Capcom and Switch: What's going on?

>No Okami HD
>No Resident Evil 7
>No localization of MH: XX
>No Megaman Legacy Collection 2
>No Disney Afternoon Collection
>No MH: World despite it running on MT Framework (which was confirmed to be optimized for Switch)

Capcom is retarded, in other news, the sky is blue.

>Capcom is being retarded again, more news at 11

I can understand Okami, REVII, and World since it's a handheld. I can understand XX because they're busy localizing World. But why the hell aren't Megaman and Disney on the Switch? For fuck's sake, the Disney Collection is all NES games in the first place, they could bring it to 3DS if they wanted.

sony is probably waving money at them and capcom is taking the bait, and i say this as a sony fag

But every game there (besides XX) is also on Xbox and PC

It could easily run both world and okami.
>handheld meme
If you don't think it a console your reatrted

sony knows those will sell more on ps4 so they dont really give a shit about xbox, nintendo is the only thing they really need to care about even more so when it comes to monster hunter

it's not just the switch, capcom is fucking up everything they can, the haven't done anything right this gen resident evil 7 aside, it's simply amazing.

Nintendo is their only real competition and they only have so much money.

It could run the original Okami no problem, but it's specifically an HD version. They can't go touting it as Okami HD if it's not really HD.

And Monster Hunter World has a LOT going on in it, in a huge map, all without loading zones. Personally I wouldn't mind if it looked closer to the older titles if it maintained the gameplay. Perhaps we could see a "Monster Hunter Portable World" on Switch, if Sony doesn't also get exclusive rights to that on their Switch rip-off. I know they said there's no money in handhelds, but you yourself don't even consider the Switch one and that could be what they're going for.

okami hd in ps3 was natively rendered at almost 4k and downsampled to 1080p, of course it could run okami hd on the switch

The game was HD from the start. Also DOOM and Wolf II make any hardware arguments completely invalid.

Xbox is irrelevant to Sony and they generally tolerate or ignore PC, it's the only platform they allow cross-play with.

>Switch couldn't run a PS2 game in HD when it runs Mairo Kart 8 at 1080p/perfect 60 FPS

Are you retarded? Literally?

Oh, I didn't realize Okami HD was already a thing, I thought this was new. As in, like, HIGHER definition. But it sounds like it already is, my bad.


Capcoms been making nothing but awful decisions for a while now.

aren't they testing the waters with revelations 1 and 2? or did i read some headline wrong?

Nintendo can't be better than current gen systems so it's trying to be better than last gen systems

They were testing the waters with sf2 too and it looks like it sold more than mvci

>It could easily run both world

Unlike iD, Capcom are not tech wizards. Look at how compromized Doom is on the Switch.

But PS4 and Xbone both have garbage libraries after 4 years.

>people saying it can run MHW easily
>switch can't even run doom well on fucking UE4 with max 720p 60fps dips on low settings

MHW is way more demanding and open fields with no load screens, shitty tablet can't run it


MHW would probably also need to use the bigger (and more expensive) cards as well, which would make a port even less profitable.


so capcom basically got a tsunami throwing a little rock but they still need to test those waters...

>t could easily run both world

It has problems running fucking Zelda and that game has ps3/360 tier flat landscapes and piss poor draw distance. The game can't even handle tesselation.

>No Okami HD
It bombed on Nintendo consoles because Capcom didn't include Mario in it. To Nintendo fans = No Mario No Buy.

>No Resident Evil 7
Switch is too weak to run the game. And RE4 bombed on GC because, again, no Mario in it.

>No localization of MH: XX
It bombed due to MH vets disliking the over-the-top cuhrayzee shonen le secret techniques, and Valphalkmon.

>No Megaman Legacy Collection 2
No one plays Megaman anymore. Get on with the time, old geezers.

>No Disney Afternoon Collection
Literally who?

>No MH: World despite it running on MT Framework (which was confirmed to be optimized for Switch)
No, it's not optimized for Switch. That """""console""""" literally struggles to run BOTW & MHXX, which are Gen 7 tier games, at 30fps.

PS3 ran Okami HD. The Switch can run it too. Stop posting an image that has nothing to do with anything.

>game stuck in development hell optimized to run on 2 platforms
Mario Odyssey hits 60fps no problem docked and undocked and is just as open world.

it has dips

>To Nintendo fans = No Mario No Buy.

Is that why Splatoon sold very well?

>58 fps when dialogue pop up
Call me when it's actual dips.

