That kid that was into Medabots instead of being into Pokemon or Digimon like everyone else

>that kid that was into Medabots instead of being into Pokemon or Digimon like everyone else

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>or Digimon

mate, I fucking wish. I was "the digimon kid" at my school. There was literally only one other kid that even sorta cared about that shit compared to the juggernaut that was pokemon. lillymon ruined me as a kid, once I saw that 2D beauty I never looked at 3D again

>Not getting into three of them
>not being able to still enjoy the games even today
>Not hacking your 3DS and play sweet fanservice Medabots game

I'm not even mad at you, I pitty you

Medabots and custom Robo are my jams

Medabots was the tightest shit, but no I was the REALLY weird kid who was into SD Gundam Force.

medabots was p cool but I only watched the anime and never bothered with the games. I should look into that.

I'm convinced that a ton of people were "digimon kids" because pokemon was too mainstream

I remember there were a few parts I never unlocked, like metabee's. How did you do it?

>That Kid who discovered DemiKids and didn't know what SMT really is
At least the Monster Designer for DKIDS made abetter Mermaid design than the Main series designer

when I played it as a kid I didn't know how to unlock ANYTHING, I just played with the default


bump again

I just checked the wiki. There were version exclusive parts. Fuck.

Nah. In addition to.
I wish I wasn't alone though. If I wasn't we might have gotten the other games too and they're great.

Fucking loved Medabots. Even had a bunch of the figures that you could customize with each other's parts. Also really liked the other Medabots GBA game that was more traditional RPG, but the difficulty spike in the bug cave made me ragequit it.
New Medabots RPG when?

Tfw I was the kid that liked pokemon, digimon, and medabots but everyone else only knew pokemon

They've made Medarot RPGs all the way up to the 3DS.

>that kid that only played Robopon and said it was better than pokemon
>it was actually shit

My Waifu!

Are they any good?

Season 1 had so much charm.

you can keep her as long as I can have peppercat

My nigga.

The better question is were they localized

That kid deserved better

Obviously not or else I would know about them
the better question is if there are any translation patches

>tfw then entire school watched foxbox/abc kids
>metabots was everyones jam

My ethernal robofu.

It's a shame that the franchise is so dead, the newer medabot girls can be pretty cute too.

>only ever knew metabots from a series 1 volume 1 dvd mother bought in a cheap store when i was a kid
>watched the first four episodes a bunch of times
>avoided the beach one for whatever reason
>ended up getting medabots battle area with the little figures
>episodes never aired on tv channels i had
>never saw the rest of medabots or the games

its a shame because i liked the concept more than pokemon but as a kid it was completely beyond my reach

I remember the mermaid one did things to me as a kid

Did anyone buy the medabot toys that you build yourself like in the anime? Came with a tin skeleton and parts. I remember seeing a Rokusho one as a little kid and to this day I regret not buying it when I had the money. $10-20 was so expensive for me back then, I felt guilty thinking about getting it.

>Digimon insanely popular
>everyone talking about the show and collecting figurines
>not a single kid owned an actual fucking Digimon device, nor even knew what it was

I had one as a kid and it was pretty sick.

Probably woulda been a million times cooler if I had multiple so I could mix and match

Post more robutts.

>New Medabots RPG when?
Pretty soon.

Damn, Metabee and Rokusho look great there.

On the one hand, range > melee
On the other hand, head-cannons < no head-cannons

am I kawaii uggu?

Fuck off AX was great that title screen was the tits too
Why the fuck did they change almost everything when they localized it?

>not all three


I own that version, that game is shit and clunky as fuck. GCN one was alright but just as clunky. Mainline games for the series are good.



>that one episode with all the brass upskirts

>No more of these games were localized.
>Still ongoing to this day

This was my jam.

Robopon 2 was great though

Built for anal.

I had Medabee and I regret losing it so bad now.
It even had a little medal you could take out.

Medabots are pure, ya sick fuck.

I was that kid who was into a lot of shit that none of the other kids liked.

>Monster Rancher
>Battle Network
>Monster Racer
>Scat porn
>Custom Robo
>Fossil Fighters

I'm 20 now, I remember playing most of those in late elementary school to middle school.
Everyone else just played pokemon and yugioh.

Created for clank clank in their metallic rears, that's their real purpose.

pure sex maybe

Wasn't there a new medabots game coming out where you could destroy your opponents clothing? Seems pretty lewd.

>hear about this
>get excited
>look it up
>it's just generic moeblobs you're doing clothing damage to and not the medabots

Never lost interest in a game so fast

They are made for lewd and you know it.
post more lewd bots now

no way this is real. DO they even still make anime or manga for this ?

>One things is not like the other, one these things does not belong...

