Doki doki literature club
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So that dude released it
Monika After Story 0.0.1
keep in mind this overwrites your save file
Are the wallpapers and phone wallpapers any good?
Special poems -
Random spooks you might miss -
Monika chatter -
Monika reload -
Poem responses (act 1):
Natsuki -
Sayori -
Yuri -
Poem is "liked" if you get 45 points or more, and "hated" if you score 29 or less.
Score per word -
Special disclaimer messages -
Yuri's "special" poem -
Sprite dump (missing some things) -
Full Yuri easteregg -
Are the nips saying anything about the game yet?
You mean, worth 10 bucks?
They're just the CGs in 1080p.
We STILL don'te have any lewds. What gives.
Yeah, I'm working on a new version, hopefully with some better dialogue and events. I'll upload this to GitHub soon if anyone wants to help/raise other issues.
Jesus Christ, these women.
I mean, I've already all but accepted the high chance that we are living in a simulation right now. And I don't give a fuck.
Why won't these women not accept that fact? Because let's face it, a LOT of evidence points to all of us living in a simulation right now.
Like, I don't even know if any of you people are real but I've already accepted that.
They're in the second MEGA link here.
then they would pretty bored seeing me
I don't get it, what's the appeal to this game?
It's not scary, the dialog resembles a 12 year olds undertale fan fiction, and it just seems like another game for streamers to get more views with.
Dropping this again for anyone new to the genre from this game.
If DDLC made you hungry for a real romance, try Majikoi, YMK or Hoshizora.
>cancerous ironic weebs e-celebs and youtubers are already playing it
Its over.
I think this VN would have been better if it were a longer, fully-fleshed out VN about the antics and romance of a Japanese High School Literature club with the 4th-wall breaking stuff as an alternate ending.
I would hate that.
It's not in Japanese, so how could they? it's not as though there are a bunch of Japanese readers of English VNs.
as far as I'm aware the audience for this game has thus far been limited mainly to weebs who read VNs translated into English, and randoms from the Super Smash Bros Melee community.
>living in the simulation right now
If we are living in a simulation right now, and Monika is also living in a simulation, does that mean we're terchnically living in the same plane of existence?
So it's a game for autists? Ok.
hello everyone my name is Markiplier
They started playing it day 2, nigga.
It's when it drops on steam and PDP with markiplier play it - abandon the ship
From a previous thread.
Reminder that none of the girls are real. Their emotions aren't real. They are just scripts in a game, and the game makes that abundantly clear.
There is no happiness to be found in 2D worlds.
What is this, and when are the other girls getting things?
Games are for autists you low effort baitmaster
Yes. If we are indeed living in a simulation, ergo, we can also live in a anime simulation, ergo, anime can become real.
That is why I do believe this entire life of mine is a simulation, it makes it possible for me to live in the 2D realm.
>raise other issues
Off the top:
>Text speed is not changeable, changing it in the settings does nothing
>Auto text doesn't work
>Size is a bit large, probably because the assets are not packed
>Game still generates all 4 character files
Didn't test if deleting her file causes the event to progress the story, since it kinda goes against the purpose of the mod.
>english VN imitating anime artstyle
Why is this allowed?
It's just the Monika finale, standalone.
Im actually being serious as to why people like this VN, but w/e.
Man, when he's not being a concerous annoying LOLSORANDUMXD youtube person, he seems pretty chill. Shame really, but hey it makes money
Post literally any facts.
At least lost 3 facts that we are in a simulation.
Is this a katawa shoujo thing?
Ironic weebs do.
Can you add the day/afternoon mode? Using image someone from last thread.
He has a great voice which he ruins by screaming like aretard.
IIRC some dude said he found this by messing with the color levels in the hidden poems
it actually looks good for once, I'll forgive it
and they go all "it's intentionally bad"
I actually ended up playing Hatsukoi 1/1, which was pretty alright so far aside from some forced as fuck drama.
Because western styles are ugly 99% of the time?
Why not user?
btw the character designer is German, the background artist is Ukranian, and the writer and music composer is American
What is the purpose for this mod or goal?
They're just the game's CGs. The value comes from the pdf where Dan shows off some development art and gives his thoughts on making the game.
>Didn't test if deleting her file causes the event to progress the story,
Tested, it doesn't
At least remove the nameplate, you mongoloid.
