Forums, have you gotten your SNES classic yet?

When are you getting your snes minis? I got mine just now.

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cute doggo

gotta wait till they ship mine

Don't they release on Friday?

mine arrives tomorow

I bought it in 1994

tell me when SF2 rom gets ripped.

Thanks, she really is.
My store released early due to lack of storage space to keep units in.

Got mine. Put it 150 bux on ebay.

I had the normal pre-order price.

I wonder if the instructions phamblet looks like the original?

Been so long since I've had mine.

I think yes.

Hmmm... a bit disappointed actually.

The eject button is not a real button, but hard plastic. Also the dust-cover-flap-thingy does not move.

Is it hacked yet?

Controllers are really solid... BUT..

Now wait a second. Where do you put controller cords?

Really, really really disappointed they don't plug into these...

... but to these!


jesus that looks cheap as hell. reminder they are charging $80 for this

This was announced when it was first announced.

The NES mini looked weird because of it's ports too.

I can understand being disappointed, but why would you want outdated ports to still be used?

Was it really too hard to hide the usb ports?

Every time I see someone posting Nintendo product photos with carpet or pillows or something in the background it always reminds me of R.O.B threads.

I miss ROBop.

They find a way to load your own roms on the thing yet?

>usb ports
If only they were. Then you'd be able to use the new SNES controllers on PC.
They're Nintendo's proprietary Wii controller ports.

Well youre lucky. It's 120 € here so roughly 130 $

Another gripe I have is the short as fuck usb power cord with NO wall socket option.

How bad is the lag?

man eu and jp snes looks so much cooler.

How do the controllers compare to the 8bitdo and ibuffalo controllers?

I'm European and here the SNES Mini costs 79,90€. Where the fuck do you live?

Finland I think.

pretty sure you can get an adapter, which I am planning on doing

>inb4 retropie

Nope, in Finland it's 150€.

>double the price

Finland yes.

I only have retro-bit dogbone nes controller. Like buttons on that one a bit better.

It's a lot better than my no name usb snes controller though.

I have a SNES. Why the fuck don't people on the video games board already have one of the best consoles ever?

NES was 59.99 and had 30 games

SNES is 79.99 and has 21 games

Will the N64 Classic be 99.99 and have 11 games?
nintenbros will defend this.

So you could get them from scalper from ebay for cheaper than buying from your own stores no?

>wii ports

Fucking greedy cunts

9 games +1
You'll get to unlock Mario 65.

Original hardware + Xrgb mini/OSSC master race
I hope you have fun OP, also you have a very cute cat

depends on what the 11 games is

Which one, Sup Forums?

lmaoing at these things. On what planet are wired controllers still acceptable in the year 2017. Especially when they're shitty proprietary wii controllers that ruin the entire looK of the system. Not even real SNES controllers. The controllers should be wireless at least. Then it might be a nice little system and almost worth $80. As it stands it's just a piece of shit

I want to pet this fluffer

CRT full autism.

Because they didn't live in or weren't born around the greatest era of gaming.

Look at the games in the snes mini, none of them are bad, none.

> super kawaii neko
> super kawaii super nintendo PAL
Livin the life OP

at least the nes had its controllers ports there originally

pixel perfect. can't wait to play SMW again, best platformer of all time

I bet the CRT filter sucks. 4:3 is fine because the games weren't actually meant to be displayed in 8:7 the SNES uses.

Is amazon going to send theirs or did they lie?

CRT filter

your store is in deep shit for releasing it early. nintendo is relentless

150 in Sweden as well so I cancelled my order. Not gonna pay double the money for that shit.

how does star fox 2 compare to the leaked version?

he's probably never played the rom

Getting a raspberry pi 3.

Normal 4:3 with fucking relaxing star background. Comfy.

paying over 80 bucks to play 20 roms isn't something i'm in a hurry to do, looks like you are though, you fucking mindless sheep.

Op here, already have 2. One of which is made to arcade cabinet. Not the same thing.


such a good game, enjoy OP

I wanted to get an snes mini at first, but i already have a retropie set up and i dont really see what the snes mini offers over that one.

Well i guess the snes mini has the asthetic and the original controllers going for it, but those are not huge points.

Not sure how I feel about this though....

Please elaborate on how its not the same thing

You can use USB SNES controllers on a pi or wireless Bluetooth ones even.


>tfw I have my classic controller from Wii days
>tfw I can use it to play

literally cheats

I hate when emulators just put that in because it's too tempting to not use and turn everything into prince of persia

Pi has a shitty hdmi and default audio kack for one.

It's not cute as fuck without tuning for another.

I wish I got to grab one of these while they were still cheap

Nintendo already announced a seccond run user.

Nah, waiting for it in the mail. Probably going to just gift it to my girlfriend for Christmas.

Has the ROM for Star Fox 2 been dropped yet? Want to see if theres any differences

The only part of this I would be interested in is Star Fox 2, I wish Nintendo would just put it on the eShop.

They're only like $25 on eBay and you can get them for even cheaper on Alibaba.

Well rom should be released Friday at the latest anyway.


no audio kackle with nes roms. and if there is for you, then use an a/v receiver or the 3.5 mm jack and plug in a logitech sub with speakers. i own one and speak from experience. If you're still having trouble you can /etc/retroarch.cfg audio_out_rate=44100

It's the same thing but with next to no difference
>Very minor cosmetic differences
>No lock on

what happened? lots of stock?

I got a SNES normie when I was a kid, does that count?

Fucking Neokiketrashitendo strikes again...

cute cat

the starfox 2 rom is different from what we have?


Leaked ROM


>Unironically buying the snes classic for one game

>No super mario all stars.
Into the trash.


Mine was like $40 with case, hdmi cable, power cord and micro sd card. The controller was another $40.


what stores are selling it now?

Nah...I had hopes it would be different, what a bummer (not taht I would buy it, I would just wait for it to be flashed)

>Be a normal working human
>Really want one of these for max comf on the big telly box
>Email about preorders comes through while I am working
>Miss preorders
>90% of owners are probably NEETS


>thinks autistic raging is normal
you will never be normal

I just want to pay normal price for a product user. Is that too much to ask?

They're charging $20 for it, $60 for Star Fox 2

when it comes to Nintendo, yes it is asking too much you fool

>normal working human

they buy one off ebay, also you can just walk in, every story is getting like 50 units, so walk in at walmart at midnight

I remember being 14 years old and getting a SNES BEFORE the actual launch date. Played Mario World until my thumb blistered. Never had a game do that to me since.