Welp they've done it. The lazy fucks are introducing only one dungeons per odd numbered patch now...

Welp they've done it. The lazy fucks are introducing only one dungeons per odd numbered patch now. That witch recycled event up the ass. I endured the bullshit for a while but now I'm off this boat. Next expansion it will be only one dungeon every patch or maybe none and of course the price will stay the same.

Anybody knows a cool mmo to waste time on? How about WoW? Is it in a good state for a brand new player?

You know you don't have to bash FFXIV to keep a XIV general thread on Sup Forums anymore right? Here's a free bump for you friend.

>wanting more pointless dungeons for more pointless loot instead of new content

if you haven't been unsubbed since a few weeks after O1-4S launched I honestly don't know what to say to you

>expecting them to come up with meaninful new content.
>Cause Palace is so fun and not boring after 10 min.
>Cause diadem didn't start a shitstorm at all

huh, I actually didn't notice that it was going to be the only new dungeon...

Aquapolis was a step in the right direction.

you like the coin flip to proceed dungeon? takes one for everything.

This word always marks someone that knows nothing

Yeah, I'm fine with rng as long as the pay off is good.

Treasure map hunting is fun. Besides, there's very few content you can do outside of instances when it comes to endgame.


I'm only subbed because someone in my static asked me to stay subbed. I raid log since I don't have anyone else to do stuff with.

I cant bring myself to be outraged when the dungeons are numbingly easy. At the end of the day I dont know if it would matter if they released 10 dungeons every patch if they're all gonna be faceroll

The game is fundamentally broken on a level that will prevent any content from being "meaningful" outside of the patch in which it is released.

Gear Design Theory: The devs are absolutely afraid of gear having any effect on the character outside of bigger numbers. Even what little itemization we have now is mainly, "Well, where did the numbers that affect damage most fall across the highest iL gear presently available?"

Which means that we have a constant and unendable gear treadmill. It is impossible for anything like the lasting rare-gear of XI to exist, as all gear provides at least four stats.

The game started it's 2.0 life, iirc, with a base item-level jump of 40 between the max character level and the highest "item-level." Which quickly escalated, because the gear treadmill must go on. We're now at a present max iL of 345. All item level exists to do is cause the gear-treadmill that will always cause old content to be obsolete.

Class Design Theory: Damage. That is all any class is. The DPS are all roughly similar, but whichever is the bottom few will be the pariah for the patch because dps checks are all the end-game bosses are.

There can be no real variety between the classes otherwise, because they must all be roughly interchangeable within their role due to Duty Finder.

This is further destroyed by the variable party sizes. A class must pull its weight in both a 4 and 8-man environment, thus support skills cannot provide any significant bonuses, or that class will become a major part of the meta.

The game is a mess, and it won't be fixed, because they broke everything on a foundational level in their aping of WoW with 2.0. It will continue to be successful though, because WoW was successful and themeparks are all anyone expects out of MMOs. And I *like*
playing FFXIV somewhat... Compared to say... Planetside 2, it does absolutely rape my memories of the original with how absolute shit it is.

>He thinks the one dungeon thing is the issue

Try waiting four months for the next patch like the rest of us. And then add to that their desire to extend the patch cycle onto 4.7 before 5.0 is even close to announcement.

I hope they just don't want to spoil the MSQ one...
But, frankly, I wouldn't put it past them to just do one/patch.

Please look forward to 5.0, in which we will just ship an empty box!

>melee dps in ranked feast
>try to stay near my team while we target melee
>entire enemy team targets me
>constantly at a state of near death and/or die

>try to keep away so i dont die immediately
>do no damage as a result

what the fuck am i supposed to do? is this my fault or the healers fault? ive been with really good healers and went matches with 300k+ damage so i dont get it

its always a diamond healer too, that seems to do worse than gold/platinum healers

did they announce 4.1 release date yet

Is this game any good?

>tfw ive never failed a door
>people add me solely so i can pick doors
>let me have some mats without rolling against me too

its the only thing i have good luck with

Unironically the MMO to play is Vanilla WoW. Elysium is the realm we playin on (the only populated realm for vanilla in the entire world).

>He didn't see this coming
Don't throw your money away, MMOS died awhile ago

How can you tell if your static is going to clear Neo or not? Any red flags I should look out for?

I'd rather wait for blizz-sanctioned classic servers, just so I don't have to invest time in something that can (and will) die at random.

is it week 1?
if yes, yes
if no, no

"Early October"

you hug and kite on the wall/barrier/tree edge like your life depends on it

>Treasure map hunting is fun
>Ask a friend to buy maps and send them to you since it has dumb 1 map per person rule
>Open map guide to see where you need to go
>Fly to a spot
>Alt+tab because it takes 5 minutes to get there from the closest TP point
>AOE mobs
>Dungeon opens
>Kill monsters
>Lose on coinflip
Yup, sounds like quality content.

god wow looks disgusting

That ride will never end user. You'll be waiting until the end of time.

