No shilling on either side, it's just nice to see a behemoth get a run for it's money.

boring normalfag games

The irony is that the only reason Fortnite has players right now is because PU couldn't calm his tits.

1 guy has 30k viewers

broken ass game

I tried playing Fortnite and as someone who's never touched PUBG, Fortnite sucks. You walk everywhere super slowly and all the guns feel terrible, it doesn't feel fun at all.

Wow Fortnites doing alright, maybe its worth trying.

>check streams
>it's the usual who's who of 'we got paid to stream this and we'll play it until the check clears then never again but we really love it it's great buy it now'

wow impressive

Based Lirik

never touched PUBG because the premise didn't interest me much to pay the price and testing the F2P version just proves it
Just a run to who gets to the loot faster and get lucky

Sacriel is playing this out of his own curiosity

The only developers making a 'run for their money' are the bandwagoning AAAs who are suddenly interested in the game mode.
Happens all the time. Very unlikely to get a shooter without it now, much like it's very unlikely to get a CCG that isn't at least heavily 'inspired' by Hearthstone

>68k just one streamerd
No one can stop this train

how long do you think it'll be until 'PUBG KILLER' becomes a popular catchphrase


>they turned off the viewbots


What is the appeal to PUBG? It looks like a shitty Gary's Mod custom game room.

>PU couldnt calm his tits

I think a game will come along that'll be battle royale that will kill PUBG but it's definitely not going to be Fortnite.

git gud you retard fuck

>destiny and ow out of the top 10 games

finally, get fucked blizzard


>btw I, the PLAYER UNKNOWN invented Battle Royale format

>navi plays
>60k viewers
fucking slavs

>harbouring emotions for a faceless corporation
You have to be 18 years of age or older to post here.
The door is over there.

It's worth remembering they don't really compete.

PUBG is for good pc/xbone owners, fortnite if for shit pc/ps4 owners. Neither will take the others players (no one with a pc/xbone would want to play it over pubg, and people with a shit pc/ps4 can't play pubg)

>Destiny and OW in the same category
Aside from both being FPS I don't see the comparison.

So can someone tell me again how Sup Forums killed PUBG please because I been out of the loop.

>pubg babby tries to play another game

i have a really good pc and dont want to spend money on pubg but fornite looks more fun and is free so ill play it instead of pubg

i'd rather play fortnite because it's free and I'm not going to support an early access loot crate game

it looks like shit and runs like shit

insecurity, the post

t. gaylord unknown

Nice toaster Brendan Greene

PLAYERUNKNOWN™ tried to sue the fortnite devs for stealing his idea.


It'll only last a day. There's currently no customization/progression in fortnite. People will get bored of it fast.

how fucking big an ego can one have?

Fake news

I like PUBG, its a fun romp, but god damn PLAYERUNKNOWN is a massive tool.

You can't patent a fucking gameplay mode. What, does Nintendo hold a right on platformers?

>pioneered the genre of FFA elimination
what an egotist.


regarde le cul, le PUBG !

Is this real? People joked about "overwatch ripping off tf2" but valve didn't try and fucking sue blizzard over it.

Can someone tell me when PUBG's memory leak is gonna get fixed? Tired of restarting every few games.

>remember, playing how you want is a bannable offense

fuck these cucks.

Actually he's just considering it for now, but this alone just shows how much of an insecure faggot he is.

downloading right now. will never touch redditgrounds

This is like saying firewatch was insanely popular because 5 million people watched pewdiepie play it.

People watch the streamer not the game, once the streamer stops playing it the numbers nosedive.

>Werks for me
Seriously, I'm not trying to be a shit. But the game does punish you for having 8gb of RAM. You seriously need 16GB minimum.

If you want to play as a group go play Squad mode. Stop being a faggot that can't beat 99 other people on his own.

It's fun.

Minecraft didn't suffer when clones came out.

Then why are you playing Fortnite lmao

There will be place for 3-4 games of this kind. PUBG will likely be the LoL of the bunch, while 2 other companies scramble to try and be the DOTA2 and SMITE of the remaining players.
All the rest that try will just be getting the scraps.

The worst part is that he represents himself as that edgy OC donut steel.
Only needs a katana.


my PC can run PUBG but i'd rather buy Call of Duty than PUBG

You are an idiot with 0 reading comprehension

>I've never played the game but I refuse to because it'seems popular and popular things are bad and reddit

Can you imagine actually being like this?

If it's not on Steam it's dead on arrival.

depends on the time of day, either
and once they all go offline, Grimmmz cause he gets leftovers for opening his big fucking mouth

I'd check it out for shits if it wasn't for the fact that they want me to install ANOTHER fucking software delivery platform on my PC.
A man has to have his limits.

Fortnite devs give no fucks

Based, im gonna go try fortnite now.


