Abydon's hammer

>abydon's hammer
>no priest subclass with warhammer accuracy bonus
>no priest of abydon at all
Would you serve the bro-god of crafting and industry?

(please more available gods in PoE2, sawyer)

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You can't really be a priest of Abydon considering that he's an almost braindead half-god for most of the game.

Hopefully they'll make it so you can be a priest of Abydon in Deadfire but only if you import a save where you finished the White March and fully restored Abydon.

>You can't really be a priest of Abydon considering that he's an almost braindead half-god for most of the game.
But you can play a Priest of Eothas, and he's been dead (silent) for 15 years. And gods like Berath might aswell be since they so rarely communicate with their followers. Or Woedica being kept out despite being very relevant to the story (like how Eothas will be in PoE2).

I agree though; that would be fantastic. As far as gods go, Abydon's a solid guy

>Made it.

can't wait to play 2 without subclassing gay shit and get fucked and underpowered

Why wouldn't you subclass, user? Multiclassing is another thing entirely

no is gay

They're doing that for Woedica at least.

>no priest subclass with warhammer accuracy bonus
Soulbound weapons get the accuracy regardless of weapon spec, assuming you have one.

I'd rather serve Hylea. She's objectively the best of the pantheon.
>The sky
>Creativity, song, inventions and the arts
Why would you worship anyone else?

No, they aren't, unfortunately. Someone asked him about that and he said that he'd think about it. At this point, it's basically confirmed that it won't happen.

There won't be new gods to follow as a priest.

I just can't see playing as a Monk and not subclassing as an Helwalker. It sounds like the dopest shit.



>There won't be new gods to follow as a priest.
This really makes me reee inside. I feel like making a twitter account to harass Sawyer about it.

They're real. The problem is that they're fabricated, and thus, it's debatable if it's really correct to call them gods.

what gay game

Wow that's some weak bait right there

Pillars of Eternity, my dude.

The time would be now before beta. We should at least get Abby and Deedee as Priest subclasses.

>Returning children's souls to decayed adolescent bodies with insane/dead parents
Worst ending for worst goddess

If they survived to be adolescents, it means they had someone taking care of their body for years. Those parents deserve to have their children come back to them.

The vast majority of ex hollowborns will inevitably grow up in fucked conditions. You don't go through tragedy like that, caring for a brain dead body of a baby, and come out a sane parent.

I don't think so. If the babies survived for a long time (even a week or two), they needed to have caring parents taking care of them.

>don't give up on your braindead child
>pray day and night for years for a miracle
>it actually happens

I don't see how anyone who cared for their broken babies for all that time would come out of this worse for wear with their prayers answered

Like the family whose live son was ignored and murdered because the dad has become an alcoholic to cope with his hollowborn. Without you there to counsel the family, that's what these souls are coming home to.

Honestly whichever God you choose will always have it's Ups and Downs, there's not right or wrong only perspective. I don't get how people don't understand this yet.

That's what makes it fun to discuss, if there were an objectively correct answer it would be pointless

And what would be better for that dad? Their hollowborn to continue hollow forever? Or for him to actually come back?

I don't think decisions about the lives of children should be made with the parent's wellbeing in mind.

I guess you'd need some sort of census, but I suspect that there would be more families that would be helpful for the baby than there would be miserable families that would be took broken to take proper care of him. At that point, the fact that the baby is a major plus for the parents should be taken into consideration.

Judging from the general state of madness Dyrwood seems to be in I err on the side of the miserable outnumbering the wholesome.

I like Hylea because I like Harpies. Will she give me a -cute- harpy wife? Not Pileofvagina?

I just think that the average miserable family has long ago given up on the Hollowborn and let them die.

>Not wanting to fuck Pallegina
You gay?


Will I be able to play PoE2 without finishing PoE1? I literally just can't. It's unironically the most boring crpg I've ever played.

And I was able to finish all three dungeon sieges.

