Nintendo switch hardware too shit for final fantasy xv port

>He said: "We're actually doing very specific technical investigations into what's possible at the moment.
>"Where we are at the moment - we've completed those tests and have worked out where the ground lies. We're currently in the middle of the discussion and debate about what we should be doing, and how to realise that on the Switch.”

>Tabata-san was asked whether Final Fantasy 15 was coming to the Switch or not.
>He said: “Ahh, yeah, it’s gotten very confusing. We shouldn’t cause trouble with other companies, but I am going to say this bluntly.
>“We have ‘no’ plans at this current time to release FFXV on the Switch.”

Other urls found in this thread:

shitposter-kun how many times are you going to post this

I remember when posting a direct link to reddit was a bannable offense. I guess im too old for this site now. Also sage doesnt work anymore. Fuck you moot.

>Final Fantasy XV won't run on a handheld.

Yes, and?

He'll probably make the thread again in 10 hours when the switch once again BTFOs the PS4 in Japan

No surprises here we all know the Nintendo hardware is always way behind Sony and is basically last gen

>things that will NEVER EVER happen


Fuck that, new Crystal Chronicles when?

>Switch is literally killing its 3rd party support because it's trying to be a handheld running modern games
How does Nintendo manage to ruin their 3rd party support every single generation?

To be fair, nintendofags aren't missing out on anything. It is kind of a non-issue.

Happened the last 20 weeks, it'll happen the next 20 too.
It's happening in the US too. Two months in a row the Switch BTFO the PS4 in sales.

It's fucking mind boggling

All they have to do is release a modern wii, and they're guaranteed sales

screencapped for your pleasure.

Cause everyone already owns a PS4 hurr durr

Which one is selling more games? I bet you it's ps4

>sauce for this image will never be found


>Squeenix decides to port FF15 to an engine that isn't as shitty as their own (Unreal 4)
>the game can now run on the system.
The Switch is without a doubt getting the FF7 remake because it's on an engine that's not shit.

Zelda has sold millions more than Horizion

>FFXV considered a letdown by core fans and considered rushed for a release date
>people are mad it wont come to switch

Ooh, ooh! Let's play a game of Guess That Bait!
I can tell what this will be without looking;
>Wait a minute, this isn't super smash bros...this is anal sex!
>iOS filename
>reddit link
>He said "we're actually looking through technicalities to see what is possible at the moment".
>There are no plans to port FFXV to the Switch.
I'd say that's 8.9/10.

Maybe Switch will be the console for actual games instead of movieshit.

>1 game

And how many have all switch games sold compared to PS4 game sales?

God I love sissy little white boys

I keep saying it.
Nintendo should have made a new handheld and a new console instead of trying to capture both audiences with one over-priced, underpowered device with a poor battery life that's only pricey because it's a handheld. This hybrid is fucking shit because it's not powerful enough for real 3rd party support, no one's giving them 3rd party support asides pity ports that are going to look/run worse than their counterparts and require additional downloads.

Wait, we like FFXV now? no one told me.

>he thinks this is a legitimate argument

>s-save the white race
>turns into sissy
White people are fucking pathetic.

Good. No one wants to play MMO shitquest simulator again.

I highly doubt that a woman wouldn't know the difference between anal sex and Super Smash Bros.

Reminds me of when Square originally abandoned Nintendo for the Playstation's CD-ROM. Nintendo fans were distraught until they actually got to play the new game and realized it was wet hot steaming spectacle-over-substance feces in comparison, and that people only liked it because they didn't grow up with the superior 2D classics. That's when they were better off without what Square would be shitting out.
This is much the same thing.

Who cares about the white race, it's over. Just make all the white boys take hormones to turn into cute sissies. It will be a better ending for them.


It does work faggot

>Sissy white boy
>Japanese character in a Japanese doujin

>he things a console's flagship title and only worthy title, from a long running world famous series, selling more than a single newcomer title, is indicative of anything

>google search image to see the full result
>it's fucking porn

What the fuck

Anyone could've told you this the day the specs were announced.

>white skin
>big round eyes
>pink nipples

Fairly sure Splatoon 2 is the top seller still.

Never mind the fact it can barely hold over 50 on its intended console.

