Is anyone else pumped about this game , looks really good.
Spider-Man ps4
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It will probably be Sony's best Spider-Man movie in years.
Should I be? I haven't seen anything new in this latest iteration.
The graphics look amazing and it's Spider-Man !!!
Seems promising so far. The fact that webbing is now physics again instead of moon-swinging like it was with the last few games is the best news about it.
Remember spider man 2??????????????
Combat looks horrible.
Better looking than Edge of Time. Digging the whole idea of having items you can grab with webs to smack bad guys with.
Never played Edge of Time. Looks horrible regardless.
It's not even out yet, kind of jumping the gun when we've only seen a fraction of it in action.
I enjoy all Spiderman games no matter how shitty they are.
I actually finished the previous one, the closest thing we will ever get to carnage being the bad guy in a spidey movie.
We've seen the E3 trailer showing off the combat. Are you going to tell me that wasn't representative of the game's combat, and they just intentionally showed a part with really bad combat for some reason?
It didn't look that bad, and I said that we've only seen a fraction of what's to be in the game.
They're right though?
What we've seen was a scripted QTE button mash fest.
Nothing about it was dynamic or new. It was Bamham but Spiderman.
So, yes, you're saying that they did intentionally show a bad part for some reason.
That random asian lady to the left.
She looks like she's done some shit cause no one seems to want to be near her.
I think she beat up the office bully with her mad gangsta kung fu skills
I was actually looking forward to it until they showed gameplay at E3.
No, I didn't say anything of the sort. That's your opinion that it looked bad.
Gameplay looks mediocre, the only reason people are hyped for it is because it's PS4 exclusive, if it was multiplat, people would pass it off as another shitty Spiderman game
I fucking hear ya OP. This game has so much potential to be the best super hero game of all time.
I especially love how they keep saying "the best stories are ones that focus on peter". How they keep talking about how the webswinging is gonna feel.
This game is half the reason why I'm buying a PS4 Pro.
But you keep saying they've only showed a fraction of the game. Why would they intentionally show a fraction of the game that doesn't look good, unless it was representative of the entire product?
Maybe to you it didn't look good, that doesn't mean everyone else disliked it.
I'm interested, but hype is too strong a word, other shit I'm more interested in. Probably pick this one up on a sale.
So is it representative of the final game or not? I don't know why you keep dodging the question.
I'm cautiously optimistic about it. I'd like to see more web swinging, more open world activity, and less QTE scenes. As far as the gameplay goes, it's a Arkham clone, which doesn't bother me.
I am cautiously optimistic. I'm honestly not surprised they use Bamham combat since almost every AAA western game with melee combat uses it.
But I was very underwhelmed with the swinging. It look much slower than Spiderman 2, but them they said that they have increased movement speed after the feedback they got from the last E3 so that gives me some hope.
This pissed me off, because at that point they had not shown any real gameplay footage yet, and I was waiting for them to release some gameplay footage, but instead they show me this cheap video with them talking about their political opinions. What the fuck? Stop making these shitty videos and go back to work on your videogame you lazy fucks! I don't want to hear a peep outta you until the game is playable and is the best goddamn videogame ever!
I said it's a fraction of what's in there, which means we haven't seen all there is to it.
The shit storm in Sup Forums is near.
So it's not representative of the rest of the game? Why would they show a bit of the game that's not representative of the game as a way of advertising the game?
How are so fucking stupid. They showed a fraction of the game to appeal to as many people as possible, just because you weren't impressed (if there are people that aren't impressed they are going to be on Sup Forums 99% of the time) doesn't mean its a bad part. Tgere may be parts of the combat you like that wouldn't appeal to the general population. I know you were just baiting to have someone to talk to but fuck you buddy.
I'm sorry user, it's just that you were so obviously a shit-eating drone that I couldn't help but take you for a ride.
Because that's what trailer/teasers do; they give you a sample. Even then, most samplings aren't always what will be in the final game. They already said they were tweaking the swinging because of some people feeling it wasn't getting the speed just right. That certainly is a good thing if they're listening to input unlike most companies who just tell fans to piss off when they say stuff.
>getting this assblasted no one likes your QTE riddled game
hide behind your cognitive dissonance as much as you can, retard.
The entire E3 video was a lame turn off.
QTE, cutscene, QTE, rollercoaster ride, QTE, long animation without any control needed from player.
Your standards for video games have to be so low that "it looks pretty" warrants spending $60 on a single game, most of which will feel like watching a movie.
>waaaah, people who don't shit on the game thoughtlessly are drones!
Nice autism
I think I'd rather just play Spider-Man 2 again.
>we will be harmed as a studio
>more then half the people are white dudes
They probably snatched up their receptionists and shit to make that look more diverse. What a bullshit virtue signal.
>30fps webslinging
>in 2017
huge swing and miss
>muh 30fps is bad meme
Autism alert
>most of which will feel like watching a movie.
are you unfamiliar with ps4 exclusive games that arent weebshit or dark souls /bloodborne?
