Battlestations. Post 'em

Battlestations. Post 'em.



>screen in portrait mode


not him but it's for reading webpages, manga and is even useful for Sup Forums

>tfw used to get 20+ replies
>tfw nobody cares now


I specifically opened a pdf on it so it would be clear. It's a 1600x1200 4:3 screen and I use it to read papers and shit. Pretty comfy. Great for browsing 4chins too.

Old pic, should revisit

nice gear but the fluorescent lighting and early 00s furniture is disgusting desu.

next time you want to spend money on videogames, stop yourself and buy some decent furniture and lighting.


That's fucking retarded.

What's that CRT's model?

BS + vidya collection.
Posted it once already, that's why the note is for an old post.

Poorfag student rolling in

Who /comfy/ in here?


cool socks, bro.

Disgusting, fucking disgusting.

What's the point of having all of you physical games hidden inside cd cases? I used to do that back in 2007 with my pirated games from wii/pc.

Old photo but it looks almost same

Nice socks, looks comfy.

I've had them displayed on a shelf and I felt like such a fucking autist manchild. I frequently have guests over and it's very embarrassing to have them as a part of my house.
I've swapped them in for a few vidyas in the local retail store and I've been getting discounts for buying the discs alone since then.

Just cleaned, rate please.

why does this look like it was taken in your moms basement 10 years ago

doesnt look very comfy


Fine for a child / poorfag.

Why do you feel the need to be mean? I am pretty poor but my pc is my pride and joy.


>I also have a basement

wasnt trying to be mean, it's a 3/10 because it looks uncomfortable and not stylish the pc looks fine though

Hello qt

Hello user.

Thanks, It can get a bit cramped at times but I like the style of my setup, I do need a stand for my monitor though. Anything you would recommend I do? I am thinking of moving my pc to under the table and investing in a second monitor and new keyboard.

The lotion is just there for dry skin right?

Being stuck in the corner was a punishment when I was growing up. I can't imagine an adult choosing to put his setup there.
But if your parents made that setup for you, it's fine.


Looks comfy.
Every get freaky with the pole on the edge of your bed?

Good afternoon fine gentleman..

I haven't posted for months..

Nothing has changed beyond that I bought a 1060 6 GB...

What's with the passive aggressiveness user? I share a small room with 2 other guys, I had to remove a closet that was in that corner and build everything myself for my first ever battlestation, why do you feel the need to shit on me?

i usually just post this picture is a bit outdated so i don't post it as often anymore.


Looks like a place you'd have friends over often. No sarcasm.


some more space for your mouse would be nice, people say you shouldnt put your tower on the floor but since u dont have carpet it would probably be fine

looks like a good space for splitscreen and lan parties

18+ Kiddo

>Booze, anime, vidya

What's next, pigs rooting for the bacon industry?

>dat fleshlight holder
how I didn't think of this?


>casillero del diablo
get some better furniture dude

Why have you not killed yourself?

nice PSPs

Poorfag it is.

it's mostly my wife and son down there playing games with me but i have had company over several times and played games for a few hours, the setup works extremely well as is though i need to get better furniture, shelving, and maybe an entertainment center for the RGB setup.

Great reading comprehension


A 5 player game on the SNES? What madness is this.

Probably better than your rig.
>Inb4 bitter user posts someone else's 1080ti rig he saved


Lord of the Rings and Bomberman 2 are the first that come to mind.

Good taste, I got the same case model. But as elegant as it is I don't keep it up in the desk, it's just too big and I need that precious desk space.

yeah i just double checked,

only noteworthy 5 player games are the Bomberman games even though the first one only supports up to 4 player.

plenty of good 3-4 player games though like secret of mana supports 3 players.

overall there is like 50 multi-tap snes games.

>tiled bedroom floor

The ones in a wall alcove or recess are the cosiest

those can't be human feet

it's a doll

>decent rig in the poorest of fag rooms
Why is this so common?

Really fucking hate white lighting and will throw this lamp into the trash soon.

Lamps like that can look pretty nice if you bend it behind your monitors and point it upward.

I just tried it. It doesn't work if you have white walls.

>Borderlands poster

You'd think you would hate Borderlands with a passion based on your flag.

Oh I didn't consider that, yeah white lights + white walls kinda sucks especially for an office. You could also try putting a colored cloth or piece of paper on the light to soften it and change the tone a bit, but I'd only do it if that's an LED light so you don't risk burning your house down. I do a lot of stupid little things like this and everything I own is usually nigger-rigged and trashy looking.

Christ, clean your room you fucking slob.

I want to see your boipussy to prove you're a qt female boy

Then take me on a lovely date and win me over with your charm.

What kind of food do you like
what kind of people are you into

Needs a lot more organization and cleanliness, then would be much more impressed.

I'm not very picky about food.

>Nazi worship
What more could you ever want out of life?

I would take you out to a Japanese restaurant but I assume I'd better take you to something more gentle on your stomach
you didn't answer my other question though

I'm cool with Nip food. Nice art.




That's cool
What vidya do you like to play
what are you doing in a shitheap like Sup Forums
do you commute regularly to any other boards?
I'm not into the whole anime-girl posting thing btw because I hate roasties and think is cringe but Its what I see people post in such discussions, so I will do as they do in rome


Can we please also post Speccy so we can compare?


>SSDs randomly became misaligned overnight
I hate Windows.

sell both of those janky basses embrace the glory of the 5 string, user

I'm playing Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead right now and I just started Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together last night.
It's easy to do while I do other stuff.
I like /an/, /ck/, and I'll occasionally browse Sup Forums if I'm watching something that's currently airing, I got there now for Made in Abyss threads.
Be nice.

>battlestation thread misused for /r9k/ anime degeneracy

cool cool
you sound like a busy person, hopefully I'm not being too nosy
you like to cook, that's something I can respect and is cute as fuck when done by a female(male) such as yourself. I would love to impregnate you while you cook
overall you sound like a cute person and would 10/10 watch anime with you on my lap, even though I don't really watch much anime outside of the few famous hits
>video gaymes board misused for Sup Forums threads

It makes me happy when someone enjoys my cooking. You shouldn't post that kind of thing here though.

Make the desk yourself user?
I'm a sucker for diy and would like to make a nice desk some day when I have more room.

You're right, I should've known you're a rather shy and reserved person.
But I will press on the lewd questions; do you like your bp being eaten out?

Eh, one was my first and although it's a piece of shit I enjoy fucking around on it, and the one in the stand I pulled from the trash was able to fix it. Currently the back plate on it is made from some old beer cans and the battery is held in with duct tape. It's scuzzy as fuck but I love it

>the absolute state of Sup Forums

This isn't the kind of place for that sort of thing either. Which battlestation is yours even?

This is reason say people don't worry about nazi from Sup Forums just begins angry edgy teen.

Looks like a thrift store

Why are you repeatedly whining in this thread instead of leaving?

Skinny bitch