
So, I went into the game expecting utter shitfest after all the Sup Forums saying it supposedly has worst ending of all time and terrible story with the ending being utter asspull.

Well, I've just finished it and have to say that I'm glad I gave the game a chance because none of that was true.

The story ain't great, but it isn't bad either for starters.
And the supposed "asspull" ending is literally foreshadowed like 4 chapters in advance (the game has 10 chapters in total) and anyone with a brain can see it coming.

I agree that the concept of British government experimenting on people and brainwashing them for 10 years straight is quite far fetched, but Guantanamo was a thing for far longer than that and it had far more shady shit going on than just people living make-believe medieval fantasy lives.

So, what the fuck is the problem with the game then?

Other urls found in this thread:

>No replies
Why am I not surprised that Sup Forums is too retarded to own up to their idiocy.
Also, the game had fucking amazing music, best in the franchise probably.

Glad you liked it OP, crazy underated in my opinion. While the ending feels "Layton-y" and has all the problems you wrote, a lot of Takumis strength as a writer gets used; Its very well paced and got a genuine sense of mystery to it. The solid cases and fantastic bantz is just icing on the cake. Not to mention that it's funny as fuck - This based motherfucker had me in stitches during the entire case.

Also the OST is unironically one of my favorite Vidya OSTs of all time:

It suffers from a Layton story, so the ending asspull was expected for a Layton game.

attorneyfags were just assblasted they got dumber nick

From an AA perspective atleast, I thought it had the best music, general atmosphere, and banter in the series. Cases were mostly fun but I felt it held the player's hand harder than AA5 (the AA game everyone complains about being too handhold-y) a lot of the time.

As a general rule, Sup Forums has a hard-on for Ace Attorney and a hateboner for Layton.

To be fair, initially it was planned to be more of a "versus" type setting and the earliest trailers/info advertised it as such.

I'm not complainig, as both laytonfag and attorneyfag I enjoyed it

Well, Phoenix wasn't any dumber than he was in AA1 or AA2, though granted the game seems to be set after events of AA3 (tons of references to it, Phoenix quoting Godot [and Holmes by extension] all the fucking time, Maya going Zvarri), I get that they wanted a more familiar territory for fans but at the same time accessible to people that never played the other series hence why the characters are the way they are.
The prosecutor is blatant Edgeworth wannabe too complete with developing a boner for "truth" and being seemingly punished for it.

The twist with Espella herself and the fire were good and grounded in reality, and also telegraphed way in advance, just like the fact that the town is fake.
I just think Sup Forums doesn't know the definition of asspull.
Asspull is something that's never hinted at and thus, pulled out of the ass in the heat of the moment. But everything in this game follows the very classic 3 Act Structure complete with everything being carefully set up.

It's easy yes and the hint coins completely trivialize it being basically built-in cheat feature, but you need to remember the game had to be friendly to non-Layton players as well as non-Ace Attorney players.

Maya was written well, MUCH better than in AA6 for example and was very likeable and had ton of chemistry with Phoenix without feeling out of place and forced like say Emma, Trucy, Athena or Kay.

I think the only thing that the game truly failed to deliver on is the whole "VS" thing.
Layton and Wright NEVER fucking go against eachother in this game at any given point.
Layton being on prosecutor's bench is literally there to help you continue the trial because it would end with you losing due to lack of prosecutor and "law" being biased against you, so Layton quite literally saves your ass there.
And even on the stand, he's only there helping you out, tipping his fed--- top hat to tip you off at wrong statements.

Shakey was funny but his unskippable and long as fuck "Falling apart" animation started to piss me off the 10th time it played.
I don't think it felt any more "Laton-y" than it felt "Ace Attorney-y". Layton does the investigations/puzzles, Phoenix does the court.
Phoenix and Maya do some puzzles of their own as well, and Layton does his court part in the last trial.
Everyone was portrayed fairly and equally, I don't get the whole "Layton" bias accusation.

>Belduke is the only one that actually died
>He did in fact sudoku himself with that extremely potent poison that literally melts your organs alive
Pretty grim, far grimmer than people being burned at the stake even if the burning was real.

>assblasted they got dumber nick
This is what I don't understand. In their own games, Nick is always retarded and they always makes fun of him, but he always put his shit together near the end of the game. Layton is just a genius, so it's logical that he would be smarter than Wright.

