Are there any realistic games where females can't be warriors?
Are there any realistic games where females can't be warriors?
Are there any games where I can have sex with black men?
So lucky it wasn't a grenade.
Training gear. Normally you're supposed to train with the real deal at that stage.
Guess they make sure to add a few steps for females.
source on this?
Post the screencap.
You know the one, I want my blood to boil for some minutes.
/k/ always has the best collect of webms.
>You know the one
No user I don't see it.
Lawbreakers by legendary game designer Cliff Bezinsky
You may remember hit from cult classics like Jack Jack Rabbit or Gears of War
Available on PS4 and Steam
>realistic game
>uses a class system
Real soldiers use a class system.
army training where anyone can be anything cause this is current era
Are any of them 'warriors'?
Imagine being this retarded.
Yeah it's called Infantry.
You can be sniper, medic or whatever else you trained for.
all of them are warriors and a member of a team ;)
I get it, user.
Those are not classes called 'warrior'. Those are specialist warfighters.
The one where some user from the Rangers tells the truth about women recruitment, that the military lowered their standards to be more easy on women because only a few could actually pass the regular training.
>that guy walking up to her with his hands on his hips
fucking lol
>tfw went to Fort Benning for Basic
>not even infantry
>bunch of infantry Drill Sergeants who constantly shit on us because most of our MOS' are signal
>no females
>get to AIT
>converse with all the other privates who went to other basics
>overall sounds like their's is much easier
>we constantly shit on them because their time in basic was piss easy
>one of the two times I was complimented by my Drill Sergeants was my speed with breaching
I didn't really have anything to say with this, just sharing my experience in basic
Oh yeah, throwing live grenades is frightening and the explosion was bigger than I was expecting
that should be obvious to anyone who's looked at military fitness standards differences for men and women, or even fitness standards in general