Meanwhile, in Pochinki Sup Forums

Meanwhile, in Pochinki Sup Forums...


Only brainlets drop pochinki, or any large city for that matter.


What game

Fortnite by Epic Games

>Not all-in on Pollyanna
Crazy as a loon.

Haha keep dropping in the wilderness you virgin


Where's all the action in solo FPP? Where the hell does everyone die that isn't school at 15 seconds in? I see people with like 15 kills by the end of the game and I'm struggling to find anyone when I drive all over the island that isn't one guy taking pot shots at me from a mile away

Best loot and if you die you barely invested any time in the game. Plus it's just more fun to than to loot an empty town and camp a bathtub for an hour

Pochinki isn't much fun to fight in because it's flat and all the houses are bunched up on uninteresting terrain. Rozhok is a lot of fun fighting across the street though or down the hill. Zharki is fun for the same reasons but the circle is almost never there so I don't go there as much.

>not calling the rest of the server out for being pussy virgins and daring them to drop school with you

I can smell your virginity through the monitor.

>what is military island
>what is georgopol containers
>what is school

He said any large city which presumably would include anywhere likely to be high population

what's the fucking difference? is it the buildings that bother you?

Alright Sup Forums
You've dropped at the military base and there's no one in sight
But the play area is on the other side of the map and there aren't any vehicles within easy running distance
What buildings do you hit up first and why

There's always a shitton of vehicles on the two roads north of the actual base

It doesn't matter because I'm going to loot all of them.

The action is where people have to come into the circle. Look at what popular drop sites were on the flight path and where the circle ended up, there will often be an obvious choke point.

only actual redditors drop school

If this ever happens I just go for the big buildings in the middle and then go to that one road that always has vehicles.

Mylta Power is the patrician drop site.

Nah, that's the radio tower at the top of military base

What, the hill between military and Novo?