What's your favorite gun in video games?
What's your favorite gun in video games?
Dunno why, but I always gravitate towards FAL. Guess I just like the aesthetics of the gun.
Desert Eagle 0.50AE. Looks cool, sounds cool. Also a fan of L85A2. M60 too. A few others as well.
MP44 and SPAS
When you want an auto shotty, but western versions are just too bulky and ugly.
Akimbo P90s
Killing Floor MK23
Too lazy to post the image again.
A good shotgun.
I remember sof2 m590 being particularly satisfying.
stupid famasposter
Anything that can 1 shot other players.
Any revolver.
Out of my way fags.
it's a heavy hitting mother fucker is what it is
anyone who disagrees is braindead
Which games have this gun?
JA2 1.13 probably.
If not, then the AIMNAS mod has it.
Love the feel when shooting it and stabbing people. Fuck you TC and whiny gearfags for making it shit.
Any DMR. Fuck sniper rifles. Also, the M9 or a solid revolver.
Any shotgun. My favorite one specifically from Perfect Dark 64.
Any revolver or magnum
any game I'll use it
M1911 or bust.
pump action shotguns and real fuckin NATO rifles
Bioshock had the sexiest guns
resident evil 2, why do you ask?
Meme gun.
auto shotguns
im fucking pissed when shotguns suck in an FPS
which is way too fucking often
dual wielding these suckers in blops 3. one hit kills anywhere on the body from anywhere on the map, such cheap, ridiculously overpowered, unfair bastards but i got them by chance just after they came out so i love them.
Auto shotguns are for ass bandits. OHKO shotguns are for real men.
You guys are both my niggas. It's criminal how poorly shotguns function in the majority of FPS games.
No one likes getting one shot with a no skill weapon like a shotgun. They are fine. Fuck off.
Usually scout rifles/carbines. Can't pick any particular game but most of the times, if game has a gun like that, it's an exceedingly useful and productive weapon
Got the same gun but I feel they work 10 times better if you tri-bolt+bayonet.
Looks shit desu.
Just don't get in range, problem solved shitter. See R6 siege
I rather the browning desu
All firearms are no skill weapons.
Oh fuck yes, I completely forgot about JA. Didn't they make a new one a few years ago?
I watched Death Wish 3 the other day and I just want to play a game where I can BRONSON some shitbags with that gun.
>don't get in range
Camping shitter detected.
If you are close enough to get oneshot by a shotgun you fucked up somewhere
Based Belgians.
Love it.
Nailgun from Project Brutality 3.0 (Doom mod).
I need a weapon
.308 will do ya good
the C.A.P.P.E.R. is overrated
Nice b8
Who the fuck camps with a shotgun here let me enlighten you
>I come from behind, you're dead regardless of gun
>I come from ahead, you should be able to kill me before I get in range
> I ambush you you're dead with any gun but comes down to reaction times
TTK In shooters is crazy low, you're normally at a disadvantage using a shotgun in most games except halo. You're just really bad if you're complaining about shotguns.
This. It's like killing with pistols. If I can kill you with a pistol/shotgun, you would have been dead anyway.
I fucking love this gun in siege
Basically any LMG and semi auto gun
>Who the fuck camps with a shotgun
1/10 made me reply.
>You're just really bad if you're complaining about shotguns
You're just really bad if your playing with a shotgun. ftfy
The one that kills the thing I'm aiming at.
Nice argument
Revolvers are cool. Liked the Diamondback in HR, that thing is beefy ah and if you mod it upwith ap and damage boosts it hits like a mack truck
How old are you?
Shotguns always lead the pack on nerf bats. Accept it.
>Trying to argue with a troll
Firing this with level 25 swat in KF2 makes me hard.
Super Shotgun
The only patrician choice.
>No one likes getting one shot with a no skill weapon like a shotgun. They are fine. Fuck off.
Play Rising Storm 2 and see how good it is when a shotgun is as powerful as it is supposed to be.
They are not overpowered. Other weapons have advantages in range, ammunition capacity and rate of fire. They are not unbalanced at all.
>Don't get in range
>Range of an IRL shotgun using buckshot is about 50-75 meters
>Implying the vast majority of shooters have maps where you can work around that
Im a sucker for an M16 with no optics. Especially the A2 with a 203 on it as in the picture.
Other than that - When the MG42 is done well it's amazing.
Any revolver is usually satisfying as fuck too.
That's an american. You can see from the flag patch.
I like how even through game balancing, even some games that aren't balanced at all, the SCAR still manages to be the best gun in every game it's in.
*P I N G*
More like the P90 too
>that beautiful ping telling you it's time to put in a new magazine
AK. Every time.
Automatic rifles have their own advantages compared to shotguns. The shotguns will carry fewer reloads and the rifleman can spray rounds. When there is heavy cover with small gaps or when shooting through smoke at close range, the automatic fire will be more effective.
She's underrepresented in vidya.
Why is a general purpose battle rifle perfectly sized for Master Chief when he is a foot bigger than every other human?