Have you ever gotten a nuke?
Loads they're pretty easy if you try
The most i ever got was 23 kill streak
You don't get kicked for unfair KD ratio like that?
>that one shitter that used hardline to get it
Yeah 2 times. Both times I camped with a FAMAS. Went 24 and 0 running around with the shittiest weapon in the game (F2000) but the game ended before I got to 25.
Once, but I think the other team wasn't really paying attention and were trying to boost
Never have, was pretty shit at FPSes when I was playing it with my friends.
Why would you?
Many, you just have to play careful
>unfair KD ratio
Are you 8 years old?
I wasn't that good at MW2/3 and still got a nuke every tenth game or so.
My little brother played nothing but CoD for two years and was able to get a nuke/moab in every single game. One time he got three (3) in a one game.
I got a few
I got a nuke out of a care package. That was when I realized I was on a modded server. Everything up to that point seemed normal
Nukes end games
You can't get three in one game
yes but I cheated to get it
>try really hard to get a nuke
>hands are sweaty
>mom's spaghetti
>choke on the last few kills
>playing casually
>barely paying any attention
>get nuke like it's nothing
Why is that?
Mental pressure
Yes. Legit tryhard style and 100000% fun run with """noobtubes""".
He doesn't need to use the nuke asap to earn it. Just dies and his counter for getting one resets. So he could die after 25 kills (24 if hardline) then keep at it again, just to show he can or something.
I don't like camping so no
If you don't use it and get another it stacks. Then when you use one and try to use another it just tells you that a nuke is already inbound.
MOABs in MW3 senpai
Got a nuke with the carepackage knife trick within 1 minute of round start.
twice, feels good
Why did you have to post a picture of Gut's mentor for that post?
Three. One on Terminal, Karachi and Rundown. I could get 7 kills pretty easily but my harriers would always get shot down and I always got too excited in my chopper gunner and could never get many kills with it. Each time I got a nuke I was always 3-4 kills short and had to go out and get them with my gun, the first nuke I forgot about the nuke but still managed to get 6 kills in a row after my failed chopper gunner.
nuke? no.
25 kill streak? yes.
I got two nukes in a demolition game. The killstreaks where op as fuck.
I got the nuke icon in MW2 which I think required at least 25 of them. Shit was easy back when killstreak kills still counted toward further streaks.
I don't play shit noskill games
>get nuke
>people in the enemy team just quit the match
the only people who got nukes were gay ass campers or going against literal 8 year olds on xbox live
It's crazy to think that in MW2 your killstreak could get you your next killstreak. Seems so stupid in hindsight.
Your brain on Overwatch, everyone.
Get 7 kills with some broken ass gun like the SCAR or something I don't care
Harriers get enough kills for an AC130
Instant nuke
wait, a lethal killstreak could get you your next killstreak? or are you talking about blackbird?
like if u got a pavelow and it got you 9 kills and all youd need is 7 gun kills for a nuke??
CoD4 was worse. You could get a helicopter, die, use it and it would get kills towards your killstreaks. Basically unlimited choppers.
>play carefully, camp when necessary
>harrier strike
>sometimes enough kill with the chopper for the nuke
Ive gotten to twenty four dozens of times while playing mw2 but never got that last kill.
Sometimes I just choked, but most of the time it was literal noob tube commando pro knife hell, there was always that one negative bitter cunt that would switch classes and target me exclusively just to prevent the nuke.
>anons gonna get a nuke!
>24-0 one more kill!
>aww did he die? What happened?
>ACR + Silencer
>Cold Blooded
>Chopper Gunner
1 in 3 Domination games I got nuke, usually depending on map
used it only when the end was near or my team sucked so hard it was pretty much unplayable though
I just rushed around with the silenced UMP and tac knife and used Predator -> Harrier -> Pavelow, was pretty much guaranteed to chain all three once you got to 5 kills.
>there was always that one negative bitter cunt that would switch classes and target me exclusively just to prevent the nuke
That was me.
I got precisely one, and it's only because I got like 13 kills with chopper gunner on Wasteland.
Only twice. And i never got it again.
yeah i got it on that wasteland map or whatever the fuck it was called with the grass everywhere and the small underground bunker. i remember getting to 18 kills and when i was just about to put out my pave low the host quit and it went to host migration and i remember getting really fucking worked up because i was so close to my first nuke. the game eventually reconnected and my pave low got like 20 kills itself and i ended up going on like a 35 kill streak in the end before i used the nuke
No because I'm not a literal 13 year old who plays/played CoD
That's not Gut's mentor
That's his rapist XD
Newfag detected.
Everybody was playing modern warfare 2/waw at its peak.
me and my friend nukeboosted in Estate under the docks
>t. 13 year old trying to fit in
Why was mw2 so comfy? None of the cods have been able to recreate the feeling.
