Wary optimism.
Psychonauts 2
Other urls found in this thread:
>tim schaefer makes one good game
>everything else he has made has been garbage
>even WANTING him to make a psychonauts 2 at this point
Does anyone have the screen cap of Bobby Kotick saying how awful Tim was to work with, how he constantly asked for more money, missed every deadline, and constantly insulted the company?
>one good game
I bought the first game on Steam a few years back and could never really get into it. Controls didn't suit my fancy. Felt like another 3D platformer I could forget about.
Yeah but you're one of those assholes who thinks everything sucks so you'll probably think it's shitty either way.
I thought he's had a decent line-up. Just less luck with big projects besides Psychonauts.
I liked Brutal Legend though, even if it was clearly rushed out the door in the final stretch.
>tim schaefer makes one good game
What the fuck are you talking about
Tim has probably the strongest track record of literally anyone in video games
>tim schaefer makes one bad game
>everything else he has made has been decent
I never thought he was the literal incarnation of Jesus so many people claimed he was back in the day, mostly because a couple of his point n click suffer a lot of the same bullshit nonsensical/can barely be qualified as a puzzle stuff but he was a great storyteller and all of his game were genuinely interesting and mostly fun.
Broken Age is the only truly shit thing he's done and yeah I can see why that pissed of a lot of people. He deserved to be shit on for that but now everyone seems to be doing the opposite from before and calling him the worst thing since Hitler.
Waiting for them to pull another Broken Age and announce Psychonauts 2 part 2 crowd funding campaign
I love the look of the updated art and apparent updates they're making to gameplay.
My only real worry is that it won't be as long or dense as the first game. I could spend hours in the campsite in the first game listening to background conversations and finding unimportant subplots. Little details that set it apart from other platformers.
I wouldn't give Tim Schafer the time of day
>Brutal Legend
I'd love a sequel, but I doubt Fig's gonna cover that cameo budget.
besides that though he's generally an unlikable asshat. He tries too hard to be funny.
>Incapable of separating the artist from the art
Unless he's going around raping children and giving all the Psychonauts 2 money funds to ISIS I couldn't care less about the man.
Shit man, if people being "asshats" bothered me in anyway I probably couldn't find any remote enjoyment in Sup Forums.
As long as I can interact with every hub area character with every random item and new power I find. We're good.
It takes an area or two to get to the interesting tidbits, but it definitely earns more points on presentation and story than it does on general controls and handling.
Bluh, tight controls are everything to me. Super Mario Sunshine and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 are still my favorite games ever. Tight af
Controls were definitely kinda jank.
Platformers were still kinda young when it was first made though. Not that that makes it excusable as a player.
The timed sections on the last level are the only bits that still manage to wear on me a little.
But I've won it three or so times, so I guess I'm used to the nitpicks I have with the gameplay.
shit devs
muh spacebase df9
I sure its going to be fucking awful because Mr. Shitface has changed and not for the better.
How is insulting Acivision bad in anyway? And who in the right mind would listen to Kotick on anything except how to Jew and ruin the game industry?
Who the fuck is there target audience?
>when your meat is so bad you intentionally leave it out for the photos of your sandwiches
That Skullgirls one they did today is pretty sick
I liked Rhombus of Ruin, so I think all the ingredients are there to make something good.
Just hope they have the time to flesh it out.
The person who runs their social media account is just a huge nerd who does whatever and gets followers for it. Arby's probably doesn't give a shit so long as it's popular and doesn't damage their brand.
I wonder how much easier or more difficult making a sequel to a game like this is.
On one hand, you have the basic framework to build off of. Characters established, basic gameplay and art style thought out, and an idea for a story.
But on the other, you have to come up with enough new ideas to compete with the original without trying to stray to far from what was appealing about the first game.
yes there it is the one good game he spoke of.
it's going to be shit isn't it?
Rhombus was sick, sadly I had to watch a long play of it because there's no way in hell im getting PSVR
I want it to fail so i can watch the inevitable fig implosion
Takes some time to get used to.
Cautious optimism is the best I can hope for these days. I'm downloading Fortnite right now and all I can say is if it's shit at least it's free.
How much is Schaffer even involved in the game's he's credited for? I find it hard to believe this bumbling idiot can make games this decent.
I'm not expecting them to top the sheer amount of creativity and humor that the first game managed to pack in.
But I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some hope for it. The Whispering Rock art test basically looks like everything I want from atmospheric Autumn games.
Tim Schafer games being bad is a meme.
They're not 10/10 masterpieces but he's not fucking Crave Entertainment or some shit. All of his shit is at least fun for a short while bare minimum.
