REmake or Silent Hill 2

Which game is better, lads?


I'm not going to vote. They're both too good.


Not even a contest. And I like SH2.

SH1>3>RE3>Gun Survivor 4>SH2>RE1=REmake>CV=Gun Survivor=2=Outbreak 1 and 2>Gaiden>SH4>Gun Survivor 2>0
Everything else is pointless and shit

>re3 better than remake

You're a moron.

RE3 is the most open and fun, in addition to having better characters, story, lore and monsters.
REmake has some raw spooks and atmosphere, but RE3 was just a better game in general

Remake is the better game. More replayability, more challenging, more gameplay systems.

SH2 has probably the best storytelling in games, though

Two very different games, it's almost impossible (and stupid) to compare.
REmake is one of the greatest survival games ever, SH2 is a piece of ludo-narrative art

what is so special about SH2's story?

They're almost tied for me but I'm gonna have to agree with you on this, RE3 was so fun for what it allowed.

I don't think you can just say one is better than the other

It does main character with amnesia right unlike 99% of stories that do that.
It has interesting human villains with actual goals, which the Team Silent games were good at.
It has some good mind fucks with Maria, Mary and Laura.
Other than that though, SH1 and SH3 are easily the better games

What makes SH1 better than the rest for you
I wouldn't know because I have only started playing SH1 recently but none of the others

Silent Hill 2.

Not that guy, and don't even really agree, but Silent Hill 1 remains the scariest game I've ever played to this day. I think it's just terrifying.

The art style is unique and adds to the spook factor.
Monster and sound design mesh well, and the music is Yamaoka's best for atmosphere.
The town feels like a town with a lot of things happening unlike in 2 and 3 which railroad the town segments.
SH1 also has the best and most memorable areas in the series, as well as the best nightmare transitions.

Resident Evil is better as a game, that is, as something you replay and try to challenge yourself with, aiming for harder difficulty modes and speedruns.

As both a piece of storytelling and art, and as something that intends to make the player afraid, Silent Hill 2 is superior.

This is true of the two series as a whole.

I hate Silent Hills psychological horror setting so any of the classic REs is going to win by default over any of the Silent Hills.

How is that even possible?

I've played them both, the RE1DC and SH1, way back on PS1 and i never like the abstract nightmare world of Silent Hill where nothing makes sense and the world can completely change at any point in time. I like my horror to be atmospheric and believable, not twisted and insane. Shits gotta make sense and allow for a methodical approach to the situation not shitty fucking logic that would be perfectly at home in any Sierra adventure game.

remake is obviously a better game because not only it's made by capcom but it was a gamecube exclusive.

Silent hill 2 by miles

classic RE has aged poorly compared to silent hill 2 which has better puzzles, better atmosphere, better combat, better bosses and a better story

The puzzles aren't any less logical than the stuff in Resident Evil. All that's different is that Silent Hill has genuinely nightmarish stuff while Resident Evil has zombies which were never scary.

The combat and bosses in SH2 are a joke. None of the enemies are even slightly threatening and the bosses are incredibly weak.

This af

Not my point, i was mostly talking about the setting. In RE you have a world that is, besides the whole bio weapon outbreak, makes perfect sense. You don't walk along a hallway and suddenly the walls turn to rust and you get swarmed by a bunch of monsters out of nowhere while your radio goes fucking apeshit. Classic REs are old school zombie horror movies where you control the actor. Maybe a door busts open, a licker drops from the ceiling or a dog jumps through the window but those threats aren't outlandish nightmare creatures and they die rather quickly. They don't eat 10 swipes with a pipe and 3 stomps.

I'll always find the weird monsters in Silent Hill to be a lot more scary than some monster like a hunter from RE1.

RE2 is better than both


REmake. Next time, pit it against SH1 so I actually have to think.

Silent Hill 2 is easy