
Do you think they'll have any major announcements other than whatever the new wow xpac is?

>new hearthstone expansion wooo
>random wow shit no one cares about
>woah new overwatch map!!
>diablo not mentioned
nuBlizz is fucking shit

Didn't they just release a new hearthstone expansion? I doubt they'll announce another so soon

To be fair, last year was Diablo out the ass.

Is that diablo expac released with the necro or whatever? I kinda wanna get it, just thought of it the other day. Love hardcore and the stakes involved, although it's kinda irritating that it's still a pushover and can get instantly to torment 3 the moment you hit max. I can't log into blizzs launcher tho, it refuses to identify my authenticator despite it still being the same phone...

necro is out it's literally just a standalone character they charge you for

>Diablo out the ass
You call one class diablo out the ass? After what....3 years since any content for it? Nu-blizz fucking half asses everything and STILL takes forever and isn't worth the asking price for the stuff they release. The content simply isn't there.

>full expansion price for one fucking class

My B, I wasn't sure if it was a full expac or not, I do remember hearing about it awhile back but stopped following the news on it because I did find out that it was just the new class and was still a ridiculous asking price and I thought "Surely not, that would be insane" but I guess they never added anything else to it eh? Sad....blizzard has been so bad for the past 4-5 years desu in terms of content/price/time. They still take multiple years on the shittiest of content additions and still expect premium price...shame, because the stuff they make isn't bad usually, just don't make nearly enough of it to justify their bullshit.

>hearthstone expension
>halloween skins for overwatch
>new events for overwatch
>maybe an overwatch cinematic
>heroes of the storm new skins and maps
>telling people unironically to play path of exile
>some boring wow stuff
yeah i guess that's all

new dark skinned character for overwatch

I meant the convention itself.
They had a to scale replica of The Slaughtered Calf filled with Diablo memorabilia , and a Diablo anniversary party at the end of the second day filled with all the overpriced Diablo themed drinks in collectors glasses you could want.

nah they've just released a robot and black man and made mercy players mad so the next will be a waifu for some easy lootbox money

Warcraft 4 screen cap this

Why would they bother with D3? They know they can't compete with PoE.

is that some new graevling? is he back to wow?

Nah. It'll either be that aussie cunt from the aussie cunt map, or some robot.

Blizzard already blew all of their myster loads on Ana, Sombra, and Doomfist. They need to start making more mystery shit to get people hyped, instead of limping out of the barn with more Orisa types.

>Women getting EGGED by giant spiders.

One of my favorite sicko fetishes.

Maybe the new game that a few of their top guys are working on.
Dustin Browder's involvement may indicate that it is a new RTS game


>Why would they bother with D3?
That's exactly why we want some actual Diablo news.

Its wc4, the rts and hots team are both finished their projects they are not going to make some randomo game when they specifically hired rts talent.

And if you haven't noticed sc2 sold over a million copys micro transactions and expansions not included.

or you can play PoE like everyone else, stop being such a fan boy

>They know they can't compete with PoE.
You're really underestimating blizz and it's autistically dedicated fanbase, they could easily blow poe out of the water it's more just that they know there's very little profit in it, if they release an actual game you pay for it once then move on, it's why they've shifted focus off of d3 and starcraft and on to shit like overwatch and hearthstone where they can slowly milk their audience for more than they would ever put out on a diablo style game

Hey everyone!

I'm gay!

PoE is nothing like Diablo 3, dunno why people like to compare them so much.
They're both fun in their own ways.

Don't be an idiot, they are far more similar then they are different

I am their autistically dedicated fanbase and I completely gave up on D3 and moved on to PoE. D3 is probably one of the biggest disappointments I ever experienced. Just having its icon on my UI frustrates me.

the only thing I'm expecting out of Blizzcon is Neeblet winning the SC2 world championship.
PS: Isn't he fugly as fuck?
Holy shit this guy is horrible. But he sure knows his protoss.

But that's kind of the point, they don't care, do you really think the diablo fanbase would accept being milked in the same way the wow/overwatch/hearthstone base will? If they put effort in people would come but that effort would get them very little compared to putting it into making a new skin for whatever the waifu of the month is in overwatch or releasing a couple of low effort cards in hearthstone and calling it an expansion

Likely all Hearthstone will get is NEW TOURNAMENTS which is far from news.
They might bring in the Arena fixes or something like that, too.

No. And I don't think people who like or care about Blizzard or Blizzcon belong on this board.

Its not just about instant dollers all the time, if you DON'T have a fanbase you cant milk them.

WoW official legacy servers

Ya I'm pretty sure Warcraft 4 is 99% chance of being announced this year. a guy on twitch spilled the beans already, and he's pretty involved with the gaming industry including blizzard so I believe him.


They do have a fanbase though and to blizzard it is about dollars all the time, every move they make is dedicated entirely to making as much money as they can without actually driving people away, it's how they work

Nobody here supports jewish companies. Sorry.

Fuck off dude i want to hear that so bad and you know it

then explain why they bothered with sc2 and 2 expansions?

I say this quite seriously when I say he looks like a russian from 80s leningrad.

>sc one of the most popular games of all time with a thriving tournament scene
>release sc2 expecting it to sell just as well if not better
>break it into pieces so that you can get even more money out of people

>I doubt they'll announce another so soon
They release Hearthstone expansion every 4 months (three per year), and it's almost been 2 months since the last one released. Blizzcon is in a month and it's the perfect time to announce another shit expansion that will cost you 200+ dollars if you want to get all the cards.

Oh, you support plenty of Jewish companies.
You just don't realize it. Probably never will.

No. Nobody is as jewish as Blizzard. Only bethesda is just as bad.

Bethesda's not even that bad aside from the whole mod shop thing

yeah but wouldn't making another mobile cash grab candy crush game? What you fail to understand is that blizzard still has to work within the confines of their means and reach. There is no way they don't know real money auction house was a huge mistake that cost them more money then it gained, i mean they even REMOVED it.

Yes, they want to make money. No, they cant just hook everyone up to milking machines unless its a GOOD milking machine

Hi Todd.

You money ultimate is given to someone like Goldman Sachs, all business' are jewish owned.

I fucked up that 1st sentence, it should also say "make them more money?" at the end

hopefuly WC3 HD or WC4. Doesn't matter how hard they fuck up the campaign if the maps are good

Okay, but they aren't run by ActiBlizzard so I don't give a fuck. The people are Goldman Sachs didn't invent loot crates.

it'll be a good chunk of just Destiny shilling

What are you even on about? Starcraft 2 was released with the expectation that it would be another one of the best selling games of all time, blizzard hadn't shifted their revenue model yet at that time, WoW was still they're cash cow and SC was going to supplement it, then it did nowhere near as well as they hoped, titan fell through and hearthstone made it's way out as WoW was starting a slow decline and showed that their audience was willing to shill out money on f2p/b2p games with microtransactions built in which would make them much more than releasing another full game ever would. Shitting on the SC and diablo audience means very little to them now because they're making so much in othe rpalces.

Destiny 2 is built exactly like WoW is.

>Destiny shilling
No it won't they've barely even mentioned destiny, they're just the distributors they're leaving marketing bungie

A game I was looking forward to turned out to be boring, and your solution is for me to play another boring game instead of hoping for someone to make a better one.