This will just end like Twin Peaks, a huge disappointment.
Broken Age is only HALF of a shitty game.
Part one is great.
Seconded. It was a charming return to form after all these years, but I doubt I'll get VR any time soon to play it myself.
Don't know what their terms with Sony are, but I really hope it's a timed exclusive.
Number one mental disorder you wanna see GO
gender dysphoria
Yeah, I didn't back Broken Age, so I can't speak for those who threw thousands of dollars at it expecting the second coming of Christ, but I genuinely enjoyed the first half for what I payed.
So I'd say it was okay, despite an incredibly lackluster followup.
The asylum already covered the most interesting ideas off the top of my head.
Hope there's a level where we go into Cruller's fractured mind though.
Whatever the Hell the dentist's got.
Agoraphobia. Making the only safe environment in the mental world a small closed off personal space, right before it throws you into some over-dramatized chaos of the outside world.
>grim fandango
ummm no sorry he doesn't, friendly reminder that psychoanalysts is mildly above average at best
This sounds fun.
I want to believe
Hideki Kamiya
Day of the Tentacle was a great game
I'm kind of hoping we'll see a few more minds that are more general than those centered around one specific issue. Like how Sasha's and Milla's were based around their overall personality with some tragedy hidden beneath the surface.
Still need to see some memory vaults from Lili in retrospect.
nothing is every going to top neon and black velvet mexico world
honestly doesn't help matters. work with someone else if you don't like them. seems to like their money just fine.
I really hope that shifting styles are a thing they can afford to do more of in the sequel. Throwing everyone into new outfits and color designs to match the new environments.
I liked napoleon world better honestly. the Godzilla one is objectively the worst though.
They might have used up a lot of good ideas on mental worlds already, but at least they won't have to spend production time debating whether or not to make the main character an ostrich.
Any good recommended playthroughs?
Looking for someone who actually gives the characters time to finish their dialogue before immediately rushing through clicking everything.
I remember the milkman part of the game gave me nightmares as a kid.
Because of the nightmare bosses, or exploding girl scouts?
No, I just remember finding the entire level really disturbing as a kid.
The music made me more uncomfortable than anything.
It probably feels the most genuinely dreamlike of all the levels, where you're constantly lost and you can't get a straight answer out of anyone or anything.
I watched Liam's.
Haven't seen many other videos on it, so I don't know what other playthroughs go into more detail with interactables.
That makes a lot of sense to me actually.
Part of me wants their to be some merciless Meat Circus 2.0
How would they be able to top fusing 2 minds together, world-wise?
I mean Arby's IS shit but
>What is a BLT?
a shitty excuse for a sandwich
I have absolutely no faith whatsoever that Timmy boy is going to make anything worth playing these days. He had two big hits, and mostly it was despite his influence, not because of it.
I'd love to be wrong. Psychonauts remains one of my all-time favorite titles, but Schafer is...well, kind of talentless anymore.
mite b kool
Fusing a bunch of minds together
another insane asylum, an entire city, the entire fucking world
it could make for some crazy ass visuals and creative sadistic level design
no clue how tim tam expects to sell his game without including a dougie level. this is what the people want.
well I can't really argue against that
Not really, basic braining is a great start to the game, Sasha's shooting gallery is great and the brain tumblr was rad as well. If anything I think the lowpoint is in the middle with Milla's party and the lackluster lungfish level. Then the asylum kicks in after the cobweb duster casual filter and the game kicks into 10/10 GOAT.
The default controls on PC are outrageously awful but they're easy enough to modify to something that works.
Milla's party wasn't a lowpoint at all. The aesthetics worked really well with the vertical platforming, plus mind ball racing was dope (except for finding all the figments, holy shit)
It's going to be a SJW cuckfest, guaranteed.
Where's the dude from last time who wanted to draw Lili
I just find the whole level uninteresting compared to the others. There's no real memorable set pieces and it's visuals lack any variety with it just being the same soul train visuals throughout the entire level. Also unlike other levels there's no real story involved, just levitation training and that's it. The whole thing just feels like filler. I did really like the racing though as well as the secret nursery.
>he didn't find her nightmare
In the chest in the nursery I mentioned. You get the memory vault of her telepathically hearing the screams of the children in the burning orphanage that part was great but it doesn't make up for an overall uninteresting level.
Hey guys, remember me?
I don't know how it will turn out given Tim's management issues, buy holy fuck, Psychonauts 2 sure looks much better than everything about Beyond Good & Evil 2, at least one of those embarking on an adventure games might turn out well.