Why is emulation still such a taboo subject here on Sup Forums?
Why is emulation still such a taboo subject here on Sup Forums?
because most people use it just to shitpost or incite platform flamewars
There's nothing illegal about emulation, say for a moral gray spot. Other than that preservation is the main goal.
Smug sense of superiority and trolls.
Ahh, Link the way he's meant to be portrayed - as a proud, OG man of colour.
Console wars have gotten even worse.
No its piracy.
>Kokiri Forest... home. 'Least it was 'til Ganondorf fucked everythang up.
nobody gets worked up over emulation unironically
Because shills. Lots and lots of shills.
>being this autistic
>probably ironically as well
>Sense of superiority
Emulation is strictly superior though, especially when it comes to BoTW.
Emulation isn't piracy though.
>"le master race xDDDD"
Burn in hell faggot.
If Nintendo doesn't want us to pirate than give us access to the fucking games. It's been a decade since Virtual Console and they still haven't put Mario Party 3 on any console, and for the games they do put up it might take literal years before it gets ported to the Switch and then the Wii U also had the guts to go with what might be the most hilariously autistic N64 emulator ever made.
But nope, according to Nintendo any and all emulation is bad.
how will you emulate Odyssey?
>tfw Americans can't even mod games without shoe-horning blacks into them
It's a sad joke that never ends with you Americucks.
Emulation isn't superior, its exactly how it sounds: an emulation.
>preservation shitposting
lmfao every PC gamer is suddenly a videogame archivist.
What makes you think you get to decide what gets preserved? What if the license is expired and the product is off the market? In an ideal world, no copy of Sonic 3 would run anymore, anywhere after the Jackson estate claimed the music. If the license is gone, you shouldn't be playing the game.
It isn't rocket science after all, I mean how did people emulate GBA cartridges? There's a way to get through these things in time...
It's not the consolefags who complain, it's the toaster having pcfags who complain.
100% Guaranteed. Consolefags don't give two shits compared to the pcfags who simply can't run/handle the emulators these days that are coming out.
>In an ideal world, no copy of Sonic 3 would run anymore, anywhere after the Jackson estate claimed the music. If the license is gone, you shouldn't be playing the game.
Not if I want to. Fuck you.
How about you fags talk about the game instead of the platform you are playing it on? Oh wait none of you emulator shitposters even play the games past the tutorial areas.
Go to /vg/ if you want to talk about BoTW, I'm trying to have a conversation about emulation.
>nonamericans are even triggered by blacks
>the lowest tier of american
on the Switch
Nintendo makes great games but japanese nepotism and Experience>Talent mentality is so fucking potent is so fucking strong in that company that the new kids on the block with new ideas will never be heard over the old guard businessmen that still act like its fucking 1986
In theory, yes.
fox and the grapes
It isn't a taboo, its just that shiposters use it because its so easy to get (you)s talking shit about it
You have a couple of examples in the thread
If Sony would've have their way back in the 90's with Bleem, companies today would shut down every emulator on the net. Thank god for that elastic clause.
>buy PS2 game from local game shop
>put disc in my PC's optical drive
>run game at a superior resolution and with enhanced visuals
>can use a modern controller instead of ancient DS2
When almost every PS2 game worth playing is $10 or less (usually closer to $5) it's easier to just buy the games than to try to hunt down the games on sites that mine buttcoins while you download them.
Sup Forumsedditors get easily triggered these days about anything related to piracy
>He doesnt into emulator sites and IGG games
>He doesnt play with Superior Keyboard controls
how does someone live like this
Because with BotW and P5 specifically emulation has been used as a shitposting tool to brag about being able to play modern games with a better performance than on their original consoles and without buying them. It's gotten bad enough that every now and then you'll see idiots thinking Odyssey will be emulated too because they aren't actually paying attention and just joined in on the shitposting bandwagon
Also because Xbone and PS4 haven't been hacked yet their fanboys have somehow convinced themselves only PC is all about piracy so they have to shitpost harder and harder about how their perceived rivals are stupid cheaters who don't deserve games
Basically everyone is an ass
It just makes nintenbros mad that the PC master race gets superior versions of their games
The Wii audience grew up. The same audience that had participation awards at schools and banned peanut butter. Anything that's technically illegal is a no-no to them. Never mind before they were born you had Randy Solem and countless others emulating the fuck out of every other system and making flash movies on Newgrounds. Nintendo couldn't stop them then, and still can't stop them now.
Don't forget that they lost not one, but two lawsuits to shut down development of two different emulators. No wonder companies don't even bother these days.
FPBP. I'm sure that an overwhelmingly majority, if not all, of Sup Forums has emulated games. Some of the most well-loved games on Sup Forums like older Fire Emblems, SNES era JRPGs, etc can be played in English only through emulation. The problem is when you've got faggots shitposting about HA HA I'M EMULATING BREATH OF THE WILD AT 4K 60 FPS SUCK IT CONSOLEFAGS.
