Do you just buy like $400 worth of equipment and just start filming yourself playing games hoping that people will start watching out of no where? Or do these people build up followings before?
How the fuck do people become twitch streamers?
You have a vagina OR become a huge faggot and integrate as many mainstream overdone checklist bullet points of useless faggot shit in your videos, and heavily target the masses of children that go on twitch with your cancer.
So theres like, no channels with normal people drinking beer and chilling out playing games? I moved out of my place with roomates, and I kinda miss splitting a 12 pack sitting around either playing or watching some shit
It can go either way. I know streamers who have started from practically nothing (not even very good equipment) and got there.
It probably helps if you're talented at/committed to a game that ends up becoming a sensation. It's what people watch, and you can get a few in easily. After that, just have a decent personality and be able to retain those guys, and you'll build up. In my own experiences, I got a shitty setup and terrible voice, but if I do a stream for something like PUBG or Hearthstone, I WILL get a few viewers every single time.
Be consistent and all that. Have your own gimmicks and such.
That's exactly what I do in my streams. Seems to work okay. But yeah, vaginas and other gimmicks can carry you fucking far fast.
Get in as a betatester for some game that's gonna be popular.
how did you start and how do I find you? Just decided one day to make it a hobby?
im sorry, I read your second sentence before your first, nvm. but still whats ur sn?
>Just decided one day to make it a hobby?
I always talk to myself when playing video games alone anyway. When I got a decent enough PC that it was actually possible, one day I decided to stop being lazy and go do the setting up.
>how do I find you?
Doesn't really matter who I am. But if you're wondering how people find you, I guess Twitch is pretty good about labeling which games are being played and gives you lists of those players. I imagine that's how I got most of the wanderers in to watch.
A good idea. Ideally, one that you are gonna enjoy yourself anyway.
Trying to make it on twitch now is like trying to get rich with bitcoin.
It's technically possible but VERY HARD because it is simply TOO LATE
oh and another relevant aspect for me is that I go to other small communities like one on /vg/, and a discord for a somewhat popular streamer. Communities that are friendly enough and don't mind me advertising the link sometimes, with the intent that it's just a small chill stream and I'm not actually schilling. Decent way to get a couple of viewers.
I don't know how this hasn't been mentioned yet, but: be a high ranking player in the game you're streaming.
>drinking beer
>watching people drink beer
why the fuck are there so many normalfags here
>when you realize that your marxist professor lied to you and a degree in liberal arts won't guarantee you a 100k job right out of college like they promised and you have too shitty of an attitude to hold a real job so you go into streaming
No facecams needed. You're allowed to imply that you're drinking, just don't be a dick about it and don't get too plastered to stream/play properly.
It's just like becoming any other famous artist.
Except unlike other types you don't need a stage.
Just keep scrolling down and you'll see the countless 1 viewer channels at the bottom. Click in and see all the work they've done, the quality of the stream, etc.
Streamers like to say 'muh full time job, all muh effort' when in reality they're just babysitters entertaining manchildren.
Most got their start early and just continued to build from their when it was easier. And thus their content is mediocre but since they've been around forever they've built critical mass, and their chat can become a self sustaining entity. And thus chat itself is creating the content entertainment, like a really fast moving message board.
There's these popular streamers, that are depressed guys in their early/mid 20's who never worked a real job in their life. And fell into Twitch bucks and have these extensional crisis because they don't get how lucky they are to not be stuck working some shit job.
You're getting a new generation of streamers, that Dr.Disrespect and Tyler are good examples. Where they actually have a persona/character they play, and are actually 'entertaining'. Rather than just being some boring old blood streamer playing some flavor of the month.
Else you need some sort of gimmick. Be it a 'gurl gamer' or having some niche that suddenly gets popular(Kripp blowing up after Hearthstone, that Seagull OverWatch streamer). Girl Gamers are popular because it simply combines two interests just about every boy has. Most betas don't get much content with Women, and Women streaming get paid to interact with them.
The old days of will never be back. Where streams were just comfy little times. That guy who streamed X-Com UFO, who's CRT exploded one night. Streaming Wizards for Sup Forums on Christmas Eve. Or having little streaming communities where a few people shared one channel and would just hang out and stream together and chat.
>be good at the game. like really good, top rank/pro player/autismo tier speedrunner or whatever. people come to learn or go "whoa"
>be "funny" or "relatable". popular variations are the ironically self loathing/cynical guy and the screaming rage sperg. people come to "hang out"
>have two X chromosomes or look and sound like you do. people come because mfw no gf
>be extra early to jump on a potential "new big thing" and have the gamble pay off. see PUBG streamers for an example. people come because it's new.
pick one. or mix them if you really want to. "networking" and sucking up to bigger streamers is essential unless you have the raw skill to get viewers without ever even talking.
Why don't you get a real job and a real hobby you shortsighted FAS subhuman
>Own a powerful PC and both major consoles
>Impulse bought an HD60 Pro capture card
>Already have a great headset
That's how I did it. Granted I stream once in a blue moon and have literally no viewerbase, but I just do it for fun in case someone stumbles upon it and enjoys it
Because it makes you mad that I can make $50k a year having fun and you have to work through a job you hate to barely make $30k a year. Suck my dick and I might share some of that money I make, wageslave.
Are there any streaming servers that allow "anything goes" tier content? Its looking like twitch is pretty uptight
There probably is but you won't get many viewers that way.
really? I thought that 'filthy frank' nigger was real popular with the kids. I figured a like-mined personality would transfer over
literally the only twitch streamer worth watching is grandgrant
I know you don't make $50k a year because you're here on Sup Forums bragging about how much you make.
I think it'd be fun to stream, not to make money, just to have a handful of 4 or 5 regulars who you can talk to while playing games you like. Or maybe that's just the loneliness and desperation talking.
No one from Sup Forums has a chance at becoming even below average "famous" on twitch of youtube now.
You have to be such a huge fucking obnoxious and annoying faggot to do it, it's shocking no one from Sup Forums can do it since you are all such huge fucking obnoxious and annoying faggots so you should REALLY be awesome at the prereqs, but you are also socially retarded assholes so you will never, ever break 10 viewers much less 10000 followers.
If you want to be a twitch streamer, just give up now honestly, you have no chance.
damn dude, you got me
I actually make $55k
>not the 555x555 version
what the fuck is wrong with you?
Advertising is key, there are more failed channels than you can imagine.
Please do a stream of normal games set to classical music. Some user posted a stream where it was Forza laps on the Nurburgring in some hilariously slow ass car, but fucking CLAUDE DEBUSSY was playing.
pewdiepie used to browse this shithole.
Add a little bit of networking to that. Getting buddy-buddy with other streamers to host you or refer viewers to you builds you up slowly.
Having people watch me play videogames has always been my greatest pleasure in life.
Could I just have my gf sit in front of a camera with her feet up while I sit offscreen actually playing the game and rake in cash?
I'm sorry user
That sounds relaxing.