What is Chibi-Robo!

what is Chibi-Robo!

What is Fable

Metal Gear

What is Jade Empire?

Pretty good answers but nope, it is a japanese game though

Dark souls

Mega man?

Valkyria Chronicles


Dork Souls

ding ding ding
400 autismbux to user

deus ex

What is Paper Mario

assassins creed

What is Monster Hunter?

What is Dead Rising

Agreed, chocolate bar revolution and content divided were fucking garbage. Never played inivisble war but the consensus is that it's trash too.

Sonic? Because Sonic was bever good.

At least Eidos Montreal can't ruin the series any furtther. Should have never been a series anyway, the first is the only good one. Consoles ruined deus ex

Human Revolution isn't on par with DE1, but it's still a great game in its own right, user.

What is L4D

I honestly don't get why the original is held in such high regard. I love the music and atmosphere to death, but the newer games also have great soundtracks. The gameplay doesn't seem to hold up so well with the Dragon tooth trivializing everything except the mechs, and the game is pretty short in comparison to the newer titles.

Not going into crazy detail but in general I really don't see how the newer titles aren't improvements in almost every area. Sure the story is weaker in many areas and it's obvious that MD was rushed in development compared to the other games in the series, but the original wasn't incredible by any means, and I encountered my fair share of bugs and issues that required reloading saves that I didn't have to do in HR/MD

tl;dr they're all good imo, I don't get the DE1 circlejerk

What is Dragon age?