Now that I think about it, some of the levels felt more like abstract debug tests than anything

Now that I think about it, some of the levels felt more like abstract debug tests than anything.

Excluding the hub and few levels, Mario 64 levels were literally linear courses suspended in the air.

Like in super Mario 3D World.

pannenkoek certainly gets that feeling

I love that. It's like a kid set up a diorama and went "this is my Mario level". Very comfy level design.

Tick Tock Clock and Hazy Maze Cave were the only ones I can recall not being suspended in the air, as they're both entirely indoors.

Rainbow Ride takes that to its logical conclusion and removes the ground surface

comfy af

I did like how the three earliest levels were a battlefield, a fortress, and a pirate bay, but they all managed to be unthreatening and easy going. Meanwhile, one of the last and hardest levels is a goddamn clock.


This map perfectly shows has linear and flat 64's levels are. People overblow the idea of it being some top tier platformer when in reality, there isn't that much platforming going on at all

64 was kinda excused for that, because it was the first full blown 3D platformer done right.
So it's ok for it having those kind of stages. But going foward you can see the issues behind that kind of design and Sunshine itself is the embodiment of those issues.
That's why they changed direction with Galaxy. So far Odyssey has shown to be a fairly good blend of ideas from both 64 and Galaxy with a little side of 3D World level design.

good. its mario. it should be abstract, not based off real places like sunshine

>he didnt spend hours using LLL like a giant skatepark with the koopa shell

Sunshine made for a really nice exploration game as opposed to an action/platformer like most Mario games. Kind of falls into the same category as Luigi's Mansion. It's really enjoyable if you just enjoy the atmosphere and explore the locations

You mean you just follow the paths in a perfectly straight line? How fucking autistic would you have to be?

The most comfy place in the game for me was that area with the metal cap switch. That was my home.
>pic unrelated but also my fave stage in the smash bros series.

Why did you remind me of that place, it was so damn bad. Like, it was supposed to be part of the Delfino hub but then they scrapped it and said "hey, why don't we make it an actual level?".

It was kinda neat that there was a level within a level

Who are you quoting?

If you look more carefully you'll notice I didn't quote anyone in my post and was rather just making a comment in the thread since a couple other posters mentioned comfyness. It feels like you've seen other posters say "who are you quoting" and now you want to try and use it thinking you're using it's context correctly. I'd advise you lurk a bit more before trying to act like you "fit in" on this website.

>If you look more carefully you'll notice I didn't quote anyone in my post and was rather just making a comment in the thread since a couple other posters mentioned comfyness.
Then you shouldn't have used a green meme arrow

>get corrected on something stupid
>assume you can't be wrong and the other person is just memespouting
>I'd advise you lurk a bit more before trying to act like you "fit in" on this website.
Take your own advice, retard

There was supposed to be 3 big bullies? wowie

Who are you quoting?


No, people say that when someone incorrectly greentexts a random statement for no reason, which is a feature used to directly or indirectly quote someone or something.
I'd advise you lurk a bit more before trying to act like you "fit in" on this website.

>start-right elf book
What did they mean by this?

>tfw people trying to shit up a thread for no reason

>its a fucking M

the lore truly never stops does it

I'm glad that Odyssey has a good mix of Sunshine's world building with 64's level design. 64 was so "beta" feeling despite how good it was. Sunshine was lacking in the gameplay department though

You are right, please accept my apologies.


YOU try building anything on top of LAVA

Guys, take it easy on him.

Why the hell is the Piantas' ancestral home or something on a giant tree suspended over a massive hole? How many of 'em died falling off there?

Too soon man

It's like that, yes, but that's what gives it that sandbox feel. Each level you encounter a new obstacle to interact and play with, and that's what was so fun about it. GG though, 10/10

I guess

>There was a fucking "M" in that stage
Well, I'll be damned