>Had to explain to a kid that the arcbeetle chassis is better than the metabee chassis in detail.

The series has intense pacing issues with the main plot struggling to reach 39 episodes leaving us with a tonne of filler "Kam sends out new Kilobot/oh no new Kilobot was defeated what shall we do but build a stronger one naturally" episodes. Speaking about Kam himself, the character's really poor. This kid is doing things that are downright illegal (defamation, destruction, and attempted murder) , and unlike Dr. Meda-Evil in the first series he's doing this while being a public figure with both the police, and the Select Corps seemingly not batting an eye at his actions. Despite being a 12 year that should be in prison he's also incredibly non-threatening. You never get the sense that Ikki, Jinkai, and Zuru weren't going to prevail against this dweeb, especially since he demonstrates no skill or passion for robattling (something that has been shown repeatedly in both series to overcome even the most insurmountable odds), and loses against the series hero in the second episode of the series, then again, and again.

The English dub also appears to have received a budget slash. Everyone except Metabee, and Dr. Aki seems to have been recast, with the lead voice actors the show does have providing the voice for pretty much every incidental character in this show. Whenever I hear Julie Lemieux's Ikki voice all I can hear of is Warren from Monster By Mistake ...

This series also commits an outright animation sin in my eyes. The first series was entirely animated on cells as a late 90s show typically would be. For the first 16 episodes so is Damashii. Yes, that's right. 17 episodes into a 39 episode series they make a switch to digital. The already poor fight choreography in this show loses any fluidity, and it just creates an incredibly jarring viewing experience, especially since there's a recap episode in this series that jumps from cell animation to digital without a problem.


>DO they even still make anime or manga for this
Nope. Though making one might be a good idea to promote the games.
what the fuck is this pasta

It's real. Don't read moon but it seems like it goes up to 5. Neat.

>not being a beybladebro

My nigga.
Pic related, it is the most underrated character in the series.

Driger > Dranzer > Draciel > Dragoon

Max is a fag and had the shittiest most boring beyblade.

Fucking this.
>Franchise loved by robotfuckers
>Instead of adding lewd robutts which is very rare to find and give some love to your fans, they add more exploding clothing on schoolgirls which you can find fucking everywhere

Fuck I loved this.
Even had a sizable post game with the scavenger hunt.
The disgruntled scientist at the beginning of the game being the FINAL final boss and constantly breaking the fourth wall always got me

I love this game, when I was a kid I remember going to bestbuy and buying this with a shit loads of $5 bills. I stopped playing it when I couldn't get passed the race thing in the castle and picked it up years later realizing I could have cheese it.

Kuwagata > Kabuto

>Not trying to copy the stupid bullshit like the rotating wrist launch or making a longer cord
>Not throwing a tantrum because shops never had a driger S in stock
>Not throwing another tantrum after finding out black dranzer was jap only
>Not having a remote controlled beyblade
>Not busting a nut to max's hot mom

I'd honestly say that and Rokusho version are legitimately better RPGs than the Advance Pokemon games.

I played the shit out of this game growing up. I still find it hard to believe the series is still going.

I got bestbot


ohhhhh they're beetles

holy shit look all those versions

I can't stand gold motif. It just doesn't have that shiny, chrome-like silver appeal to it.

I have NEVER to this day been able to beat Squidguts at the end of the forest in the Rokusho version.


At least we can all agree that beetles are rad as shit

Hell fucking yeah! Someone post a Kabuto image akin to mine, I don't have a cool one, unfortunately.

All I have is a webm.

>ywn play that G-Revolution GBA game for the first time again
>ywn customize your beyblade like a champ again
>ywn learn the secret to perfect launches and completely wreck everything again

Has there ever been a stag beetle design in a video game that wasn't cool as fuck? It's one of those concepts that's just completely immune to being lame for some reason.

would u fuck a robot?

post that oceania goodness

English release never

we can only hope.

Right in the butt until she malfunctions.

>Has there ever been a stag beetle design in a video game that wasn't cool as fuck?

I think kids who liked Digimon were naturally predisposed to like the other not-Pokemon collectable/customizable monster/pet series. That was my experience, anyway. Always and still do like Pokemon a lot as well though, so I guess I just like the entire premise of these things.

I remember having little like vending machine-tier toys where you could mix and match parts, nothing on this level. Didn't even know these existed. I know I didn't catch every episode of Medabots as a kid, but I'm watching Medarot right now and when Sevencolors, the chameleon medabot belonging to that private detective, appeared, I suddenly vividly remembered having a toy of him.

>Stag beetle
>Both post kabuto beetles

Dead thread
Posting webms



And this is the part where I kill some of you guy's hype. The Medarot series panders to waifu fags now. Great isn't it?


I'm pretty sure they learned their lesson when that game fucking flopped.