Not to call you a retard, but you're a retard, since they announced that this was going to be a thing. Should have gone in knowing this.

i feel like id die more often with that, because healers always want to stay as far back as possible

healers stay on the sides usually, they will adjust if they are too retarded or you will die either way so doesn't matter

Is this your first time playing an MMO

>time gating gear in a game that you pay a monthly subscription for

i dont get why diamond healers are really fucking retarded sometimes

like what the fuck man

>needing gear for any of the avaiable content

playing heals is the easiest way to carry or get carried since you bruteforce high ranks with instaqueues and coinflip matches

good thing I just play for the story

How hard is end-game raiding in this game? I am ilvl 310 and want to beat the raid. Any pointers?
I play summoner and black mage

it's the hardest content but this tier is a joke compared to previous ones
you either find a permanent group in pf (static) or you pug fights one after the other in party finder
unless you are around 320 you won't be considered for either though

O1 is a gentle experience. If you can clear Lakshimi EX and Susano'o EX you can clear O1. It's almost pathetically easy. O2 is a bit tougher but it's more like an endurance test than an actually complicated fight. The mechanics are simple enough, but can you stay alert long enough to pull them off as you chip away at that fat sack of shit's health?

O3 is where it actually gets hard. Tons and tons of mechanics that you have to memorize, tons of damage going out, and an extremely unforgiving last phase. It's not as hard as it was on release due to ilvl inflation but it's still a decent shitter check.

And O4 is basically "fuck healers, I hate them, I hate them so much". So if you're a healer and want to do O4 then git gud. Everyone else has pass/fail mechanics to do too of course but the fight's more healer-intensive than the previous ones. And even with ilvls it can still be fucking hard, especially if you never did Coil or Alexander.

In all it's not too bad, you can probably do it if you sit down and commit to learning the fights. Just be ready to die a lot in 3 and 4 before you understand what's going on.

>tfw AST main

fuck what, ast is the strongest healer both for prog and for farm/speedkills

You misspelled WHM.

>he doesn't resub for a month every 2 or 3 patches

Doing it wrong senpai

>lose 10 feast matches in a row because the range dps doesn't want to attack the same target in every single one
>they were all different range dps in platinum or higher

what the fuck man

nobody uses whm for speedkills

WHM is better for prog

>tfw have a wife and kids in my RP server

No user, it's called having good taste.
I completely understand that some people play MMO just to roll the dice all the time, but it doesn't make this kind of content "good"

Can someone recommend me a great looking large house on your server I can look at to draw inspiration from?

WHY is the mentor requirement 1000 dungeons?
All I want to do is meme in the novice network

This is exactly why.
Faggots like you is why I block every crownfag in roulettes.

So what your saying OP is I have no reason to resub next month oh well

It's Khloe's birthday today. Remember to wish her a happy birthday when you pick up your journal.

Did they ever show the new gear from the new 24 man raid? I've seen the dungeon gear but I don't think they've shown the raid gear yet, also is it safe to say that the ilvl of it is going to be 340?


I hate dungeons. I hate them all except Gubal and the mansion.

It's literally a line. You're following a line with three other people.
There's no communication, no teamwork, enemy mobs take 1 minute to kill.

Just do something different. Remember that Halloween dungeon?
Give the players an objective in a dungeon.

Make them ride a minecart or search for parts or get a cannon working or defend a thing for 3 minutes while the ranged DPS fixes something or a boss chases they party through the dungeon of you have to traverse a dungeon while it floods or a dungeon where you have to platform a bit like it Shirogane and Turn 3 or one that's like the Lost Woods in Zelda maybe an open field dungeon maybe take a political dungeon where you have an instance of an in-game map and have to talk and defend towns people or an AoE dungeon like that conveyor scene in Attack of the Clones or one where you're climbing a boss like Colossus and then you fight this huge boss at the end or have players in vehicles an investigative dungeon with stealth like the Tonberry King but more in depth maybe model one off of the Catacombs in Souls or maybe one where you work with enemies and have to recruit them throughout the dungeon run to beat the boss FUCKING ANYTHING OTHER THAN RUNNING IN A LINE FOR 20 MINUTES PLEAASE

i am just so... bored... with ffxiv right now. the savage raids arent fun, omega is not fun in general, none of the level 70 dungeons out right now are fun. i have pretty much everything leveled. i only get on cause im an fc leader. i get on to put actions up mostly. god i am really hoping the new 24 man is fun. cause 24 mans are my favorite part of this game

See the level 50 dungeons that have bits of what you describe that people wipe to every single time if they can't over power it
The majority of the player base is why we can't have nice things

if the new raid gear is 330 i will literally flip out. i dont need any of that shit

I'm newer to MMOs in general so I don't know what to expect from an MMO to begin with. Plus I'm content with just playing a specific type of character I'm looking for (2H /fit/ Sword waifu) and I'm good. Gameplay is fun enough and I've been enjoying the grind, but I'm extremely casual so there you go.

