What's your rarest trophy/achievement in vidya?

What's your rarest trophy/achievement in vidya?

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A dumb star ocean 4 one, its not even the platinum

probably the fight money one from Street Fighter V

Platinum for Ghost Recon Wildlands, also some stupid video editor trophies for GTA V and Civ 5 cheevos.

The 1000 respect points from Mortal Kombat 9's king of the hill.

Platinum for wipeout HD

Probably the 100% Super Meat Boy one. Not the platinum, that shit is impossible.

probably ghost in dishonored or something, I quit going after achievements after halo 3

Is wipeout HD worth getting?

pic related

That and Demons Soul Chinese import platinum.

It'll be that jump rope trophy from ffix if I ever do it

Xcom 2 + dlc's


barely over 1%

If this site is correct, these ones.

kingdom hearts re:com 100%

grinding riku to max level was without a doubt the worst thing in a game i've ever done, no wonder the completion percentage is so goddamn low

I think the problem is that it only counts people connected to the site and not overall PSN.

For example my Omega Quintet Platinum is 2.99% on PSN Profiles but on overall PSN it's at 0.7%

Oh, this makes sense.
I remember there is something about people who doesn't have they trophies "public" do not shown in these sites.
I don't know how is the percentage in these games on PSN, though, I ccan't check right now.


I'm pretty sure I had some 0,something% trophies

>I remember there is something about people who doesn't have they trophies "public" do not shown in these sites.

you also have to tie this site to your PSN profile

Post your stats

Really? You mean by just looking for my ID?
Because that's all what I did.

>let's compare e peen
Kill yourself.

THE. FUCKING. ONLINE. GTAIV. BULLSHIT. I don't even fucking remember what the conditions were. Something about gaining a million dollars. It was well past the game's hayday, so I resorted to finding trophy hunter groups online to play with. Apparently there were two methods for getting money fast: 1) do some stupid plane mission I fucking drank that memory away. It was easy enough to salvage if some noobs joined in, but if you were quick, and had some fast guy get the cart or whatever, it was a decent pace. This was the standard method. 2) Some nutjob found a glitch in a random ass mission that let you killed endlessly spawning enemies at spawn. If done right, it was exponentially quicker than the plane mission. Problem was finding three other fuckers that had watched the same obscure Youtube video and were willing to put the time and effort in. This was the first "fuck you" trophy I encountered in games, and it set me down a long, dark path of achievement hunting that I've only recently dug myself out of. Fuck bullshit trophies like that. Fuck achievements in general.

From Tomb Raider (2013), achievements like this are awful since they end up being impossible to get eventually when the multiplayer dies. Probably have some rarer ones on my old XBL account when I used my 360 but I can't be bothered to find the name.

Only people who searched their ID on that site will show up in there and their stats only counts those people.

why are you so upset?

I got a shitton of rare trophies
My absolute rarest besides super meat boy (git gud average player)
Is from a fun arcadey roguelite called flameover.

I just told you to kill yourself, no emotion bro I'm stoic as fuck.

Don't hate


What site?

Currently its probably having all the kodama or beating Jin Hayabusa in WoSt in Nioh: Bloodshed's End, simply because it came out yesterday

>all those plats in less than a day
that's either some next level autism or you're cheating.


Nope never cheated though some plats that i’ve unlocked very fast were through crossplay autopopping them.

CoM for PS3 or PS4?

PS4, slowly but surely 100%ing the entire collection

Not him but i did both

Thank god the ps4 version required less playthroughs.

I just like shit games, apparently

Thanks user.

Breaking all the checkpoints in Plague Knight's campaign; it's not even that hard to do since you can just return to the stages when near the end of the game and do it then, and even then you can still do it via attrition.

top 1% player ranking trophy in killzone 2. This was early days too, not years later when servers were dead and it was easier to achieve.

The LittleBigPlanet 1 Platinum.

My big level I created was a Shadow of the Colossus one. Some rando even made a youtube video about it. Which I found like six year later which was a triiiiip.


>get banned/hacked/game network of choice gets nuked
>all of the validation no one but you cares about erased
nice, it's really worth spending an extra 20 hours on a game you finished and are already tired of to scrape the last "kill 1000000 enemies" and "collect all 1000 posters/feathers/pieces of solidified birdshit" locks off your list

Dunno if I should 100% 2025 or just get 4.1.

Nice, I have the 1 plat. Still need to get Riku to level 99 and the one rare ass card, and clean up synth in KH2 and the organization data fights, and almost all of BBS.
Yeah, I heard PS3 CoM takes 6 playthroughs for the plat? That takes some fucking dedication lol, at least 358 and Coded have trophies in those versions.

I have Pure Platinum in every level on all difficulties on WiiU.
I had fun. It's not about the stamp on your account, it's about playing a game that you like.

Did anyone platinum MAG on ps3?

I was talking about Bayonetta 1 and 2, forgot to mention, sorry.

