Does the original Castlevania still hold up?
Does the original Castlevania still hold up?
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>player jumps back each hit
fuck no.
spotted the casuals
game is great
castlevania 3 is the best one on NES though.
stop defending that bullshit, it was artifitial difficulty, like most of the NES library.
Yes, it's one of the best games on the NES.
What's artificial about it? You know it happens and every enemy is fairly predictable.
castlevania iv is better, but the original is harder so you should play it at some point anyway
Actually The CV games are some of the most fair classic Nintendo games
Dark souls of nes games.
Castlevania is easier than Ninja Gaiden.
The stiff controls is like 75% of the difficulty. When you aren't getting hit because you can't stop yourself moving forward or getting knocked into a pit from a narrow platform by a bat you would have to jump and hit in mid-air, the game is actually fairly easy.
Or maybe youre just bad at the game and couldn't even get past Frankenstein's monster and the fleaman.
Making it so the player can't tank though the game like a paste eating tard isn't artificial difficulty.
I think so. Fun classic side scroller with good mechanics. The controls are a bit outdated though.
Nah. Maybe if we're talking about Akumajo Densetsu, but CVIII just made shit that was already hard harder for difficulty's sake. It was because they wanted to fuck over people renting the game.
I dunno user, I though it wasn't bullshit. Maybe the last two or three stages sure but that's to be expected.
It makes you really really wish you were playing as someone with good mobility.
You hit the nail on the head with CV3 vs Akumajou Densetsu.
CV3 is pretty easy for the firs 4 levels or so, but holy shit, the scaling enemy damage makes the later stages fucking awful.
It's still the best Classicvania though, and no other game will give me a better feeling for beating it than it did.
It's a bit stiff, but I had fun replaying it recently.
Just watching this webm triggered me so hard, goddamn.
I'm getting 'Nam flashbacks and shit.
The substantially worse soundtrack because of the NES's incapability of using an on-cart soundchip is the real crime.
yes, as long as you're not a faggot
Rondo is the most fun to play with all the little tricks Richter can do + multiple paths. haven't played 2.
>artifitial difficulty
you're using that term incorrectly, faggot
The original castlevania wasn't fun when it *came out*
all "classicvanias" are lesser than all sotnvanias
>castlevania iv is better,
Slow, boring, ugly, with a mostly forgettable score. It only gets praise since a lot of people grew up with it.
>#1 reason
>The music
Post best CV songs:
Just play Castlevania Chronicles or Castlevania 4.
They aren't 1 to 1 but close enough.
wtf you mean wasn't fun when it came out. What's the difference between that and any other moment after it "came out"?
Yes, it was fun for many moments after it came out.
Fuck this game """design""".
right on brother. I'll rock to this.
I didn't have the opportunity to enjoy this one. But I'll sink into this track.
I like these melodies for sure. Definitely good stuff!
That hallway is so easy. Just stay on the ground until a medusa head appears, then move back. A 3-year old could do it.
The only CV game that's actually hard is chronicles on classic mode.
Better than Super Casualvania 4
8-whip directional whipping breaks the game even more than Rondo's item crashes.
Bloodlines had some of the best music.
also looked pretty good.
and THE BLOOD, holy shit, that game was graphic.
What's the best way to play Rondo?
>tfw Castlevania and Konami are dead
It still hurts.
People keep saying this and I'm over here getting more free dlc for Bomberman on Switch.
Is Bomberman R worth it? I heard they fixed the shit framerate and was thinking about picking it up on sale.
Emulate Dracula X Chronicles on PSP and unlock SotN and Rondo as bonuses in the game.
Castlevania 4 is not "close enough" to Castlevania 1. Castlevania Chronicles is not "close enough" either. On top of the differing levels and final boss fight against The Count the whip attacks all worth completely differently.
CV4's whip is 8 directional
x68k's whip is both faster and longer. It and it's arrange is also far more likely to kill you from platform induced deaths.
I love it but I have local multiplayer companions.
If they ported Harmony of Despair and added more content then I wouldn't complain
The only complaint is the stiff movement. It requires a little more calculation than other sidescrolling games from the same era, but fuck yeah it still holds up.
Every single level can easily be conquered with a little foresight and the only problem you should have is when you reach a new section of whatever stage you're currently on.
The game gives you enough tools to be an effective vampire hunter,casuals needs to get the fuck out with anything else that isn't stiff controls.
