So if the second Zelda DLC pack is going to take place post-Ganon, what would that entail...

So if the second Zelda DLC pack is going to take place post-Ganon, what would that entail? Will the guardians become defunct since they're no longer possessed by Malice? Would be kind of weird to just throw away the flagship enemy of the game like that, t bh.

Also, hopes for the upcoming DLC and future DLC?

>helping to rebuild and revitalize towns/villages that were destroyed, including Hyrule Castle Town

Maybe Yiga will come back with a competent leader and will hack the guardians for their own nefarious purposes. steal all the bananas in the world, and you team up with Donkey Kong.

I was under the impression that the DLC took place in the past

It's time.

That's fucking radical design.

>Yiga built up to be a frightening organisation that switched over to the dark side after the Sheikah were essentially rejected by the Hylians for their spooky technological prowess
>Known to outright murder people and their loved ones as revenge for leaving their clan
>Their leader is an overweight piece of shit that accidentally ends up killing himself because he's a clumsy retard

If that wasn't the most disappointing turnout for what was otherwise an interesting concept, I don't know what the fuck is.

Sneaking through the hideout and fending off the guards was fantastic.
But you are 100% right, the boss fight was fucking stupid.

I thought it was funny, I mean the clan was never very threatening considering their obsession with fucking bananas.

Include Ganondorf in the DLC, Calamity Ganon was fucking terrible and I'm so angry.

How did Ganondorf get a Judge Sword?

BotW as a whole dropped the ball in the lore/writing department.

I genuinely thought that the Yiga clan was either stationed near Lurelin or that the village itself was a cover for the clan, because of the whole bananas thing. That and the fact that there isn't actually any point to the village existing.

The world feels alive with how the animals and monsters interact, but it has no sense of history. No real world building or lore like what you said. I don't know, maybe I'm just spoiled with other sandboxes that allow you to read a book in the game.

Calamity Ganon was just the natural progression of things.

Demise died.
He was reborn as Ganondorf.
Ganondorf starts off as a powerful wizard who can turn into a pig monster.
Ganondorf eventually becomes Ganon permanently, trapped in his pig demon form but still intelligent.

And then, eventually, Ganon becomes what Demise used to be at the height of his power.

Now Ganon is (Finally) dead, and will likely reincarnate into some new form to start to cycle all over again.
Or reverted to a naked Ganondorf somewhere in Hyrule field, the Ganon entity significantly weakened.

>Lurelin village
>the fact that there isn't actually any point to the village existing.
That place better have something or a role to play in the upcoming DLC.

My hope is that the post-story DLC uses this concept for Arhat Mountain in Gerudo Desert and gives us the real Dorf fight the game needed.

Don't care for the forgettable four and their amiibos, and I'm hoping it isn't going to devolve the DLC into "We're having a problem with Divine Beast X. Link, do you remember how came up with the solution years ago?" and then flash back to like 100 years ago to help the champs set up their beasts in redux dungeons.

Would also be down for learning more about the Divine Beast dungeon beneath the castle, which also hosted Calamity Ganon before he broke out 100 years ago, and maybe seeing some of the other beasts that didn't make the cut.

I'd love this, but replace the boss with Link's Shadow. If Ganon couldn't beat Link he used the last of his power as a "fuck you" to create his Doppelganger.

>a naked Ganondorf somewhere in Hyrule field

I want to take advantage of him in that weakened state.

Should have been the will of demise as the final form.

Massive humanoid sword fight, not pig QTE

Yeah, they were a bit dissapointing but I still found them to be entertaining. The first time one of the members try to assassinate you was cool as fuck though.

>Ganondorf is separated from the evil influence
>Tries to live a normal life
>That one girl that grows flowers keeps coming onto him and trying to take advantage of him
>Goes to Link for help


>the flower lady was the real calamity

Some of his lines made him come off as a parody of those characters.

>No real world building or lore

There's actually plenty of history and lore discussed, it's usually just done through NPCs instead this time.