>Hi, I'd like a copy of the collector's edition of senran kagura please. Oh, I'm 10 dollars off? Can I come back later, I need to get the money from my mother haha
Hi, I'd like a copy of the collector's edition of senran kagura please. Oh, I'm 10 dollars off? Can I come back later...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are fat people so fucking annoying
I don't know if you're talking about someone in specific in the picture. All those dudes look like what you described
>not even having spare money
Where's the neetbux huh faggots? You and I both know you get minimum 300 a fucking month.
You forgot to include Peach Beach Splash after Senran Kagura.
On that note, I wonder if this is partly the reason why people prefer to buy games digitally, save the fat fuck's the humiliation if they have any of that left
>One copy of dota 2 please!
Senran Kagura is normalfags as fuck.
he could become a 10/10 hottie if he lost weight
>Dont mind me, just pirating these people.
>running towards the car
Stop making these threads you stupid fucking retard.
What's gonna stop me? A ban? Kek.
>Need a
>Going out in public
If he really had to borrow money from "mommy", it's much more likely he ordered online
As a working stiff weeb, I can confirm we got mote than enough money on our own to get our waifu beach fap simulator without financial help.
PS - I'm at work playing estival versus right now
Fucking love seeing white cuckolds and niggers get murdered.
>self-proclaimed weeb
Kill yourself normalfag.
Shit, do you think they fucked later for their honeymoon?
>These are the black women Sup Forums pretends are hot and sexy
or what fat ass? you gonna eat me?
>I'm here to pick up my bf's copy of Madden 18, his name is Chad Thundercock.
Stay mad neet cuck
>dude im such a weeb xD
nobody who looks like that is going to go into a gamestop and expect them to have that.
I want to smash the fuck out of every faggot and niggers skull who wear this shit to look "ironic"
If you're going to be one, may as well own it than staying in the closet
>that retarded kick at the end
Yeah bro im a such a weeb lol saw like 10 WHOLE dubbed anime on netflix with my gf xD
Gamestop is the only place that sells those games.
Maybe Best Buy.
>Don't mind me, I'm just ordering Senran Kagura Peach Beach on Amazon. Overnight shipping, of course. By the way, why are you in here and not cleaning the bathroom?
holy kek
I know this is shitty bait, but please kill yourself for even jokingly suggesting that
>rattles into the room
>fires up overwatch
is he on crystals
You can tell these threads are made by a kid who just migrated from Sup Forums lmao
ITT: we post our hands
That's from korea.
Because self-control is virtue and an understandable point of pride for most people. So when see some fat slob, you immediately lose respect for them.
You have the anger management of a toddler
>get run over
>run towards car in anger
>get run over in reverse
How did you think that was going to play out?
>rattles into the room
>fires up sc2
I get 1200 a month.
Im glad the ironic weeb thing is catching on. Soon, it will belong to the normies.
Ironic weeb detected.
No trust me, i hate japanese anything
>How did you think that was going to play out?
I can tell you are a kid who migrated from facebook.
>got triggered from a lmao
Yup it's a newfag.
You have the stylistic taste of an infant.
You look like a creature from Eastern European Folklore.
>don't mind me officer, just pirating this lady
You need to go back tbh fam.
>Nintendo fans
Every fucking time
>those fucking cryptkeeper hands
the only thing more disgusting than a roastie is a withered roastie past her prime (14)
that's fr*ckin metal
>Not being alpha enough to play Life and Hometown in public
When i see fat sacks of shit like this, i sincerely can't even consider them human beings. Any interaction is like i'm dealing with a disgusting animal. How can you even go on living when you look like that.
you realize posting this thread every day makes you even more autistic than the op pic right
wtf is that shit? how does that even happen?
i never get spooked by people getting murdered or get in lethal accidents and whatnot, but shit like this creeps me out. since i cant see what caused this man to puke blood uncontrollably it's a mystery, and that makes it so much more scary. like, is it a disease or something?
>Dont mind me trainer, just checking this gun
Holy shit, whats wrong with the dude? Assuming filename isn't it, wouldn't other people on the bus be affected?
At last he can hide it irl though
What the fuck does 1200 even do, that's so little.
found the fatso
I've watched enough anime to know this isn't mustard gas, he just popped a boner
>throws a whole table like it's nothing
>catches the chair being thrown at her
You're a nigger, aren't you?
Your lack of empathy makes you no better than these animals.
whoa mama
What the fuck was he thinking?
hey fatty. go back to stuffing your stinky mouth, fatty
It's called Amazon, Boco.
Fuck, fat loser NEETs spend all day on the goddamn internet. You'd think they would utilize it to get their embarassing video games.
Unless Amazon is too "Normie" for them.
IIRC he survived
>Empathy, a positive trait, ever.
Thats why you're a bitch. These fat fucks are sub-human trash, on the same level as niggers.
>Hey user wanna join us? You can be our nerdy guy like Sheldon haha
i doubt it
I really don't know what else he was expecting to happen lol.
>I'm here to pick up my black son's copy of FIFA '18
I wasn't sure what I expected, and I got blueballed into thinking a chestburster would come out
was he going 88 miles per hour?
Lol, that dude tiptoeing towards the camera while engulfed in flames.
>yum yum gimme some ham
That's all I can hear from you, fatso.
I got that reference yippy glorious 80's child