Wright is also a genius, a genius at bluffing and pulling correct shit in heat of the moment, that's literally his shtick and that's what he does in this game aswell. People are just retarded and expected AA4 Wright for some reason.

I actually quite enjoyed the ending because I love the convoluted nature of Layton twists. The backstory behind the bell and the fire were nicely done too. It's got a lot of charm and amusing moments in the cases, and I enjoyed the ride. The puzzles are crap though.

>play Unwound Future after PLvsAA
>name the parrot Godoor

OP here, haven't played any Layton game, this being my only connection with them, and honestly I didn't find the ending to any more convoluted than stuff like final cases of AA games.

I don't remember the name of the first witch. But her voice was hot as fuck



Never expected her to be a reverse trap.
Felt like Kanji from Persona 4 at the reveal.

She and Barnham are my OTP

She looked better with short hair desu.

i had fun with the ace attorney bits (especialy when they pull of emil, emil alone makes the game worth playing) but everytime you played as layton it suddenly became so boring

and yes i think the ending was needless melodramaticaly and asspulled

U wot m8

His name is Emeer Punchenbaugh.

also i thought having multiple witness was an amazing idea. way better than all the stupid psycho gimmick they put in the other ace attorney game

if only they made another ace attorney game with the same gimmick... what could it have been...

have you ever thought that you just have shit taste in games?

>Espella and Eve falling from the tower
>Layton stops them in midair
>Now, let us break this spell
>Pursuit ~ Spell Breaker starts playing
>Turn 3D On
>Layton and Phoenix's fingers literally popping out of the fucking screen


If you didn't get a boner during this scene, you have no appreciation for good drama.

PLvsAA was a good game. It's not a great Layton game though. The ending was pretty much retarded since it was Layton guiding everyone to the answer like a teacher rather than antagonizing Phoenix to get to the truth in addition to the Layton style ending.

>supposed "asspull" ending is literally foreshadowed like 4 chapters in advance
You don't have to lie on the internet user. It's not like they had [REDACTED] in the ruins.

>You don't have to lie on the internet user.
How is it a lie when literally everyting starts being foreshadowed in the alchemist chapter? And then the very next chapter explicitly shows the entire burning shit was completely fake and staged which, to any sane person, will be immediate tell that this whole town is a farse and the only trick left is to uncover the mystery behind this grand lie.

I meant pure black.

Barnham is great, beaten only by the weeb for favorite prosecutor

It's 100% real and is actually based on a material made by a British company IRL, I shit you not.
Go google "Surrey NanoSystems".
Labrelum was literally based on that company.

V bitches hard about endings in games. Remember when they were like Oh fucking zero time dillema is the worst fucking game ever, it has some so,lid ass writing but everyone always overly dismisses it cause they wanna goo twiiisss. The ending is only a part of a story, it'll have harder impact on the reader because that's what you're left with, but again, better sum of it's wholes.

as a fan of both series i fucking loved this game. the soundtrack was orgasmic and the setting was a really cool way to bridge the two series while also having its own identity. plus it was tastefully darker than normal. the fire festival scene is forever ingrained in my mind. my only complaint is that the layton puzzles were piss easy (ace attorney sections were easier than normal too but didn't get hit as hard IMO), but layton had already been getting a lot easier in the second trilogy so it wasn't really jarring or anything.

>this post
Is this ebonics? My mind is full of fuck.

>Surrey NanoSystems
That's pretty rad, but the earliest mention of VantaBlack I can find is 2014 while the game released in 2012 while assuming at least a 1 year development time. All in a quick search of course.

They announced it way earlier.
2014 is when first shipments actually went out.
People don't give Takumi enough credit.

>that moment when you finish the first trial and it's all cheers and then the witch gets dunked into the pit of fire

The free dlc was nice to play too.
Yes, free capcom dlc.

It's Level 5.
All 3DS Layton games have free "behind the scenes" fourth wall breaking DLC accompanied by puzzles that were cut during development of main game.

>that moment when fuckin Maya gets dunked in the inferno

good to know. they were nice to play in the postgame

It was actually more like this, because there's no way they would ever allow harm to come to a main character, even in a spinoff game. It was the lamest sequence in the entire game. Watching characters not realize they have MC privilege sucks.

