What is your excuse to not play this masterpiece?

What is your excuse to not play this masterpiece?

Picked it up a few days ago actually. It really is pretty fun but when you win too much you start getting matched against people who spend too much money on this game and have bullshit cards.

I don't want to spend $300 every expansion just to keep up.

>he's never had the joy of destroying an opponent playing a tier 1 deck with his autofill deck

I don't even know what that means

Used to play it but Duelyst became more my taste

you only need to spend money if you want to hit legend every single month.

Tavern brawls and casual matchmaking mitigate the lack of (good) cards

its shallow, made by a company I don't support, has way to much rng elements, and there are much better digital card games available.

Just bored of it lately, that's all.
Used to play a lot.

I play Magic. and I don't play Heartstone for the same reason I don't eat baby food as a grown man.

It's literally a gambling game.

Used to play it up until it's first expansion, but I realized how shallow it is. Came back every expansion so far, just to realize, that it's not really a good Card Game.
I'm a pretty nerdy guy who goes around and wins regionals/nationals in Magic (Or rather won only 1 national after 6 times.)
Imo, Eternal Card game is a funnier game for it's combos.
Duelyst is the better competitive game.

That food analogy is pretty good. Hearthstone is like vanilla pudding, Magic is like Brussel sprouts and broccoli

>70 million players
Those are just accounts created since release, right? What does this number mean?

Companies brag with bigger numbers all the time, even if they're not true.
But it's blizzard, they'll never ever show a real list of active players.

stopped playing for a bit now im too far behind to worry about getting back in

There's a lot of complaints to be lodged at the game and the current "high roll" meta can be really frustrating when you auto lose to Prince on turn 2 or Barnes on turn 4 however Hearthstone is alright if you play it for quick matches such as when on the train or taking a shit, especially if you try not to focus on ladder. Ladder is just a miserable experience.

>tfw you realize Hearthstone is the new WoW and old WoW is slowly being phased out
Will we finally get WCIV?

Even tic tac toe requires more thought than this game does

I don't want to play a game that requires money to have an advantage over others, and I don't play games based on player numbers.

If I wanted to spend money on a card game, I'll spend money on a real card game, so I feel like I got something out of it, and it would be physical, so I could actually socialize with people.

Nope, lore's fallen apart way too much for it.
What would it even be about?


Because shadowverse is better

never pass rank 17

Blizzard would pull (or re-pull) something out of their ass. They always do.
The question is would we care.

Because I've already played it and have decided to move on to other games.

it's garbage

>you only need to spend money if you want to win
Yeah P2W garbage

I'm really shit at building decks and I feel like looking up a deck build would be cheating.

the game is awful and costs a fortune to have a decent deck, and rather than balance it blizzard just rotates which class is overpowered every few months so people buy packs and reroll those decks then they cycle it every few months to keep the money rolling in. If you wanna play for free expect to have to grind for a thousand hours to have only 1 completed deck that will either be useless or broken depending on the current cycle.

I got bored of it long ago even though I had most of the cards and could make almost every deck I felt like. There just isn't that much variation.

Blizzard cant balance for shit
Blizzard cant release new sets in a timely manner
Blizzard cant update the client
Blizzard is immensely jewish
Blizzard ruined arena

>Blizzard is immensely jewish
Didn't they change the way packs work so legendaries are more likely to happen? Wouldn't really call that jewish.

you wont farm more trust me

cause yugioh is a better card game

I hate the monthly ladder resets.

I see 0 point to them,and it feels like all the progress I make each month is completely worthless.

I've been rank 2-3 multiple times but never been quite able reach legend given the 1 month time restrains.I always run out of time and the reset comes and I fall back to rank 15 only to start the worthless grind over.

I've proven that I can consistent hit rank 5 why can't they just make the rank play floors permanent ?

it means you keep investing as an investor

Still, acknowledging the system is unfair and fixing it isn't really jewish. It would have been jewish to continue to stay quiet about it and never change it. I've definitely gotten more legendaries than I used to, but that might just be the luck of a cuck.
But they also made it so you could get heroes and cosmetics for free in HotS by just playing. You can also buy their games with WoW gold.
So I don't know about Jewish.

because those 70 milion players are just mobile users that played it once and never again

Most are Koren bots so its more like 10 million.

complete newb here what does every one mean by high roll meta

It actually just means everyone who has ever owned a battle.net account, since they make a Hearthstone account for you with your battle.net account.

