I've long said that if you updated the graphics, sound and UI on system shock you'd have something that competes directly with any game on the market today.
Upcoming System shock remake and System shock 3
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying SS1 isn't already amazing
It's a game that many people coddled by modern gaming conventions and control schemes will always be terrified of, but that doesn't make it any less amazing than it is. It's not a game without faults, because no game is. For one, shooting and enemy far above you or below you is slightly dreadful, but that's really it's biggest fault. It's a fantastic game that many people will always be terrified of because it's old.
>It's a game that many people coddled by modern gaming conventions and control schemes will always be terrified of,
Listen, I agree with you to some extent, but for the love of god don't be pretencious to the point of claiming that mouse aiming and wasd movement and 3d look aren't technical achievments.
Calling such innovations 'coddling' is just a statement of elitist stupidity. The game aged poorly, technically speaking. Simple as that. It came out before we had perfected certain control conventions, and admitting that it is now a flawed gem due to its age and because it was a product of its time is by no means being coddled by modern conventions. These are staples of gaming now for a fucking reason.
We're not talking about dialogue wheels, linear corridors, chest high walls, locked FOV, 30 FPS cap or any other predatory business practice of the post 2000 gaming indrustry, we're talking about technical masterpieces of control schemes. God.
couldn't get it to run properly. it's always some bullshit going wrong with it. wish I could get this and blood running.
I'm not by any means saying mouse aiming and wasd movement aren't technical achievements, because by all means, they are. There's a very, very good reason they are the standard in modern gaming. Maybe the term coddled was just a bit too extreme, but I don't exactly retract the idea. Modern "gamers" or whatever people who play games call themselves anymore, will absolutely refuse to play SS1 because of the controls alone. Most refuse to even play the game for more than a few seconds because the controls terrify them. It's the reason you always see SS2 on lists of greatest games ever made, but they gloss over SS1. Even though both games are absolutely fantastic and are on the same level of greatness.
SS1 Enhanced has always run well for me. And it's extremely customizable so you're able to easily use the original control scheme, or the mouselook control scheme. Are you trying to play through Dosbox? Or the EE?
is this the same bot shit that happened on Sup Forums in 2011?
Buy or download the gog version.
Given that SS3 is still quite a ways off I'm honestly keeping most of my interest in reserve for Otherworld's new Underworld game instead. Of course, once they start putting out more info for SS3 that will change. Either way I'm pretty pumped for both of their projects and can't wait to see how things progress for them.
I meant Otherside. God dammit. fucking brain mixing up words.
What, repeat posts ?
Is spector involved? Please tell me he is.
I never played the SS but have replayed deus ex1 and bioshock.
SS1 unbearable control scheme got fixed with a mod that makes it play like SS2's control scheme, but modding can be fucking tedious at times so i'm glad that a remake is getting made.
Also right now there is a kick starter of SS1 remake being made by the creators of thief, SS1, deus ex, fallout NV, bioshock and skyrim.
Avalone and spector are on board.
A yea old Pre-alpha footage by the polygone fag who tested doom: youtube.com
Kickstarter: kickstarter.com
is this autism?
A whole streak of words essays within a couple of minutes replying to eachother, coming out of nowhere when a 'triggerword' was posted by a human
He's Director for System Shock 3 that OtherSide Entertainment is making.
very good
Prey was the only System Shock 3 we needed.
>Prey was the only System Shock 3 we needed.
He's a major part of SS3, minor part of SS1 remake.
To this day I want to ask spector how the fuck did he messed up invisible war so much
That is a retarded question.
And you are a retard for not being aware of how video games are made.
Oh I'm aware, I just wanted (You)'s because genuine questions with nuance and reasoning are oftenly ignored.
>anime poster
>wants to ask monumentally stupid question.
KWR is overrated.
If you're being sarcastic then you need to greentext that post next time.
Spector fucked it up for the obvious reason that he had to make a deus ex experience for console market. Controllers are shit, consoles are shit and a larger demographic (mostly children) educated by console games, would freak out if they weren't told what to do (remember dishonered testers, Nothing has changed in the last 20years).
Doge never stopped being funny, it's a dam shame that so many good memes aren't as resillient as pepe.
>Doge never stopped being funny
It was never funny.
doge is great, and is eternal.
>(remember dishonered testers, Nothing has changed in the last 20years).
Man I'm getting mad just thinking about it again.
Two (2) crowdfundings. Why are these developers feeling so privileged about recieving money before actually doing anything.
Uh.. user...
(((warren spector)))
fixed that for you
I kinda hope it sucks so Warren Spector finally gets exposed as the talentless hack he has always been.
Spector has been in a strange place when it comes to Sup Forums. The board has a tendency to turn on individuals on a whim because of minor shit they said, but Warren Spector got a pass every time. Even when he endorsed Anita or condemned violent video games.
majority of people still think he was the brain behind deus ex, gameplay and story wise
who cares about spector after epic mickey?