This is Medli. Please say something nice about her!

This is Medli. Please say something nice about her!

I would like to consensually throw her a great distance.

I'd rape her.

Nice birb

She is nearly as good as Midna.

I had rape fantasies with her when I first played this game on my GCN

I sailed around with her for way longer than I had to. I pretended it was like a date.

I'll never love her this much, though.

fuck the duck until exploded


this is the most cringe pic ive seen in a while

haha epic one leddit point to you :D

You may not like it, but Sup Forums is no longer a haven for degenerate basement dwellers like you. All people are equally welcome to the discussions here. I do happen to browse reddit and there is nothing you can do to stop me from coming here, as well. We have taken over.

>muh reddit boogymen
>muh animay drawings
nice kneejerk reactions, got any more?




Uhhhhhhhhhh how old is she?

Dude, chill.

old enough.

le Reddit army has arrived!


if you care about age in a loli bird hentai user, your place is not here

She's got a big bill

>someone has enough passion to improve themselves artistically
>mock them
Kill yourself



Tight cloaca.

Glad I'm not the only one who had rape fantasies.

>artfag detected
sorry user drawing pretty pictures of your waifu wont pay the bills, maybe get a real job sweetie?

>he doesn't have a passion to enjoy between work
lol,enjoy being dead inside.

>being this triggered over a fictional video game character drawing