My rarest trophies.
I've also only had this account since December 2016

riku level 99 was just a pain in the ass dude, i put it off for like a solid month because it's just so boring. there's no real quick way about it, i mean fuck in KH2.5 i went from level 45 to 99 in the same time it took me to go up barely 9 levels in recom lmao

>rarest trophy is literally called "high iq" in black ops 2 for collecting all intel


Nidhogg's HOGGLIKE trophy.
Rarest Platinum is for Overwatch.

Fuck, and I thought getting Sora to 99 in 1 and CoM was bad. I've been dreading the Riku grind lol.

I did. Has the best trophy icon.

Complete all VR Missions for MGS2. I wanna go back and nab the Platinum at some point

I really need to go for p5's Plat. I'm so close but I can't be bothered to play it again

I'd have that plat if I could make it through 2billion MG Rays

I need one trophy, one fucking trophy to Plat this shit.
I need to kill I 4 enemies with the Bastion Ult, fuck that. Everyone now knows how to not be killed by that stupid robot.

Sora in re:com is really quick and easy though, you get to a point where you can just spam mushu + fire + fire which kills everything in one hit or the one combo that brings everything in then does AOE, and spam that too.

There's no quick way about Riku sadly, you just go to the final floor, go into a room, equip that org card that lets you have a chance to OHKO someone after a combo, get into dark mode, jump and spam X and hope those annoying fuckers on the ground don't interrupt you.

It's honestly so dogshit dude, I legitmately don't blame people who want to plat all the KH trophies but skip out on that one.

Those trophies that you can get by playing with a dev or something

My friend lent me his PS3 and I got the Platinum on all MGS and Final Fantasy XIII games.
I had created an account just to play and deleted afterwards, he was mad because I didn't played on his account.

Now I am too burned up to do this again, on my own account.

What is your proudest Plat? Mine is White Knight Chronicles 2, 500 hours to plat. God I miss that game so much.

Super Meat Boy plat

>tfw i prefer to get multiplatform games on ps4 just so i can raise my trophy count knowing that trophies are fucking pointless

man, whats wrong with me? even with games i know will run and look better on PC, i get the ps4 version anyways. for some reason i dont care about steam achievements.

Stack with a Zarya, breh.
I only had trouble with Lucio and Zenny's non-ult trophies.

Yeah, I think I did the Mushu+Fire+Fire on Destiny Islands and got to 99 with Sora pretty quick, I didn't know the Riku one was so grindish though. I might as well see it through since CoM was honestly to my surprise one of my favorite games I've ever played. I think it might be in part from me not knowing how to break the combat so easily. I honestly think I prefer Marluxia over Ansem and Xemnas, but that's probably because I was max level when I fought them though. To bad there's no post game content for Sora's story afterward

Yeah, that's what I am trying now. I see a Zarya, I stick on her, thanks.
I only play 1 or 2 matches with him, then I give up.
Zen was amazing, I was trying to get in quick play for days.
First match in competitive, I switch to him and bang, without trying.

I've done everything in MGS2 bar collecting all the dogtags. It's such a drag to get them all.

gg, perfecting cotton candy lane was too much for me

Only PS4 stuff because I had 360

I platinumed Horizon so that I guess.

100% on MGS V

Recent one

Wow, that's unusual; most people including me put that game (well mostly the Re version) pretty low on the pole

platinum star ocean 5

regret all the time wasted

>98% Overwatch
It's Orisa's Halt one isn't it?

Yeah, that Halt State trophy is retarded

not him but RE:COM once you get used to the combat and level up a bit was actually pretty fun to do

story was pretty dogshit besides from the post-world cutscenes and fights, but i cant fault it too much since it was originally a GBA game

This one apparently.

In all fairness though, I've only beaten 1, Re:CoM, 2. I have played quite a bit of 358/2 Days as well, and while it is a bit repetitive I still enjoy it a lot for the amount of content it brings.


That's one of the reasons I don't take too well to Re:CoM. But I'll still plat it

these i think.

what, how is a gold rarer than a plat

plat for DJ Hero 1, 0.44% rarity on psnp

the plat for 2 is even rarer, 0.33%, but that requires a few more hours of grinding a dead multiplayer that i don't feel in the mood for. some day

All the Steam cheevos in Arkham Asylum and the Platinum in Arkham Knight. I'm missing the Calendar Man Steam cheevo from City i'm doing it the old fashion way, but i cheat when i miss a date. And sadly, i'll never get all the trophies from Origins, thanks to the online.

I just got today that trophy in Titanfall 2.
You know, THAT one.

Only because nobody bothered with Zestiria.
I kept going trying to make it fun.

I have Disgaea 3,4,5, and D2 platted. I have Trails of Coldsteel 1 and 2 platted.


I'm working on sonic mania and have 16 out of the 32 sonic 3 special stages at silver or gold.

I don't really have any super rare ones so probably one from watchdogs from when my brother got it for free. Even simple side mission achievements were listed as rare

These are rarest, but hardest was prob Trackmania though, was so bad at the game.

Anyone else here value Completion % above all else?

The platinum for the original Hyperdimension Neptunia on ps3 or the achievement for beating score attack mode in Blazblue Calamity Trigger on 360