コスプレ thread.
Keep it vydia.
コスプレ thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't read your ancient Egypt runes.
It means cosplay you uncultured swine
get it together せんぱい
and a ching chong to you, user
My girlfriend's work in progress.
Are hosiery the sexiest fucking thing in the world?
Most likely.
This picture makes my dick hard. Shame she is a landwhale.
>can't read moon
>tfw Moonfox will never be this hot
>unironically likes cosplay
You aren't any better than him, subhumans.
>my taste is better than yours
You're free to fuck right off.
>that peach ass
Fucking shit who is this immaculate ejaculate candidate
Dem legs
Proof she's fat?
Good fucking God this pic scream "USA", why are they so fucking fat, i don't understand.
What a cute smurf.
Sorry, I don't think I remember her name. I remember searching exhaustively for her sauce when I first saw that picture and then getting disappointed.
>3DPD attention whores
If you ''weebs'' fall for these whores you're nothing but an ironic weeb normalfag.
They're in Japan.
Just found it, user. Search for Striderscribe, she has a Tumblr. I'm sorry.
Such lust for Menat
And they're all fat. I bet they voted for Drumpf.
I fucking hate Americans.
What's with the relatively recent influx of weebs on Sup Forums
welp, guess its time.
Remember when video games went mainstream with normalfags? The same is now happening with anime.
I used katakana because I wanted to test if it would circumvent the auto sage.
And it worked :^)
Been studying japanese for a few months now, it's fun.
>thai guy
That makes sense. Strange that this site would go from loser weebs, to losers, to normalfags to normalfag weebs
woooopssss meant *this c;
Gotta get the easy nerd credit points with anime.
I want to impregnate a cosplayer
>she's actually thicc
Low test anons ITT
>aerosmith logo lips
Cosplayers are mostly whores, user. Why would you want to do that?
nice ribs
Metal get off this thread and get back to work
What happened? I thought we loved 2D.
they're shoving their commie politics into everything, not surprising people will look into something thats not pozzed to death
Good for you if you liked her, user. Glad to be of help.
Because cosplayers are most likely crazy in some regard which is why theyre pretending to be someone else, and crazy is my best shot because no one normal would settle for me.
Isn't there a separate board for all this cosplay stuff? And shouldn't all you faggots be over there instead of shitting up Sup Forums with cosplay shit?
/cgl/ is girls only though
Cosplayers also have crazy expectations I'm terms of partners.
You have a better chance of picking up a normal 8/10girl than 5/10 cosplayer
fuck off
You see anything other than girls in all the pics posted ITT so far? If so, you need to gtfo for other reasons.
I'm not a girl, i can't go on /cgl/ dummy
>/cgl/ is for femanons only
>implying they have any way to police that
You know what? This is your last (You) from me.
I still want one
No it's not
You're free to post some guys, user.