Every boss has obvious patterns if you don't have the effective weapon against them,so unless you're itemless, you should be able to take down any boss with enough health to last two hits,even Dracula
>nobody mentioned SOTN yet
best castlevania, best music, best everything
like, all the songs are top tier, but this is one of my favorites
We're having a classicvania thread, fuck off.
Rondo has some of the least threatening platforming of any Castlevania, some of the most inconsequential boss fights including a really really really easy fight against Dracula (which is alleviated somewhat since DxC gives him a 3rd form despite the game's many other shortcomings), the music looping is absolutely atrocious.
If it wasn't for 4 it would be one of the most fundamentally broken Castlevanias on your list. Which why is that placed last anyways. 1, while amazing, had problems specifically with its whip detection. The American 3's second loop is flat out inferior in every way to Akumajou Densetsu. People may use Artificial difficulty, but pic related is actual artificial difficulty. There is no way for you, as a player, to be able to predict the movements of these motherfuckers.
Isn't Bomberman like the only thing they really have out at the moment though?
Konami is going all in on Pachinko and gambling, leaving pretty much everything else behind.
And despite the Lords of Shadow games being (mostly) top sellers, Konami doesnt see a reason to make any more Castlevania, because that takes effort, and it's easier to just farm out some cutscenes and make a Castlevania themed Pachinko.
Even Lords of Shadow is not safe from the pachinko fate
I wonder how many people praising Castelvania 3 actually beat it, the scaling enemy damage just seems like some real goddamn bullshit at the end.
Like CV 1 is a challenge, CV 3 just seems to push that challenge to the line of being fair.
personally my favorite SotN tracks are the more non-fitting ones, like Crystal Drops, which is basically smooth jazz. later vanias got too self absorbed with the gothic atmosphere and pipe organs and shit and sort of forgot how fun the campiness of some of SotN's music was.
Some of the bullshit in 3 can at least be skipped with grant/alucard. There were quite a few rooms and sections that I just completely skipped thanks to being a bat or just climbing up a wall.
I don't really care about Lords of Shadow that can stay pachinko-ized. I just want a continuation of the original CV series
I honestly enjoyed the fuck out of that PSP Rondo remake. The only thing I disliked was the fact that a lot of the graphics looked pretty bad.
Also Classicvanias are worth playing? I've beaten 4 and that Rondo remake, probably going to get more into 1 this October and Bloodlines looks interesting, but I hate how it has limited continues.
Play 3 and then hate yourself for putting yourself through its torture.
SotN was the beginning of the downward trend but it music was really good. Castlevania always was more towards that gothic horror atmosphere with hints of pop and rock spread from track to track like
But the contrast was much more pronounced in Castlevania 2
and Castlevania 3 than it was in 4. Rondo brought us back down to neutral before everything slingshot towards anything but pop because of various reasons and people.
>make a mistake
>get hit
fucking artificial difficulty
>Bought Circle of the Moon on GBA launch day
>Got stuck at the final boss
>Went back and played it again a few years ago and kicked Dracula's ass
>Realized the game was fucking amazing, perfect blend of Classivania and Modernvania
It has a kickass soundtrack too:
If they just hid the cards within the Castle instead of making them random drops then the game would have been goddamn perfect.
Someone brought that up in the last thread I read and I agree. The drop rate for cards isn't fair
1 is a pretty good game and it's difficulty curve is pretty well designed until you get to death's hallway.
3 is an amazing game but it's difficulty curve is out of this world. Most of the fun it offers comes only after you've gotten good enough to not die that much. Depending on your route stage 7 is either not toooo bad or is the "fun tax" that takes most people upwards of 4-6 hours to clear on their first run. Usually I recommend that last to people until they get a better grasp of the series.
Bloodlines is a good game but is marred by the limited continues. Also it's hyperfocused on instant death platforming instead of being moderately balanced around them so dying from falling into the abyss that will happen even on your way to the final boss. Still it's on the easier sides. Put this one towards the back of the list.
I should mention that The Adventure Rebirth is an amazing game and is a good amount of what people would expect from a "modern" castlevania without betraying it's identity.
Dracula X Chronicles despite it's flaws is actually pretty alright for a PSP game.
if we're talking relative? Yes they're worth playing. Go:
1, 3 (or bloodlines), Dracula X (as you've already done 4 and rondo), and then treat yourself to The Adventure REbirth at the end. It's pretty good.
