Fire Emblem 2018 - Will this be the one to unify the fanbase and save the franchise? Will IntSys learn?
Fire Emblem 2018 - Will this be the one to unify the fanbase and save the franchise? Will IntSys learn?
The fanbase will never be unified. Pre-Awakening fags want all female characters removed from existence, and Post-Awakening fags want more waifus, more marriage, more time travelling kids.
Will they ever make a new AW gaem?
how about just making a game with good gameplay and good writing
oh wait that will never happen
I just want a proper villain like the Black Knight. The problem with new FEs is that you don't really care about the villains, they are just some dudes with no background and evil for the sake of being evil.
Fire Emblem needs to not make sequels and just make stand alone games.
Remove eugenics. Keep more Supports. Keep headpats. Remove promotions. None of this infinite durability shit. Keep the lewd serivce. Remove bows entirely since they're garbage. Make arbalists not suck. Make it chapter by chapter with no chance to earn exp outside of them. Replay chapters/chapter select after the game is beaten. No branching paths. No 2nd playthrough only characters. No "must be under X barracks limit to recruit Y unit in Z chapter. An actual Balanced Lunatic mode. No Amiibo bs. MINIMAL DLC because we all know IS loves shoehorning dlc for no reason. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP PUTTING IN ANNA SHE WAS NEVER CUTE.
Add Lucina
>save the franchise
>getting spinoffs and crossovers out the ass
>mobile game
>Switch entry next year
>now considered a major franchise instead of some Nintendo F-lister in shareholder meetings
Throw tantrums all you like, the franchise will go on with or without you.
I can't argue with that. The villains lately have been proper fucking trash.
>Keep headpats.
They were a shit idea to begin with.
RD ruined the Black Knight.
Spiderman will save FE
I liked Walmart, but that's basically it.
Only if the waifus stay and casual mode goes.
>Remove promotions
What the fuck?
>Remove bows entirely since they're garbage.
now I want a Spiderman tactical based game
>Pre-Awakening fags want all female characters removed from existence
No I don't. I just want them not written like shit or overly designed like some faggoty Japanese idol.
I want see her culo.
The fuck are you talking about? Black Knight was baby's first mysterious villain, and an ultimately pointless and minor one at that. Ashnard was the driving force of PoR, Sephiran and Ashera were the driving force of RD.
Awakening had Walhart as a good major villain, and Fates has Takumi on Birthright path as probably the best villain/rival in the series.
Conquest path*
Walhart didn't really seems like a minor villian.
Whoops, yeah. Either way, him showing up repeatedly, each time with new skills and setups, and ultimately being the final boss was awesome.
oh yeah i agree that Takumi was a good villain in fates, infact he was the only good villain in my opinion in fates.
>muh mad king
After the disastrous sales of MVC:I, Disney teams up with Nintendo instead to make FExMarvel. Grid based tactics game until two units meet then it turns into a fighting game. 10/10 reviews across the board
What the fuck am I looking at? Seriously, what is this?
He wasn't even that major, I like BK and all but he's really overrated.
FE is for sjw shitters
What? because there's gay marriage? Fuck off man
There are less than 10 black characters in the series.
>Major Villain
I'm not gonna argue that he wasn't good, but come on, he's only present for about 3 missions. Validar and Microsoft Excel had more screen time than him.
The answer is always kids
The real question is what kids are doing playing Fire Emblem. Get off my lawn and go back to CoD
What, Lyn doesnt wear pantsu.
>Spiderman was Scout
I don't even
She does if you don't wanna get banned on a blue board.
Any game with best girl(s) in it is always a good game to save the franchise
well maybe she should be more modest and cover herself with her crotch curtain
Is this official art?
All I want is a standard, cookie cutter FE plot (nothing special or overly ambitious), good art like Kita or Hidari, and gameplay that has good maps but isn't just limited to them, I want to explore towns and shit.
captcha: good minerva
YHVH truly abandoned us all. GMOD was a mistake.
Takumi was a shit villain that they just threw out in the last second with a "I wasn't REALLY evil, I was just possessed pls forgib" and he was on Conquest, not birthright.
You had me until this
Ashnard was a generic insane king who reveled in violence like hundreds of other fantasy corrupt rulers.
Sephiran barely did anything until the end reveal, Ashera was basically a fightable mcguffin to provide a reason for them to unite, Walhart was a minor villain, Takumi had his entire motivation thrown out and otherwise it wasn't much more than an "I hate you, die."
I want another villain that wears a helmet. The lack of humanity due to having a covered face makes him considerably more intimidating.
