Anybody still play this game? /dng/ is all meta talk and I refuse to pay money for Link cards, fuck off

Anybody still play this game? /dng/ is all meta talk and I refuse to pay money for Link cards, fuck off.

Do u even link summon fag?
Yugioh sucks anyway

>Past YGO thread gets deleted as usual
>We have a backup

what game?

Yugioh Legacy of the Duelist

Just started watching the original anime because of the last thread
>2000 life points
God damn, the good old days

You trade gems obtained in-game for boosters in Links.
Only shitters can't gather enough gems to get the meta cards.

if this was handheld i'd play it more often.
no, i dont feel like walking around the house streaming it to my via.
the only reason i play shadowverse is because i can bounce between phone and pc.

More games should just be like YGOPRO where they give you every card and tell you to figure it out yourself. Just wish it wasn't so shit on android right now.

Back then, it was easier to write duels when they last less than 10 turns and animators can pad the fuck out of each turn's length to fit in two episodes.

I've never been fond of Legacy for whatever reason. A bunch of cards being DLC really rubbed me the wrong way and it felt unoptimal as fuck, especially scrolling to read text.

>Duel Links
People actually play this shit? It kills my battery in like 25 minutes.

Also OP was talking about LINK cards you retarded autist

I don't like that format.

It totally goes against the spirit of a TCG to have access to everything.

>turn 12
>both players still at 8000
>this even happening with Scraps
What the fuck am I looking at?

Kind of want to get it just for single player, used to like ygo as a kid and the last bit of content I played was the first tag force game, it took me several tries to get a companion to even compete in the tournament got so angry. Is this good, i read you can play through all the og anime.

>when they last less than 10 turns
>Back then
You mean the current game?

>can't balance the performance rate between phone/app
>calls other retards

Not him, but you can go fuck yourself. Ever play a TCG video game? They're all unbearable grindfests. I bet you think buying singles is cancer while you spend hundreds of dollars on sealed cards, never pulling anything of value.

>I bet you think buying singles is cancer while you spend hundreds of dollars on sealed cards, never pulling anything of value
B-but opening packs is exciting

Just get duel generations on mobile user it's basically the same game. Also one came out in 3ds recently that got stellar reviews

I get that. I just like being able to build whatever deck i want and play not having to use compromise cards because of bad luck. I still play duel generations though because I like the progressive gamestyle.
It just sucks opening a pack and finding for example a HERO card when you have none and you know you're never going to be able to make a HERO deck because there's so many fucking cards the chances you're going to get a whole set of an archetype are abysmal.

That's why anyone who's serious about cards games irl buys single cards and don't fuck with boosters and shit.

The game lacks a lot of cards, so it's really outdated. However, it still updates the banlist as though they have all the currently available products. Not the mention the fact that there is 40 or 80 dollars worth of DLC which have archetypes locked behind them. It's an okay game, but if you want to do things just play YGO/DevPro

I hope you're not watching the dub

>Playing with autistic metacucks

Exactly. That's why you open packs for prize support when you get to top 4.

>never pulling anything of value.

YGO has an abundance of great cards now, it's not like the old days where you have three good cards in a set.

I play a harpy deck and win often, lightning chidori Is goat. If you stack your extra deck properly you can take on the meta, you just gotta know the game and be prepared. I do still have trouble against pendulum decks though

>you just gotta know the game
You mean add the same 5 XYZ monsters in every deck you own?

There's like almost 10000 cards in this series and many are viable. Just because you suck at building a deck on your own doesn't mean other people can't create their own strategies. The only one of those 5 cards I'm guessing you're talking about that I use is Big Eye

>doesn't mean other people can't create their own strategies
You mean look up decklists and combos on youtube?

Like I said, if you're not creative enough to figure it out yourself... yeah but not everyone does lol so much damn projecting going on user

Are you implying there's a problem with looking up what others have done?

is BURUAIZU KAOSU MAKKUSU DORAGON in Legacy of the Duelist?
>Cannot be targeted, or destroyed by, your opponent's card effects
>Double Piercing Damage
How the fuck do you get away from it when it *blocks your path*?

Non-targeting, non-destroying removal.

Post examples

Is there already a YGO Sup Forumslobby?

Not even the most insane card. Been a while since I've played but something like send all cards on the field back to the hand or deck would work I think


yugioh dub is a million times better, the voice acting is more dramatic and music is also great

>t. 4kidsfan

Yeah, how about no.
The manga's the true way for yugioh though, but anything's better than dub.

>he doesn't like the Kirby 4kids dub

you're taking the children's card game too seriously. dub is just more fun and the music for god cards is great. no one cares that dying is replaced by shadow realm

>watch a kids show
>opt for the more kidified version

Like I mentioned in a previous thread, I'm playing Over The Nexus which is a 5D game. Will it get me caught up on how things work?

Its only major downside so far is that the computer takes its turns really slowly.

>shows only good when people die

So how true is this whole "4Kids invented the shadow realm" thing?
I know some of the original duels had actual death involved, but ALL of them?

Also if Bakura killed Pegasus at the end of Duelist Kingdom how did they explain that he was in the first movie?

>Trouble with pendulum
Stop going second and start popping scales avoid destroying PP.

I stopped a long time ago. While it's cool that Konami updated it alot of key cards are stuck behind the fucking paywall DLC. I don't like having to buy one a pack because I need a single card for a specific deck I want to build. And even then the updates are slow as shit so you're playing with a busted meta. And the pace is so fucking slow!

Though it is occasionally fun to face off against 60 card shitters your best bet is just going balls out with YGOPro.

Do I need to remind you how grimdark it actually is?