Oh to clear things up, I need to be absolutely certain that you understand that by "3" I mean Akumajou Densetsu. Don't play the American 3, the damage scaling alone ruins the system involved that made different characters take different levels of damage. It IS harder so there's that and some bad bosses get fixed (like mummy's not being free, demon not being free, and Gorgon not being free) but in general it's not worth the grief.
>Millions of mods/remakes/enhancements for every Metroid game in existence
>No mods or anything for any Castlevania games other than "lul HARD MODE" or "INVINCIBILITY GAMESHARK MODE"
Life is suffering. even a shitty fan made Castlevania romhack would be better than letting Konami take a dump on its corpse.
I wouldn't call it beginning of the end, and in general, i wouldn't categorize that as it's fault either, just the way trends shifted in general. You couldn't sell a full 2D sprite game for full price on console anymore because "hurr 3D"
and since it went on handheld, it kept getting a smaller budget.
but SotN itself is still a solid game in it's own right, and it's formula was fine too, just got fucked by the era it came out.
Gabriel :^))))
>voted for Juste
>3 other memers did as well
That was probably me, then again considering it's a fucking Metroidvania game they should of just hid shit in the Castle to reward exploration.
I forgot about Dracula X, I beat that too but I cheated the final boss like a mother fucker. That cunt pretty much having all of its attacks be 1 hit kills is not fun.
There's a romhack of COTM out there that makes it so you don't need to double tap to run, so that at least fixes half of the games issues.
>Playing Castlevania III Japanese version with English patch
>Get Grant
>Game is now easy mode
Now I see why they nerfed him in the English version, holy shit. Guess it's your reward for putting up with all of the fucking medusa heads while going up stairs.
By the downward trend i meant in music diversity. Even the 3D Igavanias made afterwards like Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness
Like the music is not bad
and still had some diverse tracks
What I mean is that the series sound signature changed. So while any of Castlevania 1-3, Bloodlines (and the two gameboy games that aren't Legends) could easily be translated 1:1 into some sort of other style. (and in some cases has)
haha wow
fucking a right it does
>muh clunky jumping
git fuckin gud you filthy casuals. the game's easy if you play it for a few hours.
Oh stage 7, how I don't miss you at all. This song has bounced around in my soul and broke my mind to the point that I doubled past "disgust" and past "hatred" and arrive at enjoyment.
Stage 7 tax indeed.
It's still one of the best in the series. Only III/Akumajou Densetsu touches it.
Some games after it did certain things better, but the original is a masterfully crafted game with perfect pacing.
ill admit this hallway was a nightmare the first time I reached it, but it's even easier than that webm implies if you have holy water + a II/III tablet.
goddamn I love classicvania threads. so fucking comfy.
Goodness gracious this is certainly... one way to handle this. I usually just jump and whip that hallway away.
it's trivial if you just jump whip jump whip towards the axe armour and make him back up until the heads stop spawning
III is tough but far from impossible. I don't even use the characters other than Trevor and it's more than doable. If you're willing to use Sypha, Grant, and Alucard in situations where they alleviate the strain the game becomes that much easier.
The original, III, X68000/Chronicles, Belmont's Revenge, and Adventure ReBirth are all excellent.
>There are people that unironically like this.
Look I like x68k but there's no way in hell I would even include that on a list of recommendations until they're ready to put that game over their knee and run it through the motions
>Castlevania 3 has a hard mode
>I've never heard of anyone playing it.
>What if we took literally every rage inducing encounter in classicvania and put it in one level
>you're promoted
CV3 (Well, I played the JP version) is my favourite CV game but this still gives me nightmares, I was a sweaty fucking mess at 3AM when I beat it
I love that level.
that level is brutal as fuck.
American CV3 hardmode is legit bullshit. But by the time you finally muster the nuts to do it even it's worst aspects will be relatively easy.
While bad, this stage taxes people are than stage 7. I imagine the initiation on 7-03 to boss does it's job well at manning them up.
Yes. It's an extremely solid game with great replay value. It looks pretty nice too, and the songs are classics for a reason.
heart of fire is the best cv1 song don't (you) me
>make a multiplayer game
>add the entire first game secrets, bosses and all in it so you and 5 fuckheads and glitch through the whole thing
I miss Castlevania
You can't escape from this (you)
I love that map.
It should be saved for later on, but it's a great game nonetheless.
Too true
Have a (you)