>they wanted ffxiv on the switch too
>one the requirements they asked microsoft and nintendo were they willing to have a service that can always update the game at any given point
>both said yes
>switch is unable run it due to awful hardware
>switch players already about xenoverse 2 having low fps
>they actually think overwatch or any other game can actually run on the device at full speed

I don't get why Nintendo fans think the switch is a powerful desktop pc.

The image is already porn you retard

lurk more


And where is you Monhun World?

Why the fuck would I want RPG gumbo on a switch that already has 3 or 4 better rpgs on it? FF XV looks kinda nice and THATS IT. There is
>no story
>no depth
>no characterization
>no gameplay
>no credible side missions
>no mini games (arcade game sucks. Fishing sucks.)
>no challenge
>no crafting (armor/weapons etc)
>no quality original songs
>no fucking point in playing
And this is coming from someone who FUCKING LOVES Final Fantasy. Huge disappointment. Thank god Squenix wont waste the time/resources on trying to port this abomination.

Can I get the artist's name?

The PS4 BTFO the Switch a couple times in those past 20 weeks though.

Have sauce instead

>tfw the only FFs I've enjoyed in nearly two decades have been spinoffs like Dissidia or 4HoL.

Mainline FF after the PS1 was a mistake.

Love you user

>We're actually doing very specific technical investigations into what's possible at the moment," Tabata told us at Square Enix's Shinjuku offices ahead of this week's Tokyo Game Show. "Where we are at the moment - we've completed those tests and have worked out where the ground lies. We're currently in the middle of the discussion and debate about what we should be doing, and how to realise that on the Switch.

>"Honestly, when we did the technical test to see if we could use the same native engine we used on other console versions on the Switch, we tried to run it there, the results weren't satisfactory," said Tabata. "It wasn't what you'd want from a final game. It doesn't mean that's the end of that - we're looking at the options, like the customisation of the engine. To give you an example how open those discussions are - we're talking to Epic at the moment, about maybe what we could possibly do there, and if we did a Switch version maybe we'd be able to partner and do something there. Their Unreal environment is just amazing, and will be very useful. You have to have all those options on the table - without that it'd be impossible to make a decision about what we can do on that platform."


FF15 is getting ported to switch using Unreal Engine 4 instead of Luminous.

A favor is done by not even considering FFXV for Switch. What an ultra wast of time that would be, even if Switch was stronger than PS4Pro.

Overwatch can very easily run on a Switch.

I wouldn't even take a PC port of it
no sane person wants to download a 175 gig game

This makes sense because the game ran like dog shit on the PS4 and the Switch is weaker, but nothing about the game means it should have ran that poorly

Overwatch would be awfully optimize if it was ported to the switch.

Doom might be the only real fps game the Switch will get.

>This makes sense because the game ran like dog shit on the PS4 and the Switch is weaker, but nothing about the game means it should have ran that poorly

I know, the luminious engine is just poorly built. It looks like a game that the PS4/Xbone could handle with no issues, and yet it ran like shit. It really shouldn''t have, there are other ps4 games that look better and run better too.

If a U4 build is made, there's no doubt the switch can run it too.

FFXV is a trash game. It literally is rife with paid advertising. The combat system is "hold circle".

Overwatch is very optimized and with some tweaks could be a decent experience on the Switch. Wouldn't help it from being a shit game, but technically it's feasible.

But, how will it run?

>Doom might be the only real fps game the Switch will get.

Wolfenstein II also got announced, just drop the narrative m8, it's already dead.

Thank you

It's already getting Wolf 2 and Payday 2.

>Hold circle

Why are you lying? You have to hold that button that auto dodges while walking towards enemies THEN hold attack.

We won't know until they say something, U4 is extremely scaleable. The Switch shouldn't have major issues.


good way to kill them fag

How big is it in reality, user? We all have the discs on peess4

The game already looks awful on PS4 hardware. Don't destroy it further by scaling it down for a Wii U tier console.

Good, xv is a peace of shit.
A huge bloated waste of time, money and space o any machine, disc or cartridge it's ever put on.

I wish I could take back the money wasted on it just to make the point that it's shit.

>All they have to do is release a modern wii
so they should have released a system with the same specs as the Switch but not a portable, and with forced motion controls?

i'm on nofap and it is taking all my strength not to click on it