what are some of the best streamers Sup Forums should be watching?
What are some of the best streamers Sup Forums should be watching?
Who's this semen demon?
wasn't she the girl who got lost at some twitch-con and all of reddit banded together to try to find her?
Some roastie that decided to fuck off from E3 to get drunk, gamble, and get fucked by a few ACTUAL black men.
She had a boyfriend at the time and also didn't mention anything to him.
Sup Forums should unironically be watching travel/life streams on IRL so they get an idea of how the real world works outside of their escapist-hobby-turned-delusion
>what are some of the best ecelebs Sup Forums should be watching?
>what are some of the best streamers Sup Forums should be watching?
bumping this god-tier thread
Wasn't she that chick that got "assaulted" by a horny player while she invited the guy in her room.
I forgot about this slag lol. Can't believe her bf stayed with her, what a cuck
I enjoy watching JudgePhantom, funny and smart dude that plays siege.
She looks a lot different without make up, like not even the same person
Sup Forums.org/v/
take a pick bro
don't think she had a boyfriend. the guy that started spamming social media was some orbiter. he got other orbiters to join in.
>t. orbiter
any video?
its a shitty cell phone vid but I''ll find it again
bls do
>that op image filename
are the mods even around today?
>a few ACTUAL black men.
cuckolds OUT
u mad, white boi?
There's no actual proof she cheated on her bf during all of this.
I remember the Sup Forums threads about the whole thing
she recorded some message to calm everyone down, without acknowledging she was in a hotel room different from the one of the event, then she deleted and uploaded a new one because some user found out the hotel in question
then some pics leaked prior to that situation, where she was with some black dude
then the boyfriend was told, and got pissed because she was MIA the whole time
basically, reddit and twitch white-knighting backfired HARD
then they banned the threads
you're right, there is actually evidence he enjoyed it when it happened. call it an open relationship or being cucked or whatever, but it happened.
>I remember the Sup Forums threads about the whole thing
So you're saying this is just a Sup Forums thread but on Sup Forums?
Why does she look so much better in the left pic? What sorcery is this?
link to proof that he enjoyed it
not necessarily
it was posted on Sup Forums because people were legit concerned of her being kidnapped
so it was a happening thread
the bf reaction on twitter was priceless
and the whole CSI anons finding the hotel
I don't know how it ended, other than the bf getting pissed and saying this was the last time or something like that
qt runescape grills
oh I forgot
the whole thread got a ban for raiding and doxing
3 days or soemthing like that
ahhhhhhh thats good
Peachsaliva she's. the best.
I'm often the top donator to Doll's stream. She's always super sweet and thankful when you donate. Check her out for sure.
best grill coming through
some of these girls just play a let's play video behind
Reality check
>www-wanna go see the insane clown posse with me this october user?
w-w-wwhoop whoop
>I like men in wigs
>implying you wouldn't go, fgt
I had to check the cuck BF is still with her after she had orgy at a hotel for 24 hours wow
they are married
white """"""""men""""""""" really are pathetic
Last time I remember she was missing. Did she really cuck her bf and is there a thread on archive for this?
>Attack on Titan
>white women don't want to fuck blacks they said
only right answer
that and mr sark
Your mom blacked live on pornhub
>brown eyes
only counts for the ones that are worth something. you guys get the genetic rejects and your mulatto babies end up with slightly better genes
you're welcome
boy turns to girl to love boy who turns to girl
so they are lesbians, with dicks
didn't this fag kill himself?
no they are two fags with wigs
STPeach has the best gameplay
yeah but fags like bois
Suddenly all of those sub-sexualities like "pansexual" or "non binaru gender druid" or "cosmic penis bitch" are beginning to make more sense as I see them in action before my eyes
nigger i was banned for like 3 weeks because i helped identify the hotel
me. i havent streamed in like a year and have no idea when i will again tho
i got banned myself just for posting in the thread
it was a pretty stupid mass ban
although worth it
that and hwndu season 1 is the most fun i have ever had in this place
Do you at least offer entertaining or informative commentary?
well the only thing i get from that webm is that is not a matter of sexual preference but of sexual identity
they are males who like girls
the thing is that they want to be girls
so madness ensues
so Elsa is white. Thanks for the confirmation.
not really lel i just play games. half the time i dont even use a cam/mic
Love the compression on this.
nafu hudes
Zero, you should be discussing video games on here or playing them. Not watching them.
memes aside, the only streamer I have ever watched is draqu, because the guy is a fucking beast of FPS, and speedrunning just released games in particular
he always uploads WR the same day the game launches
Did you actually make some decent amount of money or get some good amount of views? Been thinking of getting into streaming myself lately.
oversaturated as fuck market right now senpai, unless you know tits or know someone who is already established to host you then you're fucked
i never opened up any donations. don't think i ever had more than 20 viewers at one time, more like averaging 5-10. i played mostly niche games though and really sporadically. wouldn't feel right trying to monetize it unless i made it more of a scheduled job type thing first which is something i didn't really want to do but might consider in the future.
Desu, thought it might be like that. I was just curious because like you said the market is oversaturated as fuck but there seem to be more and more people getting into it. So i suppose it has to be beneficial in some form to them, doesnt it?
Wow talk about caring way too much what other people do with their time
camgirls cash on beta orbiting
>Most recent D
>Biggest D
>Months Biggest D
christ, at least try to be subtle about the fact that you're just a non-nude camwhore
the dude doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about
it's not anywhere near as saturated as it SHOULD be, you can still make good fucking dosh, especially since all you're doing is still playing your games, just now streaming it too
win win situation 2bh
the large majority don't
doesn't matter when the 'minority' in comparison to the 'large majority' is still millions of white qts
>excessive amount of makeup
>Showing 70% of her tits
>"Haha happy go lucky me XD" expression the whole time
>Putting on Cosplays for subs
How much more of a cam whore can you be than this