>looking up a deck build would be cheating
That is not how card games work. If you really want to improve your deck building skills you have to work upon previous works. Look at the best builds. Play them. Study them. Find out how and why they work. Figure out what the worst cards and synergies are and replace them yourself. With time you will understand how to build on your own.

> fixing it
it just makes it more likely people spend money by pretending legendaries fall quicker, it's supremely jewish. Dont' talk blizzdrone.

>2 times more legendaries per update
> I got thesame amount they totally arent jewish!

Yeah they are, cucklord

also hots =/= HS, dont compare apples and oranges. HOTS had no choice because league is more popular and DOTA is free. I play both though, but I'm not retarded enough to deny how jewish blizz is with HS.

Hots is fucking A though.

playing shadowverse because i like anime

And they still dont have a log in system because "its unfair to people who dont want to play".

The quest rewards are dogshit half a pack at best, 10 gold per 3 wins is a fucking pittance, their end of season rewards are a joke.

Compare them to Gwent or Shadowverse

I've played the games since release and I just can't stand it anymore. I realized I didn't want to play it anymore when I stopped having fun even while winning.

Have you guys ever played a Tencent game? The cheapest microtransaction option is renting items, as in after a period of time they disappear.

I've seen a shit-ton of awful microtransaction business practices and Blizzard's is tame as shit.

They had to fix the rate you get legendaries because decks are balanced around having 4-5, the dust you get is barely anything, and the rate at which you earn packs for free means its impossible to play the game without grinding for a literal year at this point or spending money.

I played it when it first came out and gave them no money. It was too much grinding to try and keep up with all the new cards and I'm not throwing hundreds of dollars at a card game

>there are much better digital card games available
Like what?

I stopped playing when they released that mobster/streetgang expansion. The cards were the new meta. It was VERY obvious that you would have to join the new meta or get left in the dust because of how the cards played. It was stupid. Anyone who bought the primo 50-pack-deal was going to have a heavy advantage. Not because they had the new cards, but because the new cards were all significantly better.

Fucking stupid.

It means it never happened and he thinks he's some sort of hearthstone god for being favoured by the RNG a couple of times.

Pretty much this.
It's been out for years now. The average gamer has moved on, and people who were somehow under a rock the whole time are BTFO by the players who are still on.

It's basically getting the random thing that you want, and with the decks that really do that it's been becoming less and less random (like Priest having a choose-a-resurrect now)

What's your excuse for not having AIDS? There is more niggers with faggot then whole wow players combined. Than again maybe you do have the bug already.

I hate CCGs

The game has more interesting stuff than people give it credit for (in particular weird cards that make use of it being digital, not physical), but holy shit it's way too fucking expensive. The most fun part of it is experimenting with decks, and a new player can't do that for ~2 years unless they spend massive amounts of money.

Pretty much the worst expansion to have come out.
It's not like it was lacking in 'fun' cards. It's just that all people really needed to pay attention to were Jades and Kazakus

It's alright as a background time-waster to fiddle with while I watch tv or play my 3ds.

If I even wanted to play a card game, I'd play something that isn't pay-to-win.

That artstyle.... ugh...

weeb shit

it's really too bad because handbuff was well balanced and fun


Literal faggots detected

The oversized eyes, the cleavage shown.

Fucking degenerates

who Krosmaga here?
I also play faeria and Shardbound, anyone?

>said nothing about the characteristics
>proceeds to project

Yikes dude, jumping to conclusions that are self propelled. You got some demons you need to work with.

It isn't pay to win if you're any good at arena, you can easily keep free packs rolling in.

I play kitchen table MtG biweekly. What's YOUR excuse for playing a lesser game?

Actually it's the armpit

too bad to consistently get through arena you need to play at least some constructed most likely

>What is your excuse to not play this masterpiece?

>yet no hard, real numbers for people to check this claims
Blizz loves this marketing stunts don't they?