Actually that's when I immediately knew everything was fake. They would NEVER kill Maya even in a spinoff, even if resurrection spell existed.
Layton being turned into gold I accepted initially assuming there is going to be unGoldoor spell later so to speak.
But Maya being dunked is when I was 100% certain everything is theatrical horseshit.

無形スピリット -Mugen Loop Remix-

I don't know why you posted this, but you like nice music.

It was really only worth it to see pissed off Phoenix.

It's a fun game, there really isn't any game in the AA series that's bad, all are worth playing

The series has kind of Zelda syndrome where the "bad" ones are made to seem worse than they are due to the overall quality being so good

>無形スピリット -Mugen Loop Remix-
Google gives me nothing, link?


But I enjoyed this game A LOT more than AA2, AA4 or AA5.


post it. I'm getting nothing

just because you know it as the audience doesn't make it less impactful imo. you just think about how it is affecting phoenix.

It was the easiest way to copy the text from my pc to my phone, I was lurking this thread anyway. Transfered shit across and the unicode fucked up into this ç¡å½¢ã1ããªãã -Mugen Loop Remix-

Anyway, ty user

sure, tastes differ

but was there actually a game in the series you actively disliked?

I will never not be mad at people who scapegoat AJ, it's one of the best ones IMO

It's entirely unrelated t b h

>tfw watching credits roll right now
>tfw Edgeworth

It's hated too much, but one of the best ones is a bit much. Replay it, it definitely has issues. I keep going back to it wanting to like it more than I do, but it's clear it pulls in five different directions even if some of the characters are great.

Agreed 100%, it was really fun for me.

>but was there actually a game in the series you actively disliked?
I legitimately dislike even the final case, I find Pearl to be a horribly annoying character, the story went nowhere and the final case is overrated trash with the characters from it being better elsewhere.
Yes, I do consider 2-4 to be drastically fucking overrated.
As the other guy said, it's completely unrelated to this thread. Great song though.

that problem is that it isn't a Professor Layton and Pheonix Wright crossover, it's a Professor Layton game featuring Ace Attorney, you only ever see two Ace Attorney characters throughout the entire game, Nick and Maya, and no cameos whatsoever, meanwhile you see the inspector and the constable at the very beginning and almost everything is solved by Layton offscreen

When you're done there's a few mini episodes up for free download you can play too, more Edgeworth in there

I'm OP aka the one that didn't post a shitty smug animu grill image, and yeah I did like the entire aftermath with Wright's reaction and what he's going through internally. I'm just saying that as the observer "outside the Story", I immediately knew the jig was up.

thanks i didn't like it in the end

I can't think about how it's affecting Phoenix because I know it didn't happen. It leaves zero emotional impact on me. I'm not saying you can't like it, but stuff like that completely falls flat for me. It's not even interesting in a "what if" scenario way.

Yeah I'm still listening to the amazing fully orchestral credits music.
This game was amazing in terms of art and music, story was simply good and perfectly acceptable even if it wasn't amazing, and even the pure black isn't an asspull if you're familiar with Vantablack, which happens to be made by British company on which Labrelum was based on to begin with.

Still, when you get down to it, it's probably the darkest Ace Attorney plot to date.
Literally entire town got Auschwitz'd, complete with Espella's and Eve's mothers while Belduke took a really hardcore way to go out by liquifying his internal organs.

Nothing in AA series tops this in death count and brutality.

Capcom did fuck all for the game, everything was made by Level 5 and if you believe the backstory behind the game's development, it's a miracle it even exists because Capcom kept sabotaging it at every step until Takumi convinced Capcom to fuck off entirely and the game was made by just him and Level 5.

AA4 for me, despite people nowadays insisting that I didn't not enjoy any of the cases in it for some reason. All it has is it's drama which I personally didn't care for.

I think my main issue with the game is that there's never any real retribution and some stuff makes no sense in retrospect. Case 3 (Golden Layton) is easily the best in the game because it's like an investigation on what this weird society does to people. Why the fuck would anyone willingly sign up for something like this, HAVE CHILDREN BORN THERE, which allows them to never have education and be discriminated again if thought they're a witch all for some gigantic game of pretend? C'mon.

You have to kind of go along with it, I guess, and while playing it it works if you don't think about it too hard because the emotional beats are well done.

