Memes and fanbase aside, what are your honest thoughts on Undertale.
Memes and fanbase aside, what are your honest thoughts on Undertale
I love it
It's for faggots
I enjoyed it, but felt no connection to it after beating it.
I don't understand how the fandom is still going so strong.
I beat it with the good ending.... It's alight... Not doing the bad ending since the flower told me to leave them alone when I restarted the game.
the battle where you start seeing rainbow colors and shit was way too edgy and I think using the word cringe is appropriate
Decent adventure game with light RPG elements.
Played it for the first time on the ps4 release and loved it. Who the fuck says I have to interact with the fanbase?
Good enough to be ironically contrarian about.
It's alright.
I thought it was great.
top 3 for me
I never really got the hype for it. I played it and found the combat system interesting and innovative, but everything else was annoying to me. It didn't help that the entire board was gushing over it.
And it was, you were all masturbating each other about the characters and story, don't even try to pretend you weren't.
how is the sonic fandom going on so strong? that's an even bigger mystery
It's pretty good. The music really kept me going.
confirmed for literally not having played it
that was the furthest possible thing from edgy
jesus christ this board
it's one of those let's present something in a very cute, funny and lighthearted way and turn it dark and serious memes
the jokes were not world class but they were simpsons/family guy/basic popular cartoon good and easy to understand so they worked for a wide audience
I non-ironically got teary-eyed when I got to Asgore's home and the game explained the backstory on his family. And the game genuinely makes you feel like a badass over going full pacifist, which makes for a fun Bullet Hell-ish game-play, to the point I really enjoyed fights like the Spider-lady and Undyne.
And the characters are unique and fun to play around with. Good designs, makes it obvious why a bunch of friendless autists would hit it off with them caricatures of real people.
Good game, but I barely got to enjoy the "meta" bullshit for the reason that the game was too easy and I never died once, except to Omega Flowey and Asriel which I'm pretty sure are impossible to truly lose. And I haven't replayed the game after the one single True Pacifist playthrough, so there.
It's pretty okay, but the whole "awhhh naooo, don't keel anything pweez evwyone is of wurth" message is really force-fed with """"""""""intimidation"""""""""" from Sans, who is a character that tries really hard to be depressing but winds up just being unnecessarily edgy. The "don't kill" moral of it is really fucked over by the fact that everyone attempts to fucking MURDER you, and you're just expected to be like "oh hey, it appears you tried to slash open my jugular, i think you're a good person still" because morals, and the fact that almost every main character in the game tries to murder you too doesn't help it's case. What also doesn't help the game's case is how it deals with tough decisions. LISA did this perfectly, it punished you for trying to avoid making hard decisions and even the most obvious decisions were hard to decide. However, Undertale is much like Fallout 3 in that department. it's pretty much just the decision of "be nice or be a dick" throughout the whole game.
Cancer and Cringe
ah, I bet you are one of those things that people call fanboys, with the typical you have not played it response whenever you see something that clashes with your own views
I've played it both pacifist and neutral, gave up on the bad run because I fucked something up and the bad run seemed kind of shitty anyway
Agreed. The earlier fight against Flowey was perfect and I was hyped for another go at him. Too bad all I got was a gay goat
boring tbqh
The final boss in the neutral route was pretty cool. Asriel and Sans suck dick.
bretty gud
the whole fucking character was edge
I liked it a lot. The gameplay was neat, the OST was great and I liked the aesthetic, as cheap or ugly as it could be at times. I liked the characters and story and overall I thought it was a cool experience.
It's also one of those games that really make me appreciate the indie scene. I don't think any "serious" company would green-light a project such as Undertale, same for stuff like TBoI.
>since the flower told me to leave them alone when I restarted the game
And you're seriously going to listen to it?
actually I just checked, I've apparently played 19 hours of undertale, which is a lot considering how short the game can be
>way too edgy
Cringe, I can see that. But edgy?
You beat the guy with the literal power of friendship. That's as further away from edgy as you can get.
If it was edgy, you'd have pulled a gun, shot Asriel in the face, stolen the souls of monsters for yourself, explained monsters don't deserve to live, and that you were merely pretending to engage in foolish behaviours, like "friednship" and "love", which doesn't exist in this world of kill........
or be killed.............
(Stabs through the hearth with a devilish grin on pale rider's face)
Like that. That's edgy.
reddit spacing
anyway the way the character was presented was edgy as fuck
I actually downloaded the game again just now and I'll see if my opinion has changed since a year ago or so when I last played it, because to be honest I've forgotten a lot and I mainly just remember feeling embarrassed at the dialogue during that battle and thinking that it's fanfic tier shit from an edgy teen
>wild animal tries to kill you
>defend yourself
>"ur ebil >:((("
love it
I do like though that people respond to you wandering around in areas slaughtering things until there's literally no wildlife left alive like they actually would if you did that shit in real life.