>development hell


FFXV is what you call development hell

>Piss poor distance
>posts e3 2016 wii u footage
At least post switch footage

To 58, when there's an NPC dialogue box and a context sensitive dialogue box showing up on screen at the same time

Did it really? LOL

Okami sold more on the Wii than it did on ps2 dumb shitposter

Is mvci really that bad?

>It bombed due to MH vets disliking the over-the-top cuhrayzee shonen le secret techniques, and Valphalkmon.
It bombed due to the fact that there was already a 3DS version out and Japs don't give a shit about HD you fucking retard.

XX would do a fuckload better in America because we didn't get it for the 3DS.

I'd figure that MHXX localization would've been held off until World gets released as to potentially avoid confusing people. On the other hand, they already went with localizing Stories.

I quoted World, you illiterate fuck.

>Mario Odyssey hits 60fps no problem docked and undocked and is just as open world.

You're seriously comparing the visuals of fucking Mario Odyssey to MHW? You Nintendo fanboys are fucking delusional.

There were bloopers in the graffiti of the very first trailer. It had Mario in it.

I'm certain we'll see a Dragon's Dogma port at some point. Before we see a DD2, anyway.

>struggles to run 2016 Doom like current gen can
>thinks it will run MHW

Switch can only run games that have non realistic textures and shit

Zelda U was in development since 2013, was delayed twice and must have been changed a lot since it was supposed to be a Wii U exclusive with way more gamepad integration.

Woooooow dude you mean to tell me Capcom is being retarded again? How could anyone have forseen this?

Capcom is literally the most retarded Jap company. It only amazes me that people still expect good things from them after their fuck ups for the past decade.

I've been looking into this. I run a YouTube channel dedicated to exposing behind the scenes shit like this. Although at this stage I can't exactly say who was involved or what happened, Capcom was explicitly planning on NOT developing the next mainline Monster Hunter on Nintendo consoles by the time 4 came out.

The plan was to rob Nintendo of a huge franchise and hand it to Sony... but of course Nintendo wasn't happy about this and they've been fighting ever since.

yeah, it had a much stronger debut. i mean, granted that it was one of the first switch titles but still

Did any retards actually watch the digital foundry video? They weren't even running it on a switch. They ran it on a pc at super low settings to simulate hand held mode and didn't try anything for docked. Not to mention it doesn't even have a release date yet so there could still be some time for them to optimize it.

capcom doesn't have the funding to buy devkits

Switch is gonna get Monster hunter 5 and Ace Attorney 7 soon

>Zelda U was in development since 2013, was delayed twice and must have been changed a lot since it was supposed to be a Wii U exclusive with way more gamepad integration.

That isn't development hell, just setbacks. Unless it's like Nier or XV don't be calling minor shit like that "development hell" Those gamepad features probably would have been irrelevant or just mere features you can use. Unless shit has been completly scrapped after years or changed developers can't be acting like 1 or 2 year delay is anything major

general consensus is thats really fun to play but the presentation, music, story, and pretty much everything is complete garbage

>The plan was to rob Nintendo of a huge franchise and hand it to Sony
Nintendo wasn't robbed of shit. MH started out on Playstation.

>Did any retards actually watch the digital foundry video?
What do you think?

Aren't you the guy who said Shovel Knight was gonna be a DLC character in Smash 4?

Uhm no sweetie

>Most notably, a Bethesda spokesperson confirmed that Doom runs at 30 frames-per-second on Switch

>"The game and rendering technology underlying Doom is extremely scalable. In bringing Doom to Switch, we targeted outstanding visuals at a solid 30 fps and by maintaining a consistent 30 fps, the experience remains consistently fluid and smooth. We’ve been thrilled with the feedback that Doom is among the very best looking and performing games on Switch."

>>No localization of MH: XX
Monster Hunter World, stupid.

meant nioh wtf

If you seriously expect the Switch version to be almost identical to the Xbone/PS4 version you're delusional. The Switch is fucking underpowered because it's a fucking portable device.
If you people bought a Switch (a Nintendo system) expecting strong multiplat and 3rd party support you're fucking retarded.

>Monster Hunter World, stupid.

Only announced for PS4 and Xbone. PC has been mentioned to come at a later date. Absolutely no word on a Switch release.

Reminder that Capcom is the Roman Reigns of video game devs.

Bad attention is still attention. If you hate them so much and actually want them to fail: IGNORE THEM.