It's better than Sup Forums gives it credit for

You don't get to use that as an excuse in a Blizzard thread...

It's okay user you can still have fun like that, there's literally no reason to not quit a match where the enemy is stacked against you. You just have to accept the fact you're not gonna get past tier 15 without paying or hundreds of hours of gameplay and luck

if they're so keen on releasing numbers why don't they do it for Diablo and WoW

I was playing it for a while but I quit with the recent expansion. I looked up all the viable decks and they all required a fuck load of dust. I'm not interested in playing a pay to win game. If I can't craft a viable deck for cheap then I'm not gonna bother.


Fuckin' dotfag

TES Legends is better for a f2p pleb like me.

I understand some people can't handle losing though.

This. It's only cause it's new though. The eventually power slide will happen like it does for every card game. Still a much better alternative right now though

> b-b-b-but other JEWGAMES ARE MORE JEWISH

Go get fucked cuckboi

Okay, so nobody here should play any kind of F2P game or game that utilizes microtransactions.
That would be preferable, but it isn't realistic.

Nah, I'm the same way. I have no problem with losing. The problem is, acknowledging the time you need to sink into it to "catch up" let alone in the time before something new comes out. And even then, you're at a HUGE disadvantage against the pre-expansion buyers during its release. And then you gotta build your way up from there, etc. The only way to really catch up to anything is to drop the 50 bucks for a new expansion.

Hafu who is arguably one of if not the best arena players in the game saw her win percentage PLUMMET after the latest "fuck arena" patch.

The shitty synergy picks are making it too card to do consistently good. Most of the new cards in this shitty set have fucked arena pretty hard, from DK's to Bonemare.

Yhea, and have you played literally any other CCG on the market ? HS f2p options are the worse of its entire genre.

It's not about losing. There are only two meaningful things you can do in hearthstone:
1.Climb the ladder
2.Play the Arena
You cant play the arena frequently because the jews at heartstone locked it behind a gold wall so you're either climbing the ladder or doing nothing. The thing is, if viable decks are too expensive then you cant climb the ladder, which means there's literally nothing of value to do. It's clear that Blizzard only wants people playing the game who spend $200-300 every expansion and I'm not gonna be one of those people.

exact reason why I quit
back in the day when some fucking jew throws you a ragnaros and other epic cards and you barely have few rare ones, you cant do jack shit
P2W trash, hopefully Artifact is not P2W

>I looked up all the viable decks and they all required a fuck load of dust

you can play a bunch of decks with minimal dust, it's just that the top deck right now (raza priest) is stupidly expensive

probably the amount of players that installed / tried the game
on android alone game has between 10m-50m installs (thats the way google shows popularity) so there's that

what is the best deck currently now that druid was nerfed? it can't be that priest deck i see on meta snap, is it?

Blizzard had a referral program a while back to get a new hero portrait.
Most people just made 5 quick accounts to get it

>you can play a bunch of decks with minimal dust, it's just that the top deck right now (raza priest) is stupidly expensive
When I checked it was right after the expansion, it may have chanced since then. But I wasn't about to wait months for Blizzard to balance their game and it became clear to me what their business plan is so I'm not interested anymore.

Well, it's the same thing when Blizzard was bragging about their WoW player count, and a large fraction, if not more, were chinese bots.

I don't care much for card games to be honest. I gave it a try and enjoyed it a little, but it isn't something I would sink time into.

Like which?

right after the expansion is an awful time to check, though - the meta is still settling, and balance is hard to judge

>play for a a few hours, having fun
>go into low-level ranked
>match up against someone who has the Golden Turalyon hero
>a few turns in, opponent summons Dickslammer of Nordrassil and clears my board with Putress Shitslime which also allows him to draw 2 more cards
>scramble to counter by summoning Sen'jin Shieldmasta
>unfortunately this triggers his Secret, Tirion's Smegma, which gives him 20 armor and removes Sen'jin from mortal existence
>next turns he plays Void Boner which erases Sen'jin from spiritual existence and gives his Dickslammer 30 attack and he attacks me directly
>Well Met!

And that's why I don't play Hearthstone.