Undertale is great. Toby Fox is a shitter. All his indie-hit-millions and he's STILL milking the "aw gee whiz guys i can't code, sorry everything's shitty. :^) aw shucks sorry i never finished hard mode, im lazy/sad ;^)" angle
Hire someone who CAN code then, you asshole. fuckin damn
>Reddit spacing
reddit spacing
Using two newlines to separate paragraphs, instead of only one. Typically used on Sup Forums to discredit someone on the basis of being a Reddit user, or derail the conversation.
>the way the character was presented was edgy as fuck
this might sound like a copout but that feels mostly intentional to me honestly. If you asked a kid to design some sorta powerful character that's the sort of shit they'd probably come up with, so it makes sense that that's what Asriel makes himself when he has the power to do so.
at least he not the
"yeah, I am amazing, feel free to suck my indie dick" type
I don't want to defend the Asriel fight because it's legitimately bad, but he's designed to be what a ten year old would think is cool, because it's the result of a child getting godlike powers.
That said it being another cutscene fight is awful. Good route should have ended in a tough battle, they didn't need to make it unlosable.
the best turn-based RPG ever made
and the best game soundtrack of our generation
Game was clearly meant to be played with Good Ending.
Genocide is lacking and has barely any content.
yeah well it ruined any sort of immersion or taking that fight seriously or getting any sort of hype, all I felt was embarrassment, well a feeling close to that, the feeling you get when something is way too cheesy, while I think it was intended to be really hype battle
My fucking jaw actually dropped when I first experienced the Omega Flowey fight.
It's not a copout, you're right on the money. This is all explained in-game, but INCREDIBLY subtly. You'd have to connect the dots yourself.
well between these two opinions, we have nothing left to discuss. go home boys
genocide is a fuck you run that's not worth playing, it's just the fact that it's there that makes the neutral and pacifist ending seem more interesting or ''meaningful''
6/10 game, very short, not doing anything "new" per see, battle system is fun, ok story.
Yeah, Undertale is a really subtle game for the big thinkers. Kill yourself. Something being intentional does not justify it.
He said memes and fanbase aside, you illiterate negro
You sound like your mom tried to feed you to a woodchipper as a baby but forgot to turn it on before throwing you in head-first,
The game is descent and you are not obligated to grind in order to beat an enemy since you can dodge the attacks but I wish it could have been harder. Touhou tier difficult. The fanbase is bad for the most part but you can still find some good stuff
I liked this game but now when replaying it a year later it feels kind of a chore to go through and the actual story of it is pretty basic, the humor was the good thing about it
It's actually a good game with a god-tier soundtrack, clever fight mechanics and plenty of unique shit like characters being aware you reset the game, which may not be an entirely new thing, but it's well executed.
I liked it. I played it despite all the terminally cancerous fanbase some shit I've seen literally burned into my fucking brain, help and alleged tumblr propaganda It's a fucking monster world for fucks sake, they are entirely different from humans.
It's alright.
Lisa's better.
its alright and the music is pretty good
one of the most overrated games of all time
>Touhou tier difficult
This is a goddamned RPG with shmup elements, not the other way around you sadistic fuck.
a bunch of plagiarized ideas
It relies entirely in storytelling and you'll like it if you're the kind of adult who still watches cartoons
I liked it
as is everything, 99% of things is entirely made up of taking aspects from other things
Fixed it for you.
It was pretty good
I hate random encounter battles in video games
Decent RPG with nice ideas and enjoyable story, characters and music. Lasts just the right amount of hours, before the game gets repetitive or runs out of ideas.
I didn't like visuals much, even considering it's "pixel art". To me, even for pixel art, it was very poor. I also have a hard time figuring out how people could consider it to be some major breakthrough. It was a nice surprise at the time but that's it for me.
I enjoyed it.
So great that it inspired a genre.
2hu isn't difficult you mong.
that's some serious b8
I played it really early on, before the memes and cancerous fanbase and I thought it was a masterpiece. I couldn't think of anything else for days after I finished it.
For the worse, I consumed every bit of Undertale fanfiction or art I could find, no matter how shitty. The fan created shit started replacing the actual good memories I had of the game and the game sort of lost the sparkle. If I replayed the game it would probably pick up some of the magic again.
More importantly, I learned that if you feel a deep personal connection to game, the fastest way to crush it is to participate in community discussions and browse fan-made content.
