Now that "our guy" has confirmed Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion are trash games, can we admit Metroid was never good...

Now that "our guy" has confirmed Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion are trash games, can we admit Metroid was never good? After all ecelebs are never wrong.

Did you even watch the video?

>Said Zero Mission was amazing
>Said the latest one was great
Shit bait thread

never played any of them
don't care to
bumping anyways
I can't wait to see the responses

I agree that hollow knight is better than every 2D metroid.

>Now that "our guy" has confirmed Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion are trash games,

But he literally said they were good games.

Nice try, VERY fake news! Sad!

>the average dunkey fan is this dumb
Why am I not surprised?

i've finally gave in and watched some dunkey recently. he's legit really funny, i'm glad i caved in

though his opinions are almost always half joking/half serious, so i can't really take him that seriously

I don't really get his humor. I like his editing but his jokes seem too obvious.

>his opinions are almost always half joking/half serious


Nothing in thatrecent video lead time to believe so. In fact I'm pretty sure he hates Metroid Fusion going off of it.

>his jokes seem too obvious
Not that obvious since OP didn't get it

Certainly, the Yakuza series was never really good either.

I'm really mad that his stupid review on knack 2 just ended up being a "haha knack 2 inside joke again 11/10 goty" when his reviews have usually been devoid of humor. Honestly, his recent videos haven't done shit for me.

I'm not OP, though. That's his issue.

I'm enjoying some of his stuff but he really needs to get out of his comfort zone, his fanbase seems braindead with the whole KNACK 2 BABY thing

>complains about gamma metroids running away
>you can easily kill them within the room when you take advantage of their attack patterns
I didn't get that argument. Half the fun of Metroid has been about beating the games as fast as possible and punishing players for not thinking up better strategies to dispose of the metroids as quickly as possible doesn't seem like a big problem honestly.

I actually loved this video because the punchline was great, the whole point of this video was just shitting on Dean

why does he sound black?


You clearly haven't watched the Game critics video

>He gave the same score to Yooka Laylee

>blindly parroting some youtube shitter for the sake of having 'an opinion'.

Dear god, seek help. You have mental issues that are a detriment to your own safety and well being.

>letting reviewers change your opinion on games

We've already known for a long time that Dunkey doesn't have much patience and hates shit like backtracking and slowing down.

What a complete garbage thread, someone actually had the ideia to come here and create this piece of shit
"muh hard = good"
It's garbage, only people who think dark souls is the hardest game ever think its good

because he's got ASSBURGERS


Dunkey has admitted that not all games are for him and that even though he tries to be fair in reviewing, he's not the best at games sometimes. That being said, I disagree with him on the other metroid games, but I haven't played the new one so I can't give an opinion on that.

>shit on the game for 10 mins
>gives it 4/5
How ironic, isn't that what complained about in his game journalist video