Objectively the best cornered theme

I wish they had gone with the fully "Ace Attorneyed" art style instead of the one we got where the AA characters are slightly Laytonified while Layton characters look untouched from their Layton style beyond being MARGINALLY taller.

only one that dips into bad territory imo is AA2, but i still liked parts of it like the final case. AA1 is top tier. and all the rest fall in high tier for me with different strengths and weaknesses none of which are too major imo (biggest offender being the handholding in 5)

5 was a soft reboot for the series and first 3DS entry so I'm not surprised it was handholdy as fuck.

The puzzle where you have to use an objection in order to rethink the solution was pretty cool. I wish the game had more of those.

Yeah, I think the game should've had only that type of puzzles from the point on when both "teams" reunite.

plus they mentioned in interviews that they saw the criticism and went ahead and made AA6 much less handholdy (and when it is it's when you ask for it)

devs are cool

It's an okayish Prof. Layton game and a flat out bad Ace Attorney game. That's why I don't like it.

someone summed it up in another AA thread, it's because apollo doesn't get any characterization in his own game beyond 'phoenix but angrier' and klavier is a worthless twat since he pulls his "lol i already knew the truth from the start i just wanted to see if herr forehead could figure it out all along (^:" shtick an awful lot

I don't mind apollo from his appearances in the later games but his debut game did not do him any favours

honestly that doesn't really excuse it. having the game literally feed you answers, sometimes without even giving you one chance to try solving it on your own first, in a game that already has pretty light gameplay, is a pretty unjustifiable design choice imo. they realized their mistake since 6 makes that "consultation" optional like it should have been in the first place. however 5 nailed almost every other aspect imo so it manages to make up for it.

>and a flat out bad Ace Attorney game

>Best interrogation system
>Best witnesses
You are wrong user, really, really wrong.

AA2 is worse.
AA4 is worse.
AA5 is way more handholdy (unless you use Hint Coins in PLvsAA which case you've only yourself to blame for using cheats)
So, how exactly is this a bad AA game?

Pearl was only sort of annoying in 2-3 I felt (and even then only half as obnoxious as most assistant chicks we've gotten since). She hardly talks to you in 2-2 (which is a plot point in that one even) and I thought she was really good as an assistant in 2-4, like the case or not she brings out a relatively different side of Phoenix's character and it was interesting seeing the two get so desperate in general.

The opposite actually. The cross-examine was actually really good and It made me sad that we'd never see that system again. Mood Matrix just isn't that great.

I've always been wanting to play this, but I've never played any Layton game. Should I play them first before playing this game?

you dont need to, but you most likely get the best experience if you are a fan of both series already

The game is deliberately made in a way so that you can play it without knowing jack shit about either series, so you don't have to.
Besides, I played it without any Layton knowledge and enjoyed it perfectly fine.
Yes I am OP.

I don't even mind that, it's just that the second case is bad and the third case is horrible. Klavier is pretty bleh, but as AA6 shows good cases can save a bad prosecutor. Kristoph is a great villain, Apollo and Trucy are fun, Phoenix's new role worked well (I'm actually kind of sad that they didn't keep him as shabby mentor in AA5/AA6, but oh well). It's just purely the cases.

>tfw have to wait until November now until I can play AA4

The wait is going to kill me, I'm not going to succumb and play the DS version though now that 3DS one is so close.

Maybe you're being mindhacc'd.

almost scared to ask since i hate consensusfagging but, whats the consensus on AA6? you guys loved it right?

I went back to played the DS layton triology after I played VS. It works.

I thought it good. Just didn't like the last trial.

average opinion seems to be that it's great, yeah

really? the entire last case was an awesome rollercoaster and one of the most climactic episodes of the series (imo of course). the civil trial at the start of it was really cool too. only weakish case of the game for me was case 4, and only because it's so puny. but the pacing kind of worked anyways because i wanted to get back to the khura'in plot fast and case 5 was huge.

phew, thank goodness

I don't remember many people shitting on story save for people who never bothered with a Layton game, even then it's less retarded than hallucinogenic gas or an entire London underground. They really nailed the AA sections, though I wish the Layton puzzles weren't so piss easy as a result.

They did put it in DGS, though we never got that and that game was pretty mediocre as fuck.

At least they didn't go whole Layton.
Though I probably would have been okay with that too eventually.

>we will never get mecha layton vs mecha phoenix
why even live

If nothing else it has some top tier music and voice acting.