Are you excited for Deadfire? What features are you looking forward to?
Cozy Pillars of Eternity thread
Beta when?
cant wait to play Pillars of Eternity: Dead Game made by Obsidian Entertainment
Pick your poison.
Rymrgand of course
Is not being a piece of shit like the first game a feature we can expect?
The first time was a 8/10 at worst, when you take White March into account.
Did they ever remove the asinine spell memory system? Needs cool downs or a mana bar.
But arent all these gods dead as of the end of the first game?
I think everything is per encounter now
Not at all? Did you beat the game?
No. All you do at the end is decide what to do with the souls of the Hollowborn. Woedica was exiled and weakened long ago by some of the other gods, but you can use the souls to strengthen her. Eothas was destroyed by Magran 15 years before the first game starts, but makes his return in the second game.
Its been a while but if I recall the plot was that the main villain wanted to kill the pantheon because they were all false gods and he was objectively correct and you could get a kill all the gods ending if you wished
Am I mis remembering?
You are misremembering a lot. Thaos just wanted to power Woedica up so she would rule over the other gods. He didn't want to kill a single one of them (although how Woedica was gonna rule over them is not expanded upon, and she is a pretty nasty bitch)
On every point. Revelation was that all gods are artificially created. Villains goal was to use hollowborn souls to empower his goddess of choosing so she was stronger than the others and could take a more active role in the world. Regardless, no gods die.
Fair enough but point remains the same. they are all false gods. Why give a fuck about them?
Except they're not false. They are exactly as powerful as they appear to be. They just are man-made. They're more powerful than any mortals so they deserve respect.
They have real power and affect the world for good and bad, in subtle and overt ways.
But they aren't gods, they are constructs. May as well start worshiping every wizard that hits level 20
Holy shit, an indie kickstarter game has half the all-time playerbase as one of the best selling RPGs of all time? Is it that PoE is that great or the Witcher III is that bad?
>also, comparing D:OS2 to PoE1
Half the gods in mythology were created in their origin stories. Why are these different?
They're as much of a god as any DnD god. They represent an ideology you can associate yourself with, and are the absolute incarnations of it. Good luck finding any wizards in this setting ready to take on any of the gods, they're scrambling to barely become lichs.
Its also funny you posted Bender, because Futurama god has a similar origin but is treated with respect.
Because there is nothing divine or mystical about them. They aren't gods.
They have cosmic power, grant spells to their priests, have dominion over their respective spheres of influence and control (Gawain controls animals, Ondra controls the oceans, etc) and control the souls of the dead. How is that not divine?
I didn't imagine Hylea and Berath as so fuckable
I'll worship what the fuck you want for a chance to rub my wizard staff on those navels
>grant spells to their priests
Not him but that's not true at all. Priests power comes from their own soul. That's why Durance still has his despite his own goddess not knowing he exists.
What you're describing is a level 20 wizard who has built a religion around himself.
>game gives detailed descriptions of the Gods
>Tumblr artist ignores them and makes shit up xirself
Well it's kinda hard to draw the ocean standing on a piedestal.
It's explicitly stated that it's their faith in the Gods and connection to them that unlocks those powers. Without the Gods, Priests can't cast, regardless of where the power stems from.
With Divine Rank, sure.
Not at all. A level 20 wizard still has a human mind. The gods have decidedly inhuman minds, the incarnation of a concept. Each concept is one that plays a natural part in the world, and each god in turn watches over the natural order.
There are in-game statues to almost every deity. Why not use those as a template and pretty them up instead of just outright contradicting the lore?
hand to say what I'm more looking forward to, PoE2 or PFKM. it's been a good few years to be a CRPG fan.
>nobody playing the classic version of divos 1 when EE exists
Fully restored Abydon. Being based and tackling a meteor in an attempt to save people, then returning and soothing over relations with Glanfathans and other nearby nations. Or not, but he seems pretty cool.
Guess Berath can be okay at times. Not sure about Eothas given the premise for Deadfire.
They are just poweful beings who built a religion around themselves. thats it. They arent gods, they aren't divinity, they can't create the universe and they dont have knowledge beyond mortals. Only a cuck would worship what is a glorified level 20 wizard
>It's explicitly stated that it's their faith in the Gods and connection to them that unlocks those powers. Without the Gods, Priests can't cast, regardless of where the power stems from.
No, it is explicitly stated that despite their connection to the god of their choosing the power actually stems from their personal beliefs. Durance's connection with Magran is explicitly severed before the game ever begins, its his fervent understanding of Magran's teachings(which are at odds with how most seem to view Magran's teachings) that give him his power.
Whats your first multi-class combo gonna be? chiper-monk for me its gonna be great.
I posted the classic because the EE had even lower numbers.
someone needs to explain why this picture is relevant to a single player game.
One game is the best selling "RPG" of all time and the other released maybe a week ago.
Kinda want to try out Paladin/Monk, but at the same time I'm really worried about missing out on any new abilities that they add to the highest tiers of pure classes.
I don't want to miss out on Omae wa Shindeiru because I wanted auras.