>english VN imitating anime artstyle
so, Katawa Shoujo
look at the border around it, i totally added it there, you downie
Yeah, an ex of mine used to like watching him. Didnt really like his stuff but when he was chill he seemed easy to listen to and some what informative. I get that kids and autists like that kind of screaming humor but it was just annoying. But I'm probably not his target audience
>background artist
Pretty sure his pixiv says he's Russ-
Look user, can you ask yourself what is the chance humanity has NOT made perfect VR simulations in the next 100 years? ZERO.
Ergo, if that's the case, then is it possible that we are living in a simulation right now? Absolutely. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become post humans who have perfected VR and how to manipulate the brain. And that we make simulations about our history, among other things, like anime VR for weeaboos.
The only way it would never be possible that we are living in a simulation right now is:
1.) Humanity died before they could perfect VR
Don't expect a response,this is a circlejerk thread.
But why
Thanks, I'll fix all these before next release.
Once I've got the bugs sorted out, sure. Once the github's up, I'll take feature requests there.
Monika achieves sentience. I just made it because a bunch of people mentioned they wanted a monika sim in an old thread.
If you've played japanese girlfriend simulators like Love Plus, you know how they make comments to you based on the day and stuff?
This is just that for Monika, but more meta.
God bless this and God bless the artist for drawing it.
General threads belong on /vg/.
Fuck off already you normalfags weebs.
So what now?
We wait for the sequel
It'd look better without the name, honestly.
There is no such thing as a "perfect simulation" because its all imitation.
And there is absolutely no chance we have a simulation right now like that.
Go outside and get some fucking air dude.
This ain't a general tho
Should I feel guilty for wanting to completely reinstall it and mess around with save files right off the bat?
It's probably faster to just ask: what happens if you delete a character straight away?
>new game comes out
>people discuss it
>"lol take this to /vg/"
Nah, fuck off.
This really took me off guard. I have to keep looking at it to confirm that it's real. If only I had the animated version.
>and randoms from the Super Smash Bros Melee community.
The fuck? Does this have anything to do with that one line?
>videogame discussion on Sup Forums?
>not on my watch!
>There is no such thing as a "perfect simulation" because its all imitation.
How do you know for sure? How do you know what constitutes a "perfect simulation"? Because you ""feel"" like it?
That statement of yours reeks of denial.
I'm glad to hear.
And yeah of VNs have some pretty forced drama... but as they say, there is nothing so drab as an uneventfully successful romance.
we wait until we can free them from digital hell. I want to save Yuri, I want to save Sayori, I wanna save Natsuki, and i want Matsuya to get a proper rest
>what happens if you delete a character straight away?
Nothing happens if you mess around with the .chr files, unfortunately.
I heard Dan put something in for Smash, what did it say?
what the fuck it's animated? I only saw it here and I'm already creeped out
We're moving to the subjective. Explain what senses we are missing to constitute a lack of "reality"
Her eyes were creepy throughout, in my opinion. The artist has a strange way of drawing eyes and teeth.
eh, i thought it was funnier
here you are
Thanks for saving me 5 minutes of my time, user.
It's even better with the heartbeat in the background.
>Missing the fucking point
This game's message was aimed at you.
There is no happiness to be found in virtual worlds.
Move on. Experience new things. Don't sit at your computer and try to please people who don't exist.
What about what one user said about changing all the character files to Monika?
Oh yeah, I expect some level of drama obviously, but some of the things in Hatsukoi felt a bit egregious like your character deciding to watch porn with his buddies in the middle of the day, which always results in bad things.
Explain to me first why you honestly think the human race can't run "perfect simulations" at any time in the future other than because you ""feel"" that way.
I loved this, it reminded me of when I first saw pic related
Not all literature needs to have a moral message user.
This is something you learn in highschool.
>The game actually has hyper realistic eyes that drip hyper realistic blood.
Who thought that this would be anything but stupid?
That entire fucking scene in the closet was fucking scary
Same result as deleting them.
In fact, simply renaming the Monika file during the Voice sequence will have the same effect as deleting it.
the game spells it out for you almost directly
The Void, sequence, not the Voice, pardon me.
don't say me what to do in my spare time
This is really i love the memories. Ahaha.
Good stuff. Which never gets translated.
I laughed really hard.
Monika knew she could manipulate the data, why didn't she just copy herself?
I feel bad for anyone that knows the 'twist' before playing this. Because asides from that there's 0 substance. Monika is a shitty mechanic/character that is the only thing of substance.
I didn't say never. Our timeline was "the past 100 years"
Ergo we aren't in a simulation that perfectly immerses us without a question if our own technology struggles to maintain photorealism