Europenans about to get BR'd

This is a picture of Ellalink, a submarine cable set to go online in 2018, it will directly connect Brazil to mainland Europe.
This will cut latency GREATLY, BRs playing on US servers typically get 200ms pings, while on Europe it's easily 250+ ms, the point which most games become truly unplayable.
This cable is much more of a "straight" A to B than the cables connecting the Americas, which means that even if American servers are physically closer, European servers will usually offer a lower latency to BRs.

European servers will soon be flooded with BRs, what will this mean for gaming?

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It's ok we have russians, french, and czechs to ward them off


>russians, french, czech, and BRs all on one server

They're already filled with Muslims, you can't make that shithole any worse than it is.

what videogames do muslims play



Vidya is haram.

Bomber man


russians and hue monkeys, EU servers are gonna be horrible

Hue hue hue gib moni plz I report u


Why tho, we already have the Atlantis 2.

>what videogames do muslims play
My Girlfriend Is the President

Hopefully they'll clash with our Russians in a magnificent clusterfuck.

Also, finally people speaking languages I can somewhat understand rather than Eastern European Slav moonspeak.

>European servers will soon be flooded with BRs, what will this mean for gaming?
BR will infest Europa's servers, until a crack team of Germans will is assembled to destroy them once more.

>Implying that BRs will understand any of this and wont keep connecting to America anyway

these cables are limp as a tranny's dick


why lol

Now if only we could do something about french canadians

Maybe they can now engage with people in Portugal?
I don't know man, meeting people from all around the world in online games is a great experience. You should try it out!

>what videogames do muslims play
Euro Truck Simulator
Hotline Miami
Party Hard


Even a single russian is often more than enough

>all the latin fucks ruining WoW are shipped off to EU
Thank the lord for this cable!

For real though, how are underwater cables laid? I doubt they just chuck them in the ocean and hope they don't get chewed on.

sounds fun and also better than crybabie bitch americans lol

>Maybe they can now engage with people in Portugal?
>I don't know man, meeting people from all around the world in online games is a great experience. You should try it out!
You call already do that here:
Great Experiences, each and every one of them!

>Brazil and Europe building a submarine cable connecting the two continents
>meanwhile "AAA" United States can't even get the money signed off for a fence


Wikipedia says it's only used for telephony.


You're a shill and i am not even sure what you're shilling

You're saying.. fewer Peruvians on USE?

This, no more groups with Ragnaros shitters

They actually do get chewed on from time to time.

Forklift Simulator

That's pretty cool



Unfortunately we have to suffer those mexican fucks still. But Azralon, Quel'Thalas and Goldrinn would be gone.

I'd rather play with BRs, Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese, French, and Irishmen all at the same time than a single yank.

>muh spying

Cool, no we can spy on each other without US putting it's jew nose on it.

usually the service is bound to a region to avoid legal troubles etc.

br doesnt even have money so everything talked about here is moot anyway and f2p games are cancer if you thought you could open that can of worms

now if they could just stop the sharks from biting it

It's fucking shark proof, wtf

>Praia Grande

Seriously? Out of all cities?

But if the BRs play on the euro servers, who will play with the US? Just Canada?

they'll connect where ping is lowest.

first latin america where they'll be cursed by the hispano-phones.
then by the north americans where they'll again be cursed by hispano-phones but more by anglophones and rarely francophones who are mostly cursed at by other francophones for being laggy (as quebecois are "too good" for NA servers),

finally they will be cursed at in a great deal of languages with this new cable.

will spaniards v. favelamonkeys be a thing now?

How do they have enough money for this

Hey britfags, remember all those shitposting threads you made during US nighttime.


c'mon man we doesn't do thing like that.

spics from mechico and russian spies in alaska

>any kind of work

You guys are going to get fucking wrecked at 20 year old fighting games.

Welcome to hell, Europe.

Goat simulator.

What I don't understand is if there are so many BR players, why are there there no BR servers with good pings for them to contain them?

>the first game i played online was Gunbound
>south american server opened and encouraged SA's to migrate
>"sure i'd love to play with other fellow south americans"
>everybody is a massive dickhole
>meet the BR scourge for the first time
>realize i hapily walked into a ghetto

now americans will be all alone while everybody else has a party on european servers
what will americans cry about with the BRs gone?

There is not a single instance of a game's community being made better by including latin-america.

BRs in video games are basically Indians on Linkedin.

You niggas know what I'm talking about.

Shit was hell, filled up with peruvians
I sticked to gb revolution

>This will cut latency GREATLY, BRs playing on US servers typically get 200ms pings, while on Europe it's easily 250+ ms, the point which most games become truly unplayable.
Because the distance is longer for them to europe.
It doesn't matter if this is 'straighter' or whatever. If you mean less hops, router delay on udp is fucking nothing these days, its all pure distance.
Confirmed for knowing nothing about light speed through glass, nor routing.

>filled up with peruvians
Those were the worse, they had a bone to pick literally with everyone from any country that wasnt peru.

they are pretty much the only country in central and south america that didn't get cucked by spain


God, 10 years ago I did high end raiding in WoW with 220 ms ping in Canada. Goddamn Oligopoly.

t. Bettynho Zirigdum

nigga it isn't going to do shit when isps throttle everyone

they're just replacing the aging lines before there's some super mega crisis when a line fails and no internet

They'll work as long as only their brethren in faith are the only ones to benefit from said work