What are some games where playing as a healer/medic is actually fun?
What are some games where playing as a healer/medic is actually fun?
I liked healing in Rift but that game is shit now (and likely always was).
Yukari is not allowed in Eirin threads.
>tfw you'll never be able to mating press Eirin or Yukari
But I thought they were such good friends. Who is allowed besides rabbits?
Everyone except Yukari.
When's AoCF?
Ok but what are some games on where the medic has canonically P cups?
Really looking forward to it in all seriousness. ULiL was the perfect casual fighter, so I welcome more of it.
monday night combat
>ITT: Hags
I just hope the netplay works this time.
Why don't you post some that aren't hags, user? Unless you prefer them to be cakes, of course.
Old Maiden Alliance 4 ever
I want a more accessible matchmaking instead of a better netplay desu. I want to just play with a random person without any prior interaction of sharing IP's and stuff.
I'm sorry, but how the hell do you plan on utilizing that matchmaking if the netcode is still shit?
Mal damba from paladins
Didn't have much of a problem per se and I can live with a bit of lag in all honesty, but you're right.
Lagless play is essential for this kind of game.
I need some more P cup breasts in my life.
Most of paladins healers are fun except grover (but he's good) grohk (also good) pip if you plan on not healing but I dps with him. Seris is boring but has an ez heal like jenos, ying overall best for solo bc dps if you don't like jenos. I don't play jenos bc hitscan is boring. Game has seven healers so there's a lot to love.
I like maldambas m1 but can't aim his heal. Overall his kit is weird in a good way but requires dedication to the snek.
Trauma center