I just want characters that feel like they could be people in the world, and don't have one single anime cliche that completely defines them and dominates all of their interactions with everyone
I'd rather have the characters feel 'bland' than be like Awakening characters
>no panties
Lyn is a SLUT
Shit like this always made me cringe. They really tried hard to give the protagonists zinger comebacks.
>implying nopan isnt bestpan
dont ever talk shit about mah waifu again
Your waifu will take the dick of any man to offer her 5G
Well your waifu has to pay someoen to fuck her ugly whore mouth
Beats being an actual whore
I only hope that the designs will be done by Hidari, Echoes' artstyle is the one that fits the franchise the best in my opinion and since he was supposed do be the series' new designer since Awakening (but couldn't because he was already working on other projects), there's a change that it will happen.
I don't think I've ever seen more wrong in a post.
Pre-Awakening fags want all girls gone? Then throw an absolute shitfit when Lyn wasn't (initially) in FEW, then still raised hell when it turned out she wasn't going commando and flashing her bare ass every 5 seconds? And how Lynposting takes up the majority of FE threads that aren't talking about 13+ Or Erika? Or everyone losing it when Nephenee got in Heroes? Oh yeah, they're totally against the waifus man.
One of the major complaints about Fates is that they jammed in marriage and kids when it makes absolutely zero sense narratively. I've not seen one person compliment Fates on the inclusion of kids and the outer realm time chamber that came with it.
Mortal kombat actually did this but with a chess board instead. Got shit reviews
first post, best post
>have thigh fetish
>see this
I didn't stand a chance
user, though our paths are never to cross, know that our boners throb as one.
As long as the kiddie wheels stay on the FE series I at least want my villains to be aesthetic and have a fun entrance like Black Knight
The franchise already has been "saved" though, awakening did that. Regardless of what you think about the game, awakening LITERALLY saved fire emblem, it would have been the last one if it hadn't sold so absurdly well, and allowed the series to prolong its existence.
They will learn when they make Advance Wars once again.
They should at least port the old games.
Why does this shit exist?
Fuck you, that line was great!
From Project X Zone 2.
>single titty plate
what for?
The bowstring hits your chest when you release it.
why not have a full chestplate though?
I have yet to see or read any Japanese fantasy that doesn't take the enemy out of a cloud of mystery. They're always an unknown until the last chapter/arc on their ideals and goals. It's one of the reasons why nips suck at story writing.
Why would they? The new fans are what revived the series and buy it.
She's not strong enough to do a full draw.
I'm not an expert in armor but I assume it's because the bowstring doesn't hit the other side of the chest and is therefore unnecessary for a bowman.
Yes,it's her Project X Zone 2 artwork aka the only game were she was a decent character, Chrom being the cute dork that he is.
Was she always left-handed?
Whose dick do I have to suck for another FE6/7/8
You really want that monkey paw wish to come true? You know IS will make Mark playable and have him be responsible for killing the dragons.
>unify the fanbase
Impossible. I will never tolerate FE7fags. They're like Awakeningfags but worse.
Okay Black Knight, you can stop shilling yourself in every thread.
Is that what they did with Echoes?
Who even made all of this?
I don't mind the removal of child units if we keep some form of unit customization through reclassing.
No I want female characters that aren't defined by boring modern anime cliche.
>haha her whole character is being a cowtits one-chan haha just like my doujinshi
>haha her whole character is being a flat tsundere so epic ftw i luv anime xD
>dude time portal children lmao
So you can move your chest muscles better. If you have a stiff leather plate over your whole chest moving your arms together is harder since you have the leather inbetween your arms. With 1 piece you dont have that
>I like Fire Emblem but I don't play Cipher
There is no reasonable excuse.
First post most moronic post.
Tbh, they just need to make a great game with a non terrible story. Awakening was mediocre on both attempts, each version of fates had a major problem with one if not both aspects, and Echoes had terrible gameplay with an engaging story.
Leave Lyn to me.
I'll play you user
More like, tac-tickle!
Tell me there's some dirty art or a fanfic of this pairing.
I still need to make a Thracia 776 deck.
>Lynfags still upset about this today
The Black Knight was a very poor Villain.
Yes, there's more fanart of the dirty pairing on Camilla's chest.
Alright, come fight me, user. Room name is Lance Vance, password is "egg salad".
fuck you
the fire emblem games have literally had the same writing
As a post-awakening baby I think the whole kid traveling through time shit is stupid, even moreso if you decide to have your child unit with them.
>your child from the future was born from someone you fucked in the present who was also from the future
What kind of bullshit convolution is this hahaha