Which patch? i can't find it

>that fucking edgy antifa OC character
And his stupid all caps nickname doesn't help either, this shit scream ANONYMOUSE bullshit.


pubg seems like a boring game and the dev's apparently a massive cunt but pubg:battleborn edition seems even worse
maybe i can just hope both die before another 50 similar games come out
didn't work with mobas but it's worth a try


I admire their moxie but they can't really act like this after their original mode being dead as fuck and caving into the latest craze

i hate """competitive""" games, is why

Same here.

I'm pretty fucking impressed they managed to get a more optimized version out within the two months the PvE mode came online.

>shooting in fortnite is LITERALLY RNG depending on the rarity of the gun you find


Casuals need to win too

The wonders of having good software architecture

git gud

>squad matchmaking for squads
>solo matchmaking for solo players

you dumb or something?

Does he honestly believe he invented the battle royale genre? Free for all PvP has probably been around for longer than he's been alive. Even his style of battle royale has been done before with The Culling, and even fucking Minecraft meme servers. What a fucking joke.

this is the only twitch channel I watch because it's more fun to watch him win in PUBG than it is to lose playing it

explain this opinion further: what you mean by "competitive," why you hate it, and what PUBG has to do with it

>I'm not going to support an early access loot crate game

Greene has been working on battle royale mods since arma 2 man

>what you mean by "competitive,"
Shit like overwatch where they've tried to force it as an e-sport since day 0 and built the game thinking it'd be an e-sport. It's an active detriment to the game. Then there's already existing games like TF2 where they tried to shoe-horn in "competitive" into the game to fuck it up even more.
Not just "competitive" modes mind you, i don't care if people want to get angry over mmr, it's just that a lot of games are made worse by just only caring about that (especially tf2, with mym).
I don't really think pubg has much to do with it but then again I know relatively little about the game. The game itself just seems kind of boring but people have different taste. I don't know how much of the shit I've heard about the devs catering to e-celeb streamers but that's some pretty disgusting shit too.

>force it as an e-sport since day 0 and built the game thinking it'd be an e-sport
so that's just marketing
>It's an active detriment to the game
in what way? the marketing changing the way people play it, or the gameplay itself?
>Then there's already existing games like TF2 where they tried to shoe-horn in "competitive" into the game to fuck it up even more.
that is true, casual matchmaking is absolutely abhorrent, but there is a competitive TF2 scene that has existed for a long time before Valve's cancer update
>I don't know how much of the shit I've heard about the devs catering to e-celeb streamers but that's some pretty disgusting shit too.
it's really not true at all. Sup Forums memes are some of the least informed of all time, do not believe them

I'm kind of playing devils advocate because I don't like the backlash against competitive games like you're saying. I want to make sure that it's a marketing and culture issue and not a fundamental game balance issue for you. I have a post ITT here venting my frustration

and competent devs

>competent devs
>they decided this RNG shooting was fine


that is just how fortnite is, the br part of it is more arcadey than h1z1 so it's different than pubg in that regard, that is just a gameplay choice

the devs are actually more competent however in terms of skill, the game is already way more polished than pubg ever was

>so that's just marketing
It is marketing, but it's marketing for something that I think is bad. I acknowledge this is a pretty subjective issue but I do have the opinion that it's bad.

>in what way? the marketing changing the way people play it, or the gameplay itself?
mostly the former but how the game is played (and more noticeable balance changes) are made to cater to a 'competitive' audience
the most popular/worst way the marketing changing how people play it is people who lose their shit over team comp not being 100% to whatever the current meta is. god forbid someone play an overwatch game and the line up not be lucio/dva/ana/winston/tracer/widow

i don't know if that's actually the current meta or not but I've had the misfortune of coming across people who will actively throw the game if someone on the team picks off-meta

Mr. PUBGE has every reason to be mad.
>No one gave two shits about this game when it was announced.
>They realized it was going to flop along with their ?odd? business model of pay2betatest pay2win.
> rip off the most popular game on steam for a quick cash grab
>it worked

If DOTA2 was the most played game on Steam they would have made a MOBA mode with their forgetable characters.

It's kind of insulting to us as consumers.

Supporting another game because you dont like the fact pubg is popular and it costs money, holy fuck low even for Sup Forums children.

and it's dead again lol

>back down to 20k
>current top streamer is a BR

Bought because I hate Pubg fags so much for shitting up the board with their shit mentality.

tried it
got extremely bored, the loot is super limited due to being overcasualized
and the servers were laggy as fuck
oh and aiming literally doesn't matter when you can shotgun someone from across the map vs a sniper due to rng
thanxxx epyn!!

>a ton of more players will be making its way to the battle royale part

well then enjoy your early access game full with microtransactions and the most cringy and autistic twitch fanbase i've ever seen in my life

I hate pubg too.
Fortnite is just completely fucking inexcusable garbage that poorfags constantly shill because they want to play pubg but can't even afford fucking $30.

>If DOTA2 was the most played game on Steam they would have made a MOBA mode with their forgetable characters.

But it was the most played game on Steam for five years, and it's only dipped down below PUBG because of post-TI fatigue.

Devs realized it's useless to try and break into the MOBA market years ago. See: Infinite Crisis, Dawngate, Strife.