>They are just poweful beings who built a religion around themselves
Untrue, the Engwithans built the religion and then created the gods to fit it.
>They arent gods, they aren't divinity, they can't create the universe and they dont have knowledge beyond mortals
Just because they are artificial does not mean they are stagnant. I would not be at all surprised if Wael has deepened his understanding of reality.
>Only a cuck would worship what is a glorified level 20 wizard
No point in responding past this, I'm sure you'll just parrot memes.
Nu Sup Forums believes sales=quality, hence why twitch numbers get thrown around next to metacritic
>The Enwithians
there you go. A literal race of progenitor mortals created them. They aren't gods, I rest my case.
I don't remember if it got funded but I want fishing/sea monster hunting. I'm super fucking excited for this game. I ended up putting 70 hours into POE and never got around to the DLC even though I own it. I should get to that.
I'm interested in Cipher/Monk, but also hesitant because my favorite monk abilities were far past the halfway point (such as the soul split move).
Pretty sure you mean restored but tempered Abydon. Fully restored causes conflicts with both the Glanfathans and Readceras I think.
Same here, Ascendant+Helwalker sounds crazy.
>but their abilities stem solely from within
So, you don't think Bhaal, Bane or Myrkul in the Forgotten Realms were deities?
>these level 20 wizards don't even give their followers abilities, its the faith of said followers that gives them abilities
Jesus fucking christ.
will they have voice acting in it? I tried playing pillars 1 after divinity but I stopped about 10 hours because I was so tired of reading. the setting and the characters was pretty good and I was liking it, but man...too much reading.
They're Deities. You're associating the word god with the Christian god.
Mantling existing divinity is different from becoming powerful then claiming you are a god.
In stuff like Forgotten Realms a regular bumfuck human can become a god, and nobody questions their divinity. What's the difference here?
Neither of those apply to Pillars of Eternity. Please stop shitting up a thread about a game you haven't played.
I see you have reading comprehension issues. Let me try again slower for you. Here's the original post:
>It's explicitly stated that it's their faith in the Gods and connection to them that unlocks those powers. Without the Gods, Priests can't cast, ***regardless of where the power stems from***
Your gotcha moment of me conceding that their power comes from within is moot because I did in the first post. The POINT that was made and that the screenshot shows is that its the faith in said god. Without faith, without that god, their untapped priestly powers do nothing.
There are settings with Priests that have no gods. This isn't one of them. There are no godless Priests.
Cool strawman but I never claimed D&D had a godo system of gods
dunno how obsidianshills can defend this shit
I can deal with no VA if things are interesting like in shadowrun but not this poe garbage loredump
Unfortunately, that goal did not get funded. However, I think they mentioned that there are a few sea monsters around. They just ain't as frequent as they were gonna be. I also think they said something about them showing up in DLCs.
Sup Obsidian bro?
Sorry, mate. We got a goal that was "double the voice acting", but there will undoubtly still be a tooooooon of lines without voice acting.
It's for the best. Just look at Divinity 2, half the voice actors are real shitty. It's too expensive to get proper quality voice acting.
How do you know the Engwithians didn't do precisely that? They filled a void where Gods should've been. It's not explicit with how.
God you guys are all fucking stupid cunts. Can't we be happy that games like Pillars of Eternity and Divinity even fucking exist in this day and age? I like all of them, they're both trying different things and they're both great
Installing the first game right now, which one of these gods is the god of necromancy
Follow up, how close to a necromancy build can I get? Asking for a friend dont tell paladins
But you don't claim that they're not gods, do you?
What's up with all the Pillars of Eternity threads lately? I'm not complaining, just surprised. Looking forward to Deadfire.
tyranny d-doesnt count!
Obsidiots upset about Divinity and trying to divert attention away from it
Pillars would really benefit from a proper necromancy build. The closest I can think of is a Chanter that is based on summoning. You can summon skeletons and ogres. Not even zombies, though. What a shame.
Berath is the closest. If you go with a Chanter you can summon a variety of undead. The level 2 ghost one is particularly powerful all the way through the game.
>It's explicitly stated that it's their faith in the Gods and connection
This is explicitly wrong for reasons I have pointed out and you have ignored. Durance. He has absolutely no connection to Magran at any point in the game. She cannot see him. She does not know he exists. He has been completely cut off from Magran in every single way since the Godhammer.
Priest gain their power through fervent belief, which in this setting is basically purely through a god's teachings as the gods actually respond to prayers. This does not mean if the Gods were to disappear one day that you would necessarily lose your powers as a priest. If you had a crisis of faith you absolutely would. If you continued to believe in what your god believed in with the same conviction you could continue on unhindered (see Durance and arguably priests of Eothas).
I don't have my savegame from the original. Should I replay it, or will Deadfire allow me to choose at the beginning what I did?
I'm playing divinity 2 now and I'm pretty impressed with the voice acting which ones did you think was shitty?
Pillars of Eternity 2 just released a huge update for its backers and people are excited. Coincidentally, D:OS2 just released and salty virgins can't stand the idea of TWO rpgs being discussed on the board, so they routinely come and try to force a rivalry.