I'm replaying the game and it just seems mediocre even though I thought it was good the first time I played, I have had no interactions with any fanbase since I don't watch let's plays or browser tumblr/reddit
One of the best RPGs ever made.
Ok gameplay. Best OST
It's kike propaganda.
also Chara did nothing wrong
>it's kike propaganda
Gonna have to explain that one buddy.
Toby Fox is literally jewish, and UT is high agitprop designed to brainwash western millennials into homosex, mutantry, kin-slaying, and Moloch worship
i wanna pet asgore
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Undertale. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical psychology most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Sans' nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Undertale truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sans' existencial catchphrase "Your're going to have a bad time," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Toby Fox's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Undertale tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. ;)
haha epic
pickle rick
two scoops blondald bludpmf
It's a decent bit of commentary about the people who play games. If you just want the nice ending and story n' shit, you have your hand held the entire time, there's no real challenge, and it's all cushy and childish in writing/dialogue for the most part. If you want the actual good gameplay, then you have to sit around and grind encounters only to get 2 boss battles but also a complete and total end to the game. It's a neato look at how casual players and "hardcore"/completionists play their shit. The only issue is that most people were the former so their heartstrings were tugged like the basic bitches they are.
It's good and worth the money, although the OST is better than the game itself. Sup Forums liked it before the fanbase got too big and cancerous.
underwhelming story, i expected something darker
if the game had maintained the sort of tone/theme it had going on in the true lab i would've loved it
>implying Sup Forums is one person
include me in the screencap
I don't think it's quite that easy, especially to non-gamers it's extremely easy to go through the game and not get the pacifist ending.
The Pacifist ending requires you to go against standard vidya logic, not killing enemies and gaining levels and whatnot. That's the widespread, social idea of what videogames entail - Beating enemies, gaining points, getting a higher level. It makes you feel bad later in the game for playing through it casually and just moving through like you would in any other game.
On the other hand, the Genocide ending is also the other extreme, in fact it's far more extreme of forcing yourself to play the game in an un-fun manner in order to unlock new content.
That all being said, it's still the casualized and mass-consumption version of all of these things - It's far from the first to introduce a metanarrative and subvert expectations like this, it just did so in a way that 13 year olds could understand it.
how do I upvote this post?
I loved the soundtrack. The characters were memorable and enjoyable (before Reddit, Tumblr, and various furries and DeviantArtists got their dirty hands on them, anyway), the concept (not having to kill anyone at all) was novel (at least to me), and I enjoyed the world itself.
All in all, I personally think it's a spectacular game, when examined in a vacuum.
It was an incredibly helpful sleep aid.
Coupla good jokes, I liked the sort of puzzle-solving element to the enemy encounters. Music was pretty good.
Everything else was either incredibly dull or just annoying.
Overall I wish the game had more stuff like the neutral ending boss, the fourth-wall shenanigans from the demo were the only thing that got me interested, and the final game has like ten minutes worth, the rest is pretty typical, soppy RPG stuff with a scoop of wink-to-the-audience self-awareness.
Are you sure about that?
The music was great.
The characters were alright.
The gameplay was alright.
The puzzles and exploration were boring.
An exceptionally good game released in a year of shitty vidya.
Also known as the game that broke Sup Forums and it still triggers raging autists and contrarian faggots even to this day, and I love it for that
Excellent soundtrack, fun gameplay that was never too challenging but always found ways to stay fresh, character interactions are arguable but I personally really liked it. Did a good job of integrating story and gameplay. I found it really emotional, but Sup Forums is full of toughguys and normies who think "getting an emotional response from a game is mad gay lmao."
No matter how much Sup Forums tries to pretend it's not good, it is.
if you only played the ((("""((("""good""")))"""))) route, you're a brainlet kike faggot who should be killed
Garbage game.
Genere mashup.
Stolen ideas.
Patronizing intro.
Pandering middle.
Pretentious ending.
Terrible aesthetics.
Toby, you're no Andrew Hussie. Music is the only redeeming part. Does not deserve all of the hype/sales it has gotten. 1/10 tops.
Oh yeah forgot Unlikeable characters.
Cringe-worthy humor, shitty story and graphics, way too easy.
The OST is nice though.
Don't forget the shitty double-standards. Mettaton literally hires monsters to kill you, but killing them or the robot himself is somehow evil.
it's not a double standard it's turn your other cheek meme
or more clearly, the monsters are doing wrong, however you don't have to follow their example, don't be like your enemy, because why are you fighting them then type of meme
The thing is the monsters are NEVER EVER called out for trying to murder you. It's just kind of swept under the rug.