I want it to be good but dat gameplay trailer man
>all dem cutscene animations
>generic af enemies
Srsly the city and web slinging are impressive doe
Hype almost dead until bargain bin
Pic related
user pls no one can answer that
That's funny coming from someone thoughtlessly sucking the game's dick and whose best defense for it is "that's just your opinion."
If there's no moonswinging and the webslinging actually has momentum like Spiderman 2 I'll get it just to swing around the city.
>user pls no one can answer that
Actually he could, but then he would lose his job.
it likely wont even be 30fps, so youl have unstable fps trying to be all acrobatic and shit
Hell yeah brother
>saying it doesn't look too bad means you're sucking it off
Wow, how retarded can you possibly be?
>The graphics look amazing
Underage pls go and stay go
>moving goalposts to speculation
>"i-it's not even out yet!"
>"t-that's just your opinion!"
If the shoe fits...
>reee, how dare someone be reasonably optimistic about something that isn't out yet?
"Reasonably," there's not much to be optimistic about considering what's been shown so far. Either you're ignoring all the obvious red flags because you desperately want another good Spidey game (and trust me, we all do) or you just have taste that is actually just that bad to the point where you think the combat is acceptable.
The combat really wasn't that bad looking, especially after the shitshows we've had with the last 3 or so Spiderman games where it was either completely broken, or floaty shit.
I'm not too bothered by the bamham combat, if they tone down the QTE shit and have proper swinging I'm down for it.
>have 3 asian employees
>2 of them look like they were born and raised in America
>somehow this means that a ban on immigration from the middle east would be harmful to their company
Literally fucking how? Is this that virtue signaling stuff I hear people talking about?
So Superman Returns is good because Superman 64 was worse?
>comments disabled
I can't say I'm surprised.
Looks like a generic superhero game tbqh.
Not good, but it was much better. Even then, that's a game that's out, this isn't. We haven't seen everything yet, and there's still plenty of time for the game to change. The fact that they announced tweaks to the web slinging after feedback shows some promise.
yes, also, the executive order was the same one that Obama pushed forward around 2012. The liberal media really doesn't like Trump so they made a craze over it, calling it a 'muslim ban'. fucking retarded.
Rumor has it she stole Ted Price's dog and ate it.
looks a boring QTE fest
try a bit harder and you might be able to condense enough marketing bullshit-talk to create a singularity
I have little reason to believe they're going to completely overhaul the combat system but I guess that's just because I'm not easily fooled.
When we see some actual gameplay that wasn't set up to look totally rad to the max bro, and some proper swinging, then I'll judge it. So far we haven't seen if the swinging is on par with Spider-Man 2s yet. All because they say it has to anchor to buildings doesn't mean shit. With how game devs dodge questions regularly I'm not taking what they say at face value.
If it turns out to be good, awesome. I've wanted a Spidey game with proper swinging and fun gameplay for a long time. Last one that came close was Web of Shadows years ago.
>shill response meme
Whatever, nice to see you lack any real argumentative skills whatsoever.
It's the only game I'm really excited for
I'm not buying your game.
>ban on immigration WILL hurt us
>almost everyone is white, save for the few asians
I am, even more now that Kevin Conroy said in a con that WB aren't working in another of muh Bamham games.
Still, the amount of QTE's in the trailer was worrisome. The Arkham games rarely resort to using them.
>inb4 "hurr, the whole combat system was made of QTE's"
Speaking of the combat, so far, Spidey's version of the combat seems like an inferior version of Batman's, like, less fluid.
Doesn't help that it slows down every five seconds. Surely there's a better way to implement spider sense. Like, for example, not in combat at all.
Bamham's head icons were perfect for representing the spider-sense, but i guess they can't just copy them.
I don't think anything is really stopping them from doing so, but they probably don't want to.
QTEs and combat really bummed me out, not impressed. I'll get it when it is like $20, I haven't played a spidey game in awhile, they are hard to make terrible
If they could make the QTEs more like this vid
Not until it gets closer to a solid and believable release date
I'm actually glad they haven't given a date yet. Means there's time to unfuck things as opposed to most shit where we get the release date and it's often barely enough time to do any sufficient changes beyond "polishing" the game.
I mean, I with you, but I don't want to get excited when we have a lot of time left before release. Witcher 3 played with my emotions too much since it was supposed to come out on my birthday at one point.
Granted, it was worth waiting for my GOTY for two years running if we're counting dlc, but still
I get what you mean. Part of the reason I'm giving Insomniac some faith is because they've yet to really fuck up a game all on their own. Yes, I know about Fuse, but that was squarely on EA's shoulders for wrangling the reigns from them so much. And while Sunset Overdrive wasn't perfect, it showed promise, while the Ratchet & Clank reboot was pretty solid if somewhat hampered by its ties to the mediocre movie.