Cipher or Wizard? I really can't decide,
I think the spear spells for Wizard would be cool and fun but being a Cipher will be more practical and useful

>PoE is the most boring crpg you've ever played
>still want to play the sequel
literally why

Sure. You can just choose a preset save to play from. Is the game so unenjoyable to you that you can't even rush through it on Story Mode?

Many are hoping that the gap between PoE and Deadfire will be similar to the gap between BG1 and BG2, where the sequel blew the original out of the water

Because BG2 was a massive step up from BG1 and the same could happen here

The gameplay isn't the only issue. I honestly can't manage to care about anyone or anything that's happening except for Durance.

It's really interesting, I'm starting to pick out and see regulars in poe threads.

is there literally anything to indicate that is the case here or just wishful thinking?

well its wishful thinking but also some of the stuff we've seen in updates looks like a step up

It's a better setting, the graphics are better, they should be more used to the engine, they say loading times and encounter design are gonna be much better.

Combat seems like it could be slightly inferior and way too streamlined. I suspect writing is also gonna take a hit from no Avellone and a reduced Fenstermaker role.

I don't think it's gonna be a case of a Baldur's Gate 2, but I suspect it's gonna be a better game than the first one overall, which is already fine by me, personally, because I really enjoyed the first one.

Is Durance coming back in Deadfire?

why not just play some more POE2, clear the temple of woedica in defiance bay and hightail it to the white march?

We don't know one way or another. Avellone ain't around anymore but I'd still like to see him referenced or a cameo.

>still following gods when the watcher knows the truth of the world

Thats the real question that you're supposed to think about

They HAVE god powers, indisputably, they can fuck with souls and create stuff and have direct influence over the physical world


They DID NOT create the universe, they were formed with soul magic or whatever its called

Then its no longer about fedora tipping verses zealotry, its about the legitimacy of these fucking super beings, do you recognize their power/divinity and still worship them, or do you go "fuck that, all the soul power in the world cant make you the real master of the universe" and search for the REAL source of creation (which I think is left unclear in game?), or do you go "Mortals dont need pretend nanny gods, were fine on our own"

Its unfortunate what happened with discussion of the game, its all fedora pictures

>and search for the REAL source of creation
do you think that weird dimension stuff they showed at the end of one of the deadfire playthroughs factors into this?

also what kind of ancient engwithan stuff are we going to discover in the deadfire? and more importantly why are we going to be searching in those ruins when eothas is playing pacific rim?

So in previous threads I've been seeing anons talking about being a priest of woedica or paladin if you take her ending. I've been meaning to do a woedica playthrough and was wondering if there is truth to this?

The gods won't stop existing. Might aswell stay friends with one of the most powerful creatures in the world.

Abydon owes the Watcher a big fucking favour.

is there anything in their respective religions that claims they created the universe though?

>when eothas is playing pacific rim?

I'm really intrigued by the focus on Eothas. His actions in PoE were a bit of a mystery, even after you figured out that he -probably- tried to invade the Dyrwood to put an end to Woedica's shenanigans.

I'm very interested in knowing what happens if the Watcher sent the souls to Woedica anyway; how would Eothas react to us fulfilling her plan?

It's basically confirmed you won't be able to

It's about divine right, user. What right do they have to dictate the flow of the universe and the lives of men if they're merely soul-powered automatons created by the Engwithans? Is their authority legitimate, or is it just a question of power?

Nope. We got confused because someone asked if that would be the case and Sawyer didn't give a clear answer and said he'd think about it. At this point he'd have announced if that was possible.

I'm still curious to see what consequences, if any, will be had from you siding with Woedica at the end.

i leave the big questions for divinity original sin 2 to answer

You know what I would really want but pretty sure they won't do? A more extensive character creation - where you can edit body part sizes, weight, height, muscle mass - stuff like that.

We should take to twitter and demand the inclusion of Woedica and Abydon in PoE2.

Shit, Abydon's presence wouldn't even change that much in the story. He's just the most likable god.

