I just want Sonic Team to try. I don't care if they make a good game, in fact I don't expect them to...

I just want Sonic Team to try. I don't care if they make a good game, in fact I don't expect them to. But there's plenty of bad media out there that garners cult fanbases and that people love because even if it's shit you can still feel they they at least -wanted- to make something good. Even if you dislike Sonic Mania, even if you think it's a bad game, I don't think many could argue that they didn't try. That there wasn't clear thought and effort put into what they wanted to create. It shows.

And I know Sonic Team can try. Look at Unleashed. I don't think Unleashed is a particularly good game. Some of the design decisions are down right retarded. But look at the gorgeous visuals. Listen to that fucking ridiculously good soundtrack. Notice how they went with an entirely original theme and aesthetic for a Sonic game and went all out with it. And like or dislike boost, at least they had a unique vision for 3D Sonic mechanics. They tried.

And then there's Forces

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Unleashed was the last time they had real passion and ambition.

What about Mania?
My faith is full restored.

Mania wasn't made by Sonic Team

Mania was not made by Sonic Team.
It's a very polished fangame

It’s not made by sonic team.

I was referring to Sonic Team specifically. Sorry I should have been more clear.

Sonic Team could make the greatest game in the world and I still would not play it because of the fanbase. They've tarnished this franchise into self-deprecating humor on a cartoon and a Twitter page.

Then mania is unofficial garbage.

honestly man

let it go

unleashed day levels were good desu

generations is a really good game.


just like am2r and samus returns (not made by sakamoto!!!!)

Thats not how it works, asstard


I fucking hated this game and the minut long loading screens

Fucking shallow garbage run straight level design

Why try when you can make anything with the blue hedgehog's face on it and it prints money?

If being released by SEGA isn't enough to be considered official, nothing is official. It's not like the staff lineup of Sonic Team has always been the same

I enjoy the 180 you pulled on mania.

You dont really care about sonic at all, do you?

Does it? I assumed sonic is a dying franchise

The Mania team deserves the title of "Sonic Team" more than those hacks at this point (besides their music department, their music department is always godlike, they can stay)

This game could be good if there were a button to shut up sonic.

Why not have the Mania team as the "2D Sonic Team", and then fire all of Sonic Team and hire a bunch of able bodied humans to be "3D Sonic Team"?

I dunno man forces' music sounds pretty shit right now, like they unironically hired skrillex and that dead singer from linkin' park.
>genesis soundfont for classic stages

Explain how it doesn’t work though, mania is a fangame
samus returns is also

Unleashed was never more than mediocre. Generations is a much better game despite it arguably being lazier.

Well, least we have the SAGE and can hope for other fan projects being funded.

Heck no Even fucking Lost World across all platforms sold over a million units. And that's one of the worst selling Sonic games. They always sell like hotcakes, regardless of platform

Sonic Unleashed sold 5 mil in comparison

I think you missed the point. He wasn't saying Unleased was good, he was saying you can tell they didn't just phone it in as lazily as possible, even if they didn't make a good game in the end

Sonic Team doesn't hold the rights of Sonic, Sega does. So if Sega decides to hire another company to make a new game, said game is licensed by the holder of the rights (Sega) therefore it is oficcial and not a fan game.

sega suck

Generations wouldn't exist if Sonic Team didn't get their shit together and put effort into making Unleashed.
It's that effort that allowed them to be lazy and still end up with a competent product down the line.

It needs speed boosters and the length should be cut in half.