>the ambient violins in multiplayer
Cool shit.
Yeah some maps were pretty easy to get em on.
it's almost like if people didn't want to be nuked and losing the match or something man
>does not know the joke
Good job user.
I remember when people would shit on mw2 constantly.
Now I miss it since the series went to utter shit
This, both on Domination, Hardline, ACR/UMP45 Camping and Scavenger
>lethal killstreak could get you your next killstreak?
Yes that's how it worked in mw2
not my fault you suck and are going 0-8, don't target me exclusively out of the entire team.
I thought WaW was way more comfy than MW2, I'm playing the new WW2 open beta this weekend to see if they can replicate it.
Mw2 was depressing to me, honestly. The color scheme was so saturated and the soundtrack was either le epic inception man or depressing sounding ambient.
The only joke here is your existence
>mfw find two boosters and target them exclusively until they leave the lobby
>the modern warfare 2 ten year old kids you remember in 2009 are now almost adults
The real question is have you ever made significant impact in the game with it
how can they target you unless you camp in single spot the whole game?
Yeah I'm 19 now user :^)
Or just putting 2+2 together, see their teammate die and the player Id in the killfeed ..
The more dedicated fuckers would switch to noob tube one man army and just start spamming in the air hoping to land
Got my first one with ACR on Highrise.
Yes I did, two times.
I played on pc until I was thrown into a hacked server which wiped all of my stats. And I literally mean all of it, all the emblems and whatever. This happened after 150 hours so thanks IWNET.
>playing team tac with 3 friends
>notice someone is going for nuke
>hiding away noob tubing
>Tell friends to rush this fag with tubes and I'll ninja knife
>on his kill 24 I run through a barrage of friendly/foe noob tubes and shiv him in the throat
>later get an angry as fuck message
God I loved that game. It had bullshit, but that's what made it fun.
We did it reddit!
Closest thing was an infected match in MW3 but that's about it
>enemy team gets nuke
>you are host
>exit to dashboard
Yeah fuck you
I lost count after 20-something. Favela FFA is where I got most of them I remember that much.
You win the match
The highest I've ever gotten was the Lodestar in I think BO2. I generally sucked at all CoD games because I always favor stupid gimmicky play styles like knife only
That's said fuck them for making the Riot Shield shit after MW2 and eventually removing it entirely. It was the most fun thing in these games
you have to play like a pussy to get a nuke
Yeah, got the emblem
yeah, several times, usually used harrier and controlled Heli. Best feeling when Heli didn't get as much as you need, so you forced to do it yourself.
Lol did the same to two doing that in the quarry map behind one of the pillars in the corner. It was actually a really good spot.
>saw those boost justice videos and started doing the same by ruining boosters kill steaks
>tfw distracting an attack chopper or harrier with riot shield so your team would stop getting raped
felt good man
Not really, I got a MOAB running around with that japanese SMG and the perk that gives you all of the perks as you killstreak on MW3. I don't know about the other CoD games though.
>Brazilian admin mentality
all the time baby
Do dogs count? I got like 2 in Blops, and the helicopter control one.
mw3 is shit
>>hands are sweaty
>>mom's spaghetti
Cancer that killed MW2 after Model nerf, i honestly like being raped by Models than OMA tube
INFINITY WARD games were always better than Treyarch especially when it came to balance and netcode.
That's taking into consideration this is CoD we're talking about.
Every game match I've played I got two tactical nukes. The moment I booted up the game for the first time I was at the top of the leader boards automatically. I only use throwing knives, and every time I throw one it hits every player. My accuracy is 105 percent. I've never taken damage once. I've never used a perk. I only play with one hand, the other hand I use to finger the ten pussies always at my beckon. Jesus Christ himself came down from heaven to 1v1 me and lost. After that I was granted access to heaven automatically, in fact I'm using God's computer at this very moment to make this post.
Have you never played on a server before? If it's not a dedicated or dev server, you're dealing with random admins, and that means the slightest hint of being better than others gets you a ban, shit I'm not even that great at Battlefield and I've been banned multiple times for too high of a K/D
>one man army pro
>commando pro
Why were the rest of you so shit at a shit game?
Lmao I went with the same build. On some maps you could hit their base if you shot at the air. Also remember that cancerous Model 1887 and Javelin glitch
After playing for like 3 years I was never able to get a nuke. I would always choke around 20 kills and do something stupid. I also thought commando and camping were for faggots.
>giving a nuke to a player with a lot of kills
the rich get richer.......
What the fuck? Never played battlefield but that's braindead retarded. probably just admin abuse, it's happened to me a few times but usually for other reasons, one time an admin crashed my CS:S client because I was about to win all of his ingame credits in a bet
>noob tubes