Don't get why people care about XX anyways like it's not a shitty repacked expansion title. I'd get if it was a new mainline or something that was locked to japan but shit don't matter. Switch is region lock too so if you REALLY want it, there's an option

Oh well, assuming the docked version runs at a smooth 30 with 720 fps I'd be fine with it since I'm not a dumb graphics whore.

I wanted to transfer my progress over from the original 3DS Generations

Switch's raw power is a little above PS360, it could run it pretty easily downscaled 540p handheld or 720 docked

>tfw I bought XX on switch yesterday
>mfw it's a massive upgrade and can play it with a pro controller on my tv

Practically guaranteed capcom gets my money from MHW on PC.

That's probably because you are legit handicapped and don't know anything of what you speak, next time someone asks for an opinion don't give one.

FPS matters when it's a faster paced game. Doom is a fast paced game and it running at 30FPS is not good. It will be very noticable.

Now imagine if MHW is running at 30FPS on PS4? For a possible Switch version to run it at 30FPS the game would have to be gutted.

My dream is to have an entire audience just leave when Reigns walks out.

That only shows you how weak it is, these devs who even gave last gen consoles 720p 60fps performances on wolfeinstein can't even do that on the switch and then expect MHW to run on the switch is hilarious

MHW isn't a PS2 game buddy, the series no longer is on shit nintendo handheld hardware.

Nah, Monster Hunter is going the way of Dead Rising/ Resident Evil soon enough, much higher sales much broader appeal. Ace Attorney is going to be android/IOS only for the next release, Capcom have no real interest in Nintendo anymore outside of their cheap cash cow of ports.

Imagine playing bloodborne at 30 fps. Jesus Christ.

>actually buying a switch
>Shitty Doom port
>just has splatoon and botw
>butthurt capcom abandoned it

Let me guess. You fuckers who bought a swtich are white, born in the 90s, play smash bros and own some kinda zelda merch.

Why the fuck do Nintendindu fanbabbies always pretend Nintendindu is perfect?

> Game is on every platform except Nintendo's? S-Sony moneyhats the dev!

>Dev claims Switch is too weak? T-They are too lazy to optimize!

>Game looks dated on Switch? S-Switch is powerful, fuck you dev!

>No browser, create lobby, online chat, basic online features, etc.? W-Who cares about them anyway?

>Has to use phone to create only lobby? E-Everyone has a phone so this is not an issue!

>Retarded normies just want Remasters/HD/Collection of their old games over and over again.

Will you FUCKS stop this shit?

Like I said I'm not a graphics whore so I probably won't care all that much.

The first wolfenstein was probably made with last gen consoles in mind while doom was made specifically for current gen hardware and is now being scaled back to work on switchs weaker hardware.

I just hope Okami ends up on the Switch eventually. That was such a massive disappointment for me.

>reeee muh switch isnt getting every game, capcom must answer for their crimes
You port-beggars are insufferable desu

Nice arguments.

I'll shut down every single one of them with this single argument

>Game that was popular on another platform (PS4/XBO) gets put on Switch or PC

>Game was never good anyway!

as soon as you and people like you start calling them normalfags again, so never

They said they're going to develop now that USFII succeeded (and sold more than mvcI)

What has the colour of your skin got to do with it?

>Crapcum in charge of good decisions
*breathes in*

They said that before Okami HD was announced though

So the same thing could happen to switch which is even worse since MHW is a bigger scope and most likely 30fps on PS4/One and the compromises will be too large for them to shit it out. FPS ain't got nothing to do with graphics, suck it up and get a PC

He's probably a racist white liberal who hates being white and everyone else who's white.

was i right though

I don't care about MHW. I've only mentiond doom and wolfenstein in my posts.

The joke is that the racist white liberal is the market for Switch.

>open fields with no load screens

Ah yes, as we know no games on Switch do that...

To be fair, Capcom also barely released any Wii U games, too. Eight in total. Two of those are Virtual Console games. They also released a decent few 3DS games but it's surprisingly not a very large amount compared to the previous generation.

They probably firmly believe Nintendo is behind the times, and would rather take a massive risk with World (which is why it's so broad appeal this time around) in other parts of the market than risk sticking themselves into Nintendo niche. They have to pray that doesn't backfire on them by making terrible decisions like they've always had, because Capcom wants millions of sales, not just almost a million.

Fuck Nintendo

Yeah, none in 1080p 30fps and none with high resolution textures or none with many enemies in the fields at a time to save for performance

>sub-30 fps at all times, every time there's more than an open field on screen like in korok forest, you get sub-20 fps

wow, amazing

Id still buy it, otherwise Capcom would think the game is unpopular after selling it for the 4th time.