So what does XIV take from XI to improve itself then?

This has been the case with every single 24 man thats been released. It's always the same ilvl as unupgraded tome gear. Not sure why you'd expect anything else.

It's always been like this.
No one would do the actually difficult content if you could get a weekly piece of the highest ilvl gear from an easy 24-man.

I don't understand how a SAM with better gear than me can do so much worse in a dungeon run.

24 mans are for catching up. Putting on alt jobs or just for glamor.

After ARR / HW / SB launches, this is the thing that kills it the most for me. I can understand that they have literal autism players who will burn their lives and well being to the ground if given the chance to farm uncapped tomes, but it was really fun to just dive in at the start of each launch and enjoy the first few weeks where the uncapped tomes were a thing and one could freely gear their job / archtype with some nice quality stuff.

I hate how the system is designed to take basically 3 months to fully purchase the latest capped tome tier, then it's uncapped due to new patch and rinse and repeat infinity, with some comparable gear from the latest 24man content. Also hate how the normal raids expect people to spend a month of farming just to make a body piece that's almost always outclassed and outdated the moment it hits the game.

hmmm now that you mention i suppose you are right. i only got into this game last november (though its completely sucked me in since then) so honestly by the time i started getting into raids and stuff dun scaith was already the new one. but now that i think about you are right

>24 mans are my favorite part of this game

They're clusterfucks of gimmicks, watered down so even the most retarded Lalafell memelord can do them on the first try. If you find that more fun than seriously coordinating on release week Savage content then you're either autistic or bad.

>needing i330 gear

I can see someone enjoying a popcorn raid rather than raiding with fags week in and out.

The kind of crowd SAM attracts lends itself to the worst play of any other class despite its potential.

The majority of the player base sucks massive ass at this game. In other news water is wet.

i do savage raids but i honestly just find 24 man raids fun. syracus tower and weeping city are honest to god some of my favorite things to do in this game. and if youre retarded if you think any 24 man has been cleared first try. you underestimate how badly people can fuck things up

Nobody "needs" it, save for the people that are still trying to clear OS4 this late into the game.

It's just nice to be able to be able to plug away and not be forced to take breaks from time to time, similar to how I enjoy maxing out Wolf Marks to the point that I've had all the Makai sets outside of the female variants, yet still lack all the 60 jobs for the achievements, and have used the marks to level up my desynth skills and made some mad money off the results as well.

after 4.1 i am going to unsub. i am so fucking bored of it.

you can augment it to 340 you dip. BiS, what is it anyway

>started playing
>bought SB
>max level DRG
>max level SAM
>working on DRK
>burnt out before I even reach SB content
Was it fun? I have no intention of going back. I think I'm done with MMOs.

>youre retarded if you think any 24 man has been cleared first try
I cleared WoD, Syrcus and Void Ark first try on the days they released. If you think that it's common to wipe on these things even on day 1 you may want to consider that you're the common factor in all those wipes you experienced.

Were you expecting it to be as strong as savage gear?

okay sure thing dude. also void ark barely counts as a raid, no one has ever wiped in that place ever

I'm hoping Pantheon turns out to be a good MMO, but I still feel a bit burned with Vanguard from a decade ago so I'm not gonna hype myself up for it.

great idea terrible execution

How the fuck do you get to 70 twice, let alone once without doing SB? You realize the SB MSQ is easy street to 70, right?

i thought it would at least be better than base tome gear but i get it now

It may as well be, because the idea that it helps people "catch up" is a misnomer when iLv is the only thing with any value; that and raid gear too will become irrelevant in 3 more months.

I don't play FFXIV but how often do they introduce new gear levels or w/e you'd call it?

>void ark barely counts as a raid
Retarded frogposter

Every 3 months.

void ark is probably the most mindless instanced content the game has to offer

Every 5-7 months on every even patch, with odd patches existing now for experimental content that will help people catch up faster than an even patch.

Diabolos Hollow would be perfectly fine in difficulty if it wasn't for the stupid double-edge mechanic

>Group A and B are adead
>Clear because Diabolos literally killed himself while group C was kiting/sacrificing individual members for the stack marker

You don't get to define what a raid is, retard.

god you are just wanting to argue about the dumbest fucking shit, why am i wasting my time on you

i got late into the ffxiv party

do i need to know any mechanics for clearing a4s unsync? 320~ ilvl across all 3 roles

>24 mans are the best content
>no, they're shit, void ark for example
>no that one doesn't count because it doesn't meet my arbitrary standards for what constitutes a raid
End your life you brain-dead oxygen thief.


Yes, lots.