Anybody else miss the old Army Men games?

Anybody else miss the old Army Men games?

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Apparently not...

*bold manly voice*

I remember. Legit fun, kind of felt like a lite Command & Conquer at times which was neat.

Imagine one made with modern technology
>realistic melting physics

>tfw vikky will never get her own game again.

Holy shit I didn't even know this existed, I might have to pick this up soon


Honestly it's a very hard game to get into user. The control scheme with vikky's movement was stupidly designed and hard to adjust to. The game is not bad but it tries to do to much in a lot of things in one package but fails at it. Don't expect anything too deep tho. It's mainly a collectaton game with shooting, platforming and puzzle solving elements.

what was the arny game with the guy melting in a microwave?

Is this the one you're thinking of? That man melting was Sarge, this game pissed me off because it started with him getting killed off

Yes. Those games were fucking great.

thst game was my childhood, dont think it was any good though

Had their console and like 10 games, then laser broke and I was sad. Army man games were alright.


Mmmmmm So good!

This theme was also used in TV shows and movies.

will we ever see the green men ever again?

>great gameplay
>Dirt cheap
>Good graphics
>Imaginative maps and game mods
>Fun as fuck
>Servers are empty because there are no hats or cheevos to collect

Was gonna post this

This is easily the best soundtrack out of any Army Men game

I played the shit out of this when it came out but it's pretty much dead now sadly. It was fun as hell with really unique gamemodes, idk why more people didn't play it

The rts one was a pleasant surprise after all the shootan ones
Shame that was the beginning of the end