>ha, dis gaem dat wuz just reliezed is have moer playrs
>u mad obsidishits?????
Give me a run down on Pillars 2. Am I going to miss out if I didn't play the first one or is it one of these deals where its set thousands of years later?
I'd like to think that most reasonable people like both for what they represent and can enjoy both.
It's just the shitposting that comes hand-in-hand with recent releases and upcoming games.
direct sequel you definitely want to play the first one to get the backstory. But I'm sure they'll give you a quick rundown in the beginning
None of the gods really like necromancy/animancy, since it interferes with the natural order they are meant to protect, though some of them probably don't mind it. It is seen as more of a scientific pursuit in-universe. Sadly you can't play as one.
He's still getting his powers from her, retard. If you ever play the game, he acknowledges this a dozen fucking times. She can't see him beyond a blur because she sheered his soul when she attempted to kill him, but his faith in her continues and she's still there for him to have faith in. So he's using her powers against her. That's the entirety of one of his endings if you ever actually play the game. Jesus fuck, why do I get drawn into these arguments with people that not only don't know the lore but obviously never touched the game? I mean really, Eothas? That's your fucking argument, knowing as we do that he's still alive and that killing Waidwen didn't kill him? What the fuck did you think the trailer for PoE2 was with Eder talking about Eothas and the titan coming alive?
This dick waving contest between the two games is so fucking pathetic. You know you can like multiple things, right cucks?
too much sjw shit in the first one for me to care about this franchise anymore. the cast mostly being made up of sjw characters also doesn´t help
Gods vary in their opinions. Abydon supports it for instance
...Berath turns his follower into an undead knight with a fleet of undead minions.
There's an option in Pillars 2 that lets you pregen a character and let you choose what happened in Pillars 1. The only thing you will miss out on is character interaction in Part 1 and experiencing the game for yourself.
If you like isometric RPGs that have RTwP (i.e. Infinity Engine games like BG2) then I'd recommend buying it when it's on sale so you can experience it for yourself. The base game is okay to pretty good, but the White March DLCs are great.
You also have to be fine with reading a lot of stuff and not having 100% of written dialogue voice acted, and the fact that PoE isn't Baldur's Gate 2.
My experience with Morrowind has left me with a preference for non voice acted stuff anyway.
There are just some games that make people insecure so you can never have a thread without people rushing to shill and shit it up. Pillars of Eternity won't have a thread without a Divinity fanboy coming to try and disrupt it. Friday the 13th won't have a thread without a Dead by Daylight fanboy coming to try and disrupt it. Horizon won't have a thread without a Zelda fanboy coming to try and disrupt it. Fallout 3/4 won't have a thread without a New Vegas fanboy coming to try and disrupt it.
We accept these things and just try to enjoy the threads despite them.
Deadfire will allow you to make the choices at the beginning. They said they'd have a system for that.
...who in the cast is an SJW character? Most of them are explicitly the opposite, like Hiravis and Durance.
To be fair to the Divinity fans shitting these threads up, there are a ton of Divinity threads that got shat up with Pillars of Eternity. I'd be surprised if it were actual people that liked PoE, though. Just seems like they used Pillars as a way to mask themselves and gather the butthurt. And now there's a constant flame war between the two.
People who didn't actually play the game for 400, Alex.
>She can't see him beyond a blur because she sheered his soul when she attempted to kill him
Absolutely untrue. She can't see him at all. He talks to her directly at the end of the game and she doesn't react a bit. It confirms his suspicions point-blank that he's lost his connection to her.
And Eothas for all intents and purposes was absent while he rebooted. He stopped responding to prayers, so most were starting to figure that he was gone for good.
And I will quote the game since you will not.
>Durance used Magran's strength only until Thaos had been cast from the world and then swore off her influence entirely. Regret came to weigh heavily on his mind, and a man who had never previously lacked for words or opinions came to embrace silence and contemplation.
>He continued to wander, penniless and destitute, searching now not for the reason for his goddess's silence, but for a mechanism for revenge. The charred robes he continued to wear as a reminder that he had been burned by his goddess, and not just by the flames of the Godhammer.
He draws his strength from the perceived strength of Magran's teachings. That is what he discusses with you the whole game, that Magran is a fickle whore of a goddess that would never love you so instead, you had to love what she loved.
All character classes draw their strength from the strength of their own soul. That's this game's shtick. Priests draw out the strength of their soul in fervent belief in something above themselves. The absence of such a thing does not necessarily mean they would lose their belief in it.
just two white male characters. mostly just angry, non white "strong wyma"
doesn´t reflect the d&d community that I grew up with
I wanna fuck that orlan.
>"lost his connection"
>game explicits says he still uses his connection to her
Well, I guess we can either go with your opinion or the actual lore written in the game.
Game also states powers are based on faith not actual connections
That's the stupidest fucking thing I ever heard. D&D was always about racial diversity, you pissing your pants because of a dearth of
>aloth is an elf? omg sjw
>there's a furry hobbit druid that wants to fuck everything? omg sjw
>a dwarf? in d&d? fuck dis shit
>a pious smalltown farmer? SOCIAL JUSTICE!