So what's it going to be?
So what's it going to be?
Other urls found in this thread:
Official announce trailer.
Are you dense? It screams RDR 2.
Wow really???? Who could have guessed?
RDR2 trailer and RDR remastered exclusively for Nintendo Switch
salty milk and coin
Hopefully a release date that didn't get another delay and information on playable character.
They need to tell us if it's john, jack or a new cast
I know this is bait, but these tendies are getting pretty thirsty.
They're going to announce how they'll implement Shark Cards into this game.
a 30 second trailer of some horses and the desert and a small town with a saloon. then it'll say "Red Dead Redemption: [subtitle]"
no gameplay of course.
Switch port, PSVR version announced kek
Story trailer introducing character(s) and some gameplay with a release date and whatever platforms it's going to come out on.
Red Dead: Online, the full microtransaction experience. Preorder now to get 500 FREE Bounties (in-game e-currency) at your local GameStop.
It's going be thread after thread of console warring
Red Dead Redemption: Remastered
"delayed until 2020"
2020? Try 2035
A lot of fired up nintendo fans and pc users and even more gold face posting
This. Get ready for the SP to be rushed and shitty to make way for the cashgrab multiplayer.
Hundreds of pc tards hooting about how rdr was never good
Uhhh, guys?
I'll have you know I watched some youtube footage and it was one of the worst games I've ever seen
what if its a port of RDR1?
>$19.99 for online bulletproof horse armor
Pls no multi protag, don't pull a GTAV
Should i invest money into rockstar?
There's nothing wrong with multiple protags if done correctly.
of course, goy! always invest in the stock market!
some microtransaction ridden piece of shit like gtav
Im not sure if youre memeing, but investing money is a wise financial option. I hope you dont think otherwise.
>tfw two more days
trailer, offical artwork, story details, Q&A, interview, screenshots, gameplay, what else?
maybe a delay lol
i hope its a story trailer like they did with the previous RDR
Red Dead + Rabbids Cowboy Battle
I loved the tits out of the first one. If no PC port is announced, I might have to grab a PS4. They're only like $160 used anyway.
yes, yes give your shek- money to this (((market)))! surely you will receive more later!
You are an actual retard.
t. Brainlet
>and he never retired and worked until he died
They announce that the protagonist is actually Irish from the previous game.
How was your rosh hashanah celebrations this year? See old friends? Reconnect with some family?
Combined single player and multiplayer always online hub world. Both sides use the same pool of currency. Single player quests pay terribly and you must farm is horse races and do bountys to earn piddling amounts of cash. Gambling is removed entirely or is blatantly rigged. 100k horses, 500k steam powered cars. Even more expensive houses, and don't forget you can buy currency!
>he doesnt have a 401k
>he doesnt put into an IRA
>he doesnt play the stocks
This generation is so fucked its not even funny
Maybe THIS time we will get a PoC protagonist, he'll I would take a white person if xe were trans or transitioning. Imagine hard that would have been back then
fuck off, you mick piece of shit
>not annunced for PC
Whats wrong with ira's? Its a proven system and im slated to retire at 60 with over 2 mil
I should start saving