nanja nanja
Nanja nanja
Worst girl.
Post webm pls especially in that outfit
Best girl.
Fuck off.
Fuck off.
Fuck off.
Eat shit and get some taste.
Best girl
Eat shit and get some taste.
Don't you have a shrine maiden to loving cuddle with?
Worst girl.
Japanese bird taking a piss.
nyanja nyanja
Team Ninja might have created the greatest semen demon ever with Nyotengu. Even just that look can get me going.
Best girl
>video """""game"""""
Sometimes technology is wonderful.
Come in.
Fuck me this is nice.
kill me
anyone else find it hard to be interested in doax3 because of the garbage roster?
Computer, can you generate a tanned Nyo?
>garbage roster
It's got 4 of my top 5 favorite girls so I good with the roster.
That was all the nyo webms I have
Even though the two main roosters are garbage, at least it has Nyotengu, Ayane, and Momiji.
Nyotengu alone is enough for me though.
thank you
No, the only one really missing is Leifang
Best grill!!!
So what do we know about that vacation game on PC?
Will it be piratable so we can avoid the region block and exploitation though microtransactions?
>that bored&pitying look on her face
Now there's a girl I could get behind.
This is my biggest turn off.
we know it will have a downloadable client, but probably the entire game will be run server side. the best we can hope for is texture swaps. did kt announce it would be region locked or did everyone just assume it would be because it was on dmm?
You guys are so rude. I already cummed one hour prior and here I am typing this with one hand my dick full erect.
>but probably the entire game will be run server side
Server emulation is a thing.
Why bother if you're gonna play this on PC? Just get beach paradise instead
who is going to make it? the hacker known as Sup Forums? you would need to emulate the friend system too.
More DOA is always good, I don't have to limit myself you know.
You're right, butt
can we get more honoka please
doa5 is ruined for me knowing that it's missing ps4 features because kt hates pc gamers. even if it gets modded into a different game I'll still remember it's missing something that should be there.
Speaking of DOA5 on PC
>play beach paradise without graphic enhancements, works fine
>add Reshade or Sweetfx, suddenly can't choose half of the girls in beach paradise menu
Anyone with this problem?
what features? if it's the improved titty physic the mod improved them anyway
I want to impregnate Nyotengu
fck your life
I want to be a sexy girl and wear sexy outfits so bad ;_;
the mod can't add dx11 features to a dx9 game can it? there was other stuff like destructable clothing for some of the dlc costumes too.
No you're not the only one who is like that.