What can change the nature of a boop?


berath, galawain, hylea and rymrgand vows confirmed to be acknowledged in deadfire

To take examples from other settings in Dragon's Dogma anyone with enough strength and will can become god who guides the world as they see fit.
In Forgotten Realms mortals can be come gods through great heroism. Nobody argues the validity of those deities and I don't see see why these guys would be different.

Who /Aedyran loyalist who intentionally made all four vows and then gave the souls to Woedica to unleash the plagues of Egypt on the Dyrwood/ here?

holy shit

Honestly, including each god as an option would be ideal


I don't get why they didn't; it's not like the choice of god made much of a difference anyway. You got like half a dozen unique lines throughout the game, even as a priest of Eothas (a very topical god at the time), and most of them were in the early game anyway.

What makes Wael more important that Galawain, Hylea or Abydon for example?

>Not getting the "Durance jumps into a bonfire" ending

>loading times
Fuck now i remember why i dropped first one

>The gods won't stop existing
Not with that attitude, they won't. PoE 1 proves they were created. That means they can be destroyed. You just need to study animancy and explore enough engwithian ruins to figure it out.

I guess that's a possibility.

I wonder if that's what Eothas is after; bitter that the rest of the gods are massive dicks, he sets out to end them, or atleast a few specific ones.

Can I be an asshole in this game? Or do I have to be an archetypal "hero". Is there a path for me to do all the shit in the story solely for my own power or greed, or do I have to act for the "greater good".

That would be cool. I'd like to make my ridiculous model Bethesda-style

You can be a greedy asshole that is always doing everything for his gain or you can play a psychopath that kills everyone on sight. Lots of roleplaying choices allowed.

By kill everyone on sight, do you mean the boring way in which you just force attack them? Or can you actual tell them you want to eat, kill then rape them in dialogue.

Force attack. But there are options that allow you to attack during dialogue.

Lack of time I'd guess for the first game. Most of the dialogue that went into the game was first draft. For the second one it's probably a mix of wanting to maintain consistency since you are playing the same character, and not wanting the priest have 11 sub-classes to balance compared to most other classes 3.

Ahh that's boring. I was hoping you could be a evil in the story of the game, not just the gameplay.

Woah wait, i'm not him but you can be really fucked up and evil in a lot of situations. You are shoe-horned into dealing with Thaos and the legacy, but the ways you can end it are all on you. This is pretty fucked

Yeah, I guess. It just feels really lame that some of the coolest gods are unavailable to you, for reasons that aren't particularily good.

Eothas legit looks the scariest, Berath seems comforting in a way.

But user, Berath is available.

Rymrgand is coolest god

subclasses are extremely good. Multiclassing is cancer.

is eothas /thatgod/? sounds like a fucking beta upset that woedica is winning

>berath isn't depicted as two intertwined lovers

The lover is waiting for you, user. Join the Wheel.

>wael is literally what peers from behind the veil

Yeah, you can kill everyone in the beginning and then brag about it later.

How long is this game anyway? A decent 40+ hours? Or a modern dozen.

I think I cleared it in a bit over 30 hours, I think you can clear it much faster if you rush and don't read much, I should also note that I read all the backer stories
I found the game fun enough to come back to it, over 4 times already.

You can rush it in maybe 10 overs, but you could take as long as 80 hours if you're a completionist.

*unsheathes katana*

This and my blunderbuss were my shit for my first character, meadowfolk cipher.

What is a cipher/Barbarian called? Wonder how well that would work.

I'm just installing PoE now, does White March add anything substantial to the game that shouldn't be missed?

PoE thread?
PoE thread!

Yeah. It has some of the best content of the game.

>tfw don't know if I want to romance Pallegina, Xoti or Maia.

Would Xoti even be allowed to fuck the watcher? Isn't she a priestess or something?

Unless there's an Addon for this, there's no romancing in PoE. Sawyer doesn't approve of that shit.