tfw unplayable NPC
Tfw unplayable NPC
>inb4 MORE Fatescuckholdery
nice fucking graphics retards
>One of the few interesting characters in Fates
What did they mean by this?
You're going to take your Royals and you're going to fucking like them. $59.99 + Tip + DLC have a nice day.
To be honest people are playing only Story Mode IIRC, they could still be unlockable on History Mode a la HW
If they aren't then we know what we'll get for DLC already
>not posting YHWH Gharnef
I actually like Gharnef (for... some reason), so it's cool to actually see him in 3D for the first time.
(No, #FE doesn't count dammit, that blue disco light guy looked nothing like Gharnef)
>Say you're limiting what games gets focused on because you don't want too many sword users
>Reveal the game with only sword users
>Almost half the roster are sword users
>Start showing off more characters that use something other than swords, including an unmounted lance user like people have been asking for
>They're non-playable
I don't understand this fucking company.
>Literally 0 playable non-flying lance users.
>Include a Lance fighter in the game, but you can't use it.
>>Start showing off more characters that use something other than swords, including an unmounted lance user like people have been asking for
In their defense, aside from Navarre accidentally appearing in a trailer, Oboro, Niles, and Owain have not been shown off officially anywhere. This is from the game leaking.
It's still stupid, of course
What really irks me is that there's no option to make a mounted unit unmount and simply run around with their weapon. Other Warriors games did this just fine, so why not this game?
I assume it's moveset related, the base roster has a pretty large percentage of clones
>unplayable non-player character
That's not a mechanic outside a couple of SNES FEs + It probably means creating new movestes for characters who haven't really fought unmounted without a reclass
It's not really a mechanic in FE games outside of a few, and the ones that have it aren't represented in this game at all.
Going by what they've said in interviews, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know any FE had dismounting as a feature.
>Named and likable characters relegated to non-playable
What the fuck? Has there been a crossover Musou that does this? This is really shitty.
people haven't really gotten far on History Mode where they'll probably be unlocked
Phew, thanks user. Sorry for getting you flustered.
This game is literally reskinned Hyrule Warriors with adjusted features.
and in Hyrule, they let you unlock every character in the story except the villains, which were added for free in a patch.
So don't go rage-mode yet unless they start being announced in those shitty DLC packs.
Seriously? Best girl isn't playable? Does this game have ANY redeeming qualities?
>Best girl isn't playable?
Best girl IS playable.
You have absolutely horrible tastes.