Ok, this shit is dank actually

Ok, this shit is dank actually

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GOTY right here

I am surprised how bug-free it is, I was anticipating it to run like shit and/or be littered with issues, but matchmaking is fast and I haven't encountered any problems. Artstyle isn't half bad either. My biggest gripe with the game is it needs more substance to it, there's not many weapons and there's no driveable vehicles (although arguably this is a good thing as the "storm" speed has been designed around on-foot travel). For a completely free game (at least until the cosmetic and probably P2W bullshit starts getting implemented) it's actually quite solid.

I never understood the appeal of these Battle Royale games.

Try one

>fotm battle royale game
>reddit artstyle
can you just fuck off to r/games already? holy fucking shit.

Its free. Settle down.

$0.25 poobux have been deposited into your account, thanks again for "promoting" our products, Pajeet!

I get why people like it I just prefer more structured PvP


Oh here we go again.

Can these shills at least sound like Sup Forums ?


I want you to explain exactly what the fuck "Reddit artstyle" is.

This film was pure kino.

Only fun with friends.
Bought pubg because my friends had it and told me to get it, played two games with them before they went off and found it quite fun.
Played it by myself afterwards and got bored as fuck, refunded it because there's hardly a time where all my friends are online and playing the game.

Just played a few matches.
Highest I've been was 11.
I feel like it'd be much more fun with friends.

>shilling a free game

Played 3 rounds and just stopped. This shit is so uninspired and terrible.

>shilling is all about gaining publicity
>you cant shill a free game!
do you realize how retarded you sound?

>pubgtards are scared already
Uh oh

Creatively bankrupt art direction for wide palatability

then how the fuck is anyone meant to ever discuss a game

So... Mario? The definition of family friendly entertainment?

Wtf is this shit? Chinese already made a pubg movie or what? Why they have to steal so much

Its ok. When do the microtransactions start? Im ready to stunt on these fools

I went to download it but it looks like I have to pay for the PvE campaign, according to PSN at least.
Is this true?


Didnt MAG do this whole 100 person pvp thing like 10 years ago?

Yeah, they did a full PUBG movie. It's pretty fun.

yes, only the battle royale mode is free, the pve mode will be free "2018"

pls be bait

MAG was an online shooter, these battle royal games are glorified last man standing modes.

As opposed to PUBG and its "crude attempt at photorealism" artstyle? As if that's original or exceptional?

Make sure you search Battle Royale, it's free. The other founder pack shit is their survival co op thing.

Honestly I'm more interested in the co-op mode. I tried PUBG but I didn't care much for it, even with friends.

It's actually legitimately fun, basically just PUBG but with a decent framerate, no lazy asset flipping, and no bugs. Gunplay could use a lot of work, but it's super satisfying to kill campers by destroying trees and buildings.

And since it's completely free with no microtransactions yet, you'd have to be some kind of Bluehole shill to tell people not to try it.

Shills all of you.

is it pay to win? Im downloading it right now and I saw some founders pack stuff.

Why didn't Epic make the shooting good, it just feels awful, also visibility is too easy, hiding is pretty much impossible

>shilling a free game.

That lets you play the PVE coop mode early. I don't think there is any actual PTW faggotry but honestly I don't know.

That's for the co-op shit that came out months ago. The Battle Royale mode is completely free, no microtransactions at all.

God damn right it is fellow battle bro! I can't wait to build some super cool forts tonight with my pals on Fornite!! Why not join me? :)

>bought this from a guy in a park during a farmers market who was selling dvds on a blanket when I was in 8th grade

Does it have pets and player housing? Loot boxes too. I need loot boxes.

>no microtransactions at all.
They're apparently going to release some cosmetic shit (probably in the form of loot boxes), although allegedly they will purely be cosmetic items at least...

MAG was fun though.

Well yeah, of course they were going to add that shit down the line when the co-op mode goes f2p too. But that isn't going to be until 2018, so just enjoy the flavour of the month game with no downsides while you can.


To be fair pubg is the first to make it on a huge map.