I was actually about to post that image. Yeah, the shadow realm was made up. The original penalty was either Yami absolutely mindbreaking them, or them straight up dying. Bandit Keith's hand turned into a gun for example and he shot and killed himself. Even S0 Anime's was tamed down to the Manga, where the robber was actually set on fire from vodka rather than just thinking it.

Does this game have those gay ass shit cards with wall of text?
XYZ,Synchro they are called I believe

Stop acting like that's the only problem.

Non Target Non Des
Storming Mirror Force
Drowning Mirror Force
Madolche Tiaramisu
Sphere Mode
Creature Swap
Spyral Fully Armed
Metaphys something it's too new
You can turn off it's effects and target destroy it with
Quaking Mirror Force
Skill Drain
Book of Eclipse
That's all off the top of my head I'm sure there's plenty more.


>16 year old is almost 5'11
>In Japan
Bullshit. Only Americans have such degenerate genes.

Would you sacrifice your left eye to acquire the power of reading minds through the Millennium Eye?
Would you do it even knowing it has been in several eye sockets in the past?

It previously would have, but now no.
Links introduce a core mechanic change that's enough to boot me out of the game.

XYZ should be easy enough to grasp, Pendulum take a little more thought because they have, in my opinion, more obscure rules like going to the extra deck but only sometimes.

I can't remember the eyes monkey paw, which Millenium item has the least bad side effect?

He's from Brooklyn, though.

>Katsuya Jonouchi
>From Brooklyn
Wanna check again, user?

There aren't any "monkey's paw" to the items

Except for the ring that houses an evil spirit hellbent on summoning a demon king or something.

Y'know what I always hated about the anime?
The prize money for Duelist Kingdom was 3 million Yen(around 26k USD) but 4kids was dumb and translated it to 3 million dollars.

Well other than your body being possesed and often a slow steady descent into madness

>Le post _____ that reminds you of yourself meme
>Konami makes pic related
>Konami makes no support for it
>Heavy Metal King is not a real card yet
>You will never have a deck that matches your personality like in muh animoo
Why am I on this Earth? Just to suffer?

>Poor kid living with alcoholic father gets 3 million dollars out of nowhere
>Doesn't turn to drugs and still hangs out with the same people
Based Joey

>Witch of the Black Forest + Lady of Faith
What did Konami mean by this?

Anyways what important cards is this game missing?

They're his groupies

That's a pain, but I suppose it's better I learn in sections than do all of it at once. The Tag Force equivalent PS2 game is the last one I've played.

you can still use instant fusion

What for, user? He's a vanilla fusion and only has 1750 ATK

that didn't stop this guy

What do you mean?

What a shit card

>wins 3 mil
>still has piece of shit decks that might as well be pulled from the garbage bin

his attribute and level led to him being used in quite a lot of water decks such as mermails to get out an easy rank 4, one option being bahamut shark
musician king can be used to the same extent for rank 5s but his type/attribute don't give him as many options. if he was machine then he'd be perfect for cyber dragons

>Post YFW Effect Veiler was a girl all along

>synchro setups
>link setups
>"free" xyz material
>if you want, you can bring it back from the grave since they were properly fusion summoned

He's a free rank 4 and can also get a toadally awesome out without using aqua-types

What is the most fun archetype to play and why is it Monarchs?

Drowning mirror force, quaking mirror force. You can also just honest your way through it if you are madman enough to run a light deck

>toadally awesome
>There will never be a super rare and expensive official Sage Mode Naruto instead of orange special edition of it
Fuck this gay earth

>You can also just honest your way through it if you are madman enough to run a light deck
Why not just side it along with some Light monsters and and add them to your deck if you're playing a match against Buruaizu Makkusu?

Monarchs are boring, are you kidding me?

Yeah man so I was building my new house but I seem to have run out of bricks, can I use your deck instead?

>Play Gravekeepers on YGO
>Get turn 1
>Setup Shrine Valley Heretic and backrow and then Demise for usually 2-3 more backrow
>See them RQ or RQ in 2-3 turns when they cannot SS to victory

Anti-meta for days.

Why the fuck did they take out tag dueling

>tcg exclusive archtype
>oh boy, time for another cool idea with awful execution and cards that have to be supported by splashing T1 shit
>they actually give it good support

>What is the most fun archetype to play and why is it Monarchs?
But that's the wrong way to spell "Synchrons". Look at this cute motherfucker.

I had a friend who had never watched the cartoon, never played the TGC but was obsessed with the Roses PS2 game. Like he spent at least 800 hours on it. Was it that good?

Final Battle is good but too bad it's not the kind of support Subterrors actually need to be relevant. You should've posted Double Helix instead.

It was pretty cool but I can't imagine playing it for 800 hours unless it was the only game he had for the ps2

Duel Links is the better yugioh game man. speed duel format > competetive ruleset. remember when yugioh was simple like during battle city? fuck syncros and pendulum crap.

>I have the attention span of a fruitfly

your friend has autism. that game sucked.

go kys my man you have no argument.

I've watched the tutorial video like seven times and I still don't fucking understand Links.

I don't have to have one. It's better because it's casual is what you're saying. Even old yugioh wasn't as casual as duel links, there was a metagame since day 1. Do you know what were the top decks? It wasn't normal beatdowns or slow grindy stall burn, it was a 40 card stack of staples. You just want to go back to the time when you and your friends didn't know any better.

>Still complaining about Synchros and Pendulums
Is this 2014 again?


How? Links is the most simple brain dead summoning method since Tribute summons. Sack the required monsters equal to the desired Link monsters Link-number. You now have a pretty blue monster on the field and you can now special summon other extra deck monsters to the zones the Link monster points to.