Why does Yamcha not get as many views?

Why does Yamcha not get as many views?

If it was based Zamasu it would have been already at one billion

no one likes Yamcha

should of went with Hercule

neither of these fags should be in the game, especially not yamcha hes a baseball player

People dismis mah boy Yamcha but when he turns up to be good everyone is going to be like
>Yamcha is my Fav
>I liked him since his first apparence in Z

It would've been pretty funny if Yamcha teamed up with the wolf bros from the other universe to train and refine his wolf bang fist and actually made something of himself instead of becoming a meme.


>not brolly

You all know brolly is a fan favorite

Hercules is lovable.
Yamcha is unpopular

Amerifats calling Mr. Satan "Hercule", i guess your cancer censorship missed the fact that Videl is an anagram for Devil.

>using the name of the devil

Enjoy not going to heaven user.
I shall pray for your soul :)


fuck you, you stupid americuck that´s not his name do you also say chi chi instead of milk don´t you motherfucker?

It was posted later? With Max's channel, Yamcha has a good 20k lead over Tien.

are you ok

Because cherry picking

>Ignoring all the other trailers where yamcha got more views including the ASW and Bamco channels
Tien fags are this desperate

I bet you weebs say kuririn.

>wolf bang fist

everybody talking about Hercule = Satan and Krillin = Kuririn but nobody talking about my boys Tenshinhan and YamUcha


Because they're cherry picking idiots who headed a 101 fact video call him Mr.Satan so they use it anytime it comes into discussion.
>mfw Yamcha got in

The worst mispronunciation is "Meta" Coola

It's fucking metal.

> yamcha

Kuririn = Krillin
Yamucha = Yamcha
Tenshinhan = Tien

Mr. Satan = Hercule

are americans really scared of the word satan?

I don't get it, didn't they keep Satan as his last name?

who's that guy and where can I pirate his games?

Even the uncensored dub didn't call him that. C'mon now.

what the fuck


Speaking of Mr. Satan, what are the chances of him getting in? I'm not the biggest DBZ fan but I bought a DBZ fighting game on ps2 (or it might have been gamecube) and Mr. Satan was my favorite character in that game. I'm still gonna buy FighterZ even if he's not getting in, just curious what you guys think.

They did, even most of the dubs use Satan aside from the one that got on Toonami back then. Personally I just think Hercule fits the character's bravado more.

1%. For the first game, they'll want to stick to established fighters and leave joke characters and guest characters for the sequel.

nigga fuck you Yamcha is the best character in Dragonball.

to be fair there's a difference between weird romanization (anybody calling krillin kuririn is a dumbass) and actually changing names

who the hell is hercule?

No, because Toriyama was nice enough to provide the official romanization.
Nice try, 4Kids baby.

IGN owns it these days though obviously it's just, you know, game trailers. The stuff you're actually looking for is Easy Allies.

100% correct.

Fuck you they still call him Kuririn on my country's dub.

what african shithole are you from?

> Tenshinhan = Tien

how in the world is this localization lmao


why? that is his actual name (kuririn)
Just like Goku's actual name is Gokuu with long u, not short Goku.

Plagues video bitching about Tien got people interested in him as the new reddit tier "non mainstream" choice


Brazil and our dub actually happens to be pretty solid.


At least we don't fall Satan fucking Hercule lmao

I've heard is name is Mark "Hercule" Satan with the Hercule being like a stage name

>getting this bootyblasted over a name

In Brazil the dub is actually Kuririn.
Chiaotzu turned out to be Caos (chaos).

Who cares, they already ruined the game, no way they're actually going to respect the heart and soul of it now that put all their cards on the table.

No one gives a shit what your pedro dubs say. It's Krillin.

>should of

weird, we got it as
Mr. Satan
the guys translating it here probably sat and said
>ok here are the moon names and the gringo ones, now pick the less shit

these gringos will never experience the greatness and gloriousness of the pt-br dub

I'm catching up and Zamasu was the worst thing that happened to this series

do you also call bulma buruma?

I'm ok with "Hercule" only because an english speaking audience will just focus on wondering why he's named Mr Satan and if it means he's evil whereas a Japanese audience will pay attention to the meaning of his name about as much as they do Saiyans being named after vegetables. It just doesn't work for us the same way it does for a nip audence.

They should have stuck with the theme naming though and just make his name an anagram of Satan like Videl's is for Devil. Like "Mr. Natsa" or something.

maybe if you're a loser who self inserts as him

Best girl when?

Launch is never gonna show up in this game, user.

you misspelled Android 18

>Mr. Natsa
sounds like a sausage brand

You posted the wrong image. Here let me help.

>not calling him Infinite Hands

Yamcha is a literal meme character. Not the Sup Forums definition of meme as "popular thing I don't like".

I'm still holding out for Giran.

>till holding out for Giran.
No one from super is getting in.

This, I can't wait for all the shitters claiming they loved him when he's high tier.

These are the last 2 characters yet to be announced that have any significance

Unless this is a joke, Giran is from original dragon ball. Which has less of a chance than Super. But Super is already confirmed with the Kaioken X10 Goku.

Ah, I see. Makes sense.

Okay, but there still aren't any characters from super in the roster.

Arguably Adult Gohan could be considered. He'd even have a far different playstyle than young gohan.


>Kid Buu

That's true. But with Super's popularity in Japan I think we'll definitely at the very least see them as DLC down the line. Don't know about base roster.

And we all love Yamcha for that.



>getting this assblasted over a name
>getting this assblasted over murica

We'll probably get Kid Buu, what I'm worried about is Super Buu. I may be wrong, but he was the longest antagonist of the buu saga. I'd hate for him to be shafted for Kid and Fat like Fusions did.

Shut up tojos

You and me both, user.

>only pretending

fuck off to reddit

Lets get some AWOOOOS for our /toptier/ wolf! AWOOOOOOO!!!!

are they adding GT characters?i want to play as pan

nobody gives a fuck about GT

Literally the only thing it did right was the cute dragon waifu

Bulma was clearly intended to be pronounced "Blooma", to be fair.


>i want to play as pan

>i want to play as pan

fuck you i liked it. i'll take GT anytime over super

>not wanting to play as best girl

fuck off pedo

pan >>>> 18

>Panfags ACTUALLY exist

Fuck off Pedro