> First game
> Built 2 walls at the end

It's alright but it'll die within a week.

is it well optimized? I have a toaster. I hope I can get 50 fps in low settings

>hiding is pretty much impossible
>a bad thing

spotted the pronefag

>shooting is awful


>If you discuss any game you are a shill
Glad I didn't fall for the Sup Forums brainwash



I think the only reasonable way to use the build tools is if you're in a squad and camp in a building, adding (metal) walls and shit as reinforcement (which isn't really going to be viable until late in the game, else you risk the storm taking your base)

jesus fucking christ, I hate neo-Sup Forums. Planetside 1 did this shit 14 years ago, not that a redditor faggot like you would know.

epic wouldn't stop sending me fucking e-mails about it (they sent 2 but fuck that) and I tried it out. I don't think the gameplay for these kinds of games (if others play like this) is engaging enough on its own, but there are aspects of it that I really like. Each game is wandering around, praying nobody spots you, and when two people finally do cross paths your cheeks are fucking clenched. Unfortunately, the climax of that encounter is you guys shooting at each other point blank, frantically. On paper, a battle royal styled game would be incredible if everything fell into place, but as it stands these games are going to be stuck with some boring gunplay propped up by the atmosphere/survival aspect of the ordeal. Picture if one of these games had some crazy fast movement and Unreal styled gameplay? Give everyone a fucking grappling hook while your at it, take full advantage of having a large environment. The building mechanics are weird but cool twist on the genre.

Totally. I'm sure PUBG will die by the end of the year too xD

>Hiding is pretty much impossible

That's the point. It's the same deal with the RNG factor to weapon spread. In some games like ARMA or Squad, the extremely low time to kill is offset by the fact that it is possible to get back into the same game relatively quickly. Therefore being killed by someone a quarter mile away that you never saw isn't that big of a deal.

With games like PUBG though, the time to kill remains extremely short yet there is no way to get back into the game. Investing 10-30 minutes into a match only to be killed by some guy who just happened to show up 500 yards behind you is not fun to a lot of people.

Therefore with Fortnite they have made it much harder to hide, and most weapons have a shorter effective range than their PUBG counterparts. This is to encourage players to close the distance and confront each other in more leveled firefights.

Do you even game design?


Is a Reddit Artstyle anything you don't like? Or are you just upset because it isn't le ebic realism ?

What's the point of this mode? Do you get any kind of progression or unlocks?

Why are they so happy and upbeat about a fight to the death?


3pp meh


It's still early beta so nothing really sticks or unlocks yet. Just playtest the game and see if you like the gameplay enough to play it when character progression is finally implemented.


It's much more like Battlefield Heroes though.

>tfw it's more fun than pubg

Is it the polish? The crafting? Or the fact that it's not a unity asset flip...

Its the fun graphics. It doesnt try to be super srs busnss

It's gonna get fixed in the upcoming week patch.

I'm excited for this as well. EPIC moderators have said that the developers have plans on making an open world mode in the far future where it's free for all, and a all out war faction mode similar to Battlefield Heroes.

Battle Royale can come an go, but I honestly believe that because Fortnite has extra features and modes besides BR, it's going to be the end of PUBG a one focused mode game.

Overwatch has it's problems, but the art style isn't one of them.

Ramirez is fucking cute.



Sup Forums in a nutshell. still mad its popular? don't respond to me.

>40k viewers
how the fuck

It's sponsored

what does that mean? appears on twitch's main page?

Its pretty fun actually

it's going to get character progression?

Nigs be hiding behind trees but yer boy has the highground


Because it's fucking shroud, he has over 30k subs anything he plays will get crazy views.

I don't actually know

How do i know who's on my team in squad?


Sup Forums ETERNALLY BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!


Better question: give an example of something that isn't creatively bankrupt.

You can't say that attached is unique and you can't say it's a "reddit artstyle" either.

pixar-tier muh quirky characters and exagerated expressions, seen it all a million times already

Player Unknown literally on suicide watch

>it's popular so it's good and you're mad for not liking the capeshit of video games

Kiriyama is my husbando

a million times better than pubg

looks like it really was fotm shit. Sup Forums is right once again

I wouldn't know because I have never played or touched PUBG before, but who has cuter girls??

Me neither. I always thought h1z1 and pubg were shitty streamer games (still do). I decided to try Fortnite because why not. Visually pleasing and free.

And fuck me its actually fun. Fast paced, combat feels good, no vehicles memes. The building mechanic is actually really great too. I'd definitely recommend it

Bunch of redditors defending their favorite site.

But user, Sup Forums isn't about video games

Still haven't gotten an answer, so thanks for adding to the conversation.

You retards have convinced me to buy Fortnite.