Because of console war shitposters, mostly. It's the only practical method of archiving the history of the medium. Sure, you can always go back and play an old console but they will break and it becomes harder and harder to repair them as time goes on.
>can be played in English only through emulation
Flash carts and repros.
this. it's manufactured controversy
The extremely vocal and falseflagging minority of paid shills have to shift the narrative to make the general population see emulation and pirating in bad light
General ignorance.
If people here were actually aware of emulation, we wouldn't have a mandatory 3 threads of SNES Mini up at any one time.
They should suck it though
I'll play Botw on my PC when I can get gyro controls on my switch pro controller. I'm going to sell my ps4 soon and don't care for the DS4
user, most of these people already know about emulation
come on, I know you're not that stupid
I wanna party in her pooper
there exist an edit where she rubs a dick
this is literal autism
emulation feels like bootlegged poorfaggotry and i'd rather not spend more than 0.0000 seconds dealing with random emulation artifacts
But it's perfectly okay to shitpost against anyone who doesn't mindlessly jerk off the new Zelda as pure perfection?
All I want is for God of War Collection to get the sound working so I don't have to rely on that God awful PCSX2 to play through it again
Haha what a faggot. Or you're just trying to get (you)s.
this site is crawling with corporate shills
what the fuck does this have to do with my post?
what the fuck does this have to do with the thread?
this desu
It literally isn't if you actually own the game and platform that you're emulating. As long as you're not sharing the emulator platform itself, the only thing that can happen is you getting sued for violating an EULA.
Because it's happening to Sony now
You're saying it's okay to brag about Zelda getting perfect scores from every site on the net, but when people brag about playing it on the PC, suddenly it's a bad thing.
Bustas, When Will They Learn?
you are absolute cancer incarnate. get off of Sup Forums and stop trying to shitpost and flame war 24/7, jesus christ
are there nude mods yet
where did I say any of that?
the fuck is wrong with you?
But it's not?
We have threads about all the fucking time, when it's genuine emulation discussion.
What you're asking is "why people get mad when I shitpost about console/pc wars like a flaming retarded faggot?" instead.
It's been happening, albeit not as stable as Dolphin or CEMU, but it's getting there nicely.
People don't like being told they wasted money. That's all.
>where did I say any of that?
I dunno, how about the several thousand threads since april heralding Zelda as the god king of all video games because kotaku gave it a perfect score? You made your bed, now lie in it.
lmao you pussy loser
are you mentally damaged?
I have no idea why you'd assume I made any of those threads or even would support them. I think you need to take a break from this site ya fuckin nut
If you were innocent of this, you would've clarified it earlier. but the defensive anger I've seen just says otherwise.
Well yea, if Sony of all people, back in their fucking prime, lost TWO court cases on the subject, then the matter is considered closed. No one else is going to make a better argument and the courts clearly think you're a faggot for even trying.
>s-stop playing with my favorite toy
Get fucked.
Ow the edge
pls be bait, I refuse to believe there are people this fucking retarded on Sup Forums
Except we live 20 years from that day. With laws and technology changing, it is possible to overturn the decision.
The D-pad on the DS4 is much better than Switch Pro. At least keep the option open.
I don't know about you, but I really like my D-Pads. It might not matter to you but just giving you a heads up.
But with your switch you can get all fuckin cozy in ur bed and play some comfy ass nintendo games
PCqueers are still trying to pretend the game doesn't run like shit on cemu.
its called doubling down. admitting your wrong would make you look stupid, so pretending your not is the only logical conclusion
i can do that with a wireless controller for 30 bucks
of a Wii U game for the Switch
I don't even know what you're on about anymore. Like, how did you get this after reading this ? There's no connection at all between those posts, it. Frankly, I'm confused as all hell.
Shills. Game devs, good goy game testers, localizers, and all sorts of other people are on Sup Forums these days. Also numale software devs who just get pissy at the idea of people not paying for software.
>game can literally be played in 4k 60fps
I don't have either version but its pretty clear PC wins in this case.
Because Ninniggers are saddle sore that the only reason to buy a switch is able to be emulated by PC at much higher resolutions so they lash out at PC users to justify their wasted money.
Sure, but thats not as comfy as having the system there in your bed, in your hands, in my opinion anyway
Literally every consolefag lashes out once PC can emulate their platform.
Look at Sony niggers and Persona 5.
shut the fuck up you ass mad shitposting faggot
stop shitposting
I really don't care, especially since in games like Botw it's relegated to menu navigated and not used for movement. I don't really play 2d platformers or fighting games so I could care less about dpads unless they are satan tier shit like the 360
it can't be played at 60 fps outdoors. "more than 30" doesn't mean 60. With an overclocked 7700k the best you can get is a 45fps average. I'll wait until it's a solid 60 until I return my switch copy
>actually going to all this trouble to get an open world meme